API Reference


The ImageTable class is a specialized version of swat.CASTable that includes extra methods for working with images.


ImageTable(name, **table_params)

Specialized CASTable for Image Data

ImageTable.from_table(tbl[, image_col, …])

Create an ImageTable from a CASTable

ImageTable.load_files(conn, path[, casout, …])

Create ImageTable from files in path



Save the images in the original format under the specified directory

ImageTable.to_sashdat([path, name])

Save the ImageTable to a sashdat file



Create a copy of the ImageTable

ImageTable.show([nimages, ncol, randomize, …])

Display a grid of images

Image Processing

ImageTable.crop([x, y, width, height, inplace])

Crop the images in the ImageTable

ImageTable.resize([width, height, inplace, …])

Resize the images in the ImageTable

ImageTable.as_patches([x, y, width, height, …])

Generate patches from the images in the ImageTable

ImageTable.as_random_patches([random_ratio, …])

Generate random patches from the images in the ImageTable

ImageTable.random_mutations([color_jitter, …])

Generate random mutations from the images in the ImageTable


The AudioTable class is a specialized version of swat.CASTable that includes extra methods for working with audio data.


AudioTable(name, **table_params)

CAS Table for Audio

AudioTable.create_audio_table(conn, …[, …])

Creates an Audio table and takes care of all the necessary steps


Creates an Audio table and takes care of all the necessary steps

AudioTable.from_audio_sashdat(conn, path[, …])

Create an AudioTable from a sashdat file

AudioTable.load_audio_files(conn[, path, …])

Load audio files from path

Audio Processing


Extracts audio features from the audio table and create a new CASTable that contains the features.

AudioTable.extract_audio_features(conn, table)

Extracts audio features from the audio files

AudioTable.load_audio_metadata(conn, path, …)

Pre-process and loads the metadata


Pre-process and loads the metadata


plot_timeseries(tbl, timeid, timeseries[, …])

Create a timeseries line plot from a CASTable or pandas DataFrame


The TimeseriesTable class is a specialized version of swat.CASTable that includes extra methods for working with timeseries.


TimeseriesTable(name[, timeid, groupby_var, …])

Table for preprocessing timeseries

TimeseriesTable.from_table(tbl[, columns, …])

Create an TimeseriesTable from a CASTable

TimeseriesTable.from_pandas(conn, pandas_df)

Create an TimeseriesTable from a pandas DataFrame or Series

TimeseriesTable.from_localfile(conn, path[, …])

Create an TimeseriesTable from a file on the client side.

TimeseriesTable.from_serverfile(conn, path)

Create an TimeseriesTable from a file on the server side


TimeseriesTable.timeseries_formatting(…[, …])

Format the TimeseriesTable


Accumulate the TimeseriesTable into regular consecutive intervals

TimeseriesTable.prepare_subsequences(…[, …])

Prepare the subsequences that will be pass into RNN


Split the dataset into training, validation and testing set


Layer([name, config, src_layers])

Base class for all layers

InputLayer([n_channels, width, height, …])

Input layer

BN([name, act, fcmp_act, src_layers])

Batch normalization layer

ChannelShuffle([name, n_groups, scale, …])

Channel Shuffle layer

Concat([name, act, fcmp_act, src_layers])

Concat layer Concatenate source layers’ outputs along the last dimension

Conv1d(n_filters[, width, stride, name, …])

Convolution layer in 1D

Conv2d(n_filters[, width, height, stride, …])

Convolution layer in 2D

Conv2DTranspose(n_filters[, height, width, …])

Transpose Convolution layer in 2D

Dense(n[, name, act, fcmp_act, init, std, …])

Fully connected layer

Detection([name, act, detection_model_type, …])

Detection layer

EmbeddingLoss([name, margin, src_layers])

EmbeddingLoss layer

FastRCNN([name, act, class_number, …])

FastRCNN layer

FCMPLayer(width, height, depth, n_weights, …)

FCMP layer

GlobalAveragePooling2D([name, src_layers])

Global Average Pooling layer in 2D

GroupConv2d(n_filters[, n_groups, width, …])

Group Convolution layer in 2D

Keypoints([name, act, fcmp_act, init, std, …])

Keypoints layer

LayerNormalization([name, act, epsilon, …])

Layer normalization layer

MultiHeadAttention(n, n_attn_heads[, name, …])

Multi-head attention layer from “Attention is All You Need” (Vaswani et al., NIPS 2017)

Pooling([width, height, stride, name, …])

Pooling layer

Proj(embedding_size, alphabet_size[, name, …])

Projection layer

Recurrent(n[, name, act, fcmp_act, init, …])

RNN layer

RegionProposal(anchor_ratio, anchor_scale[, …])

Region proposal layer

Res([name, act, fcmp_act, src_layers])

Residual layer Element-wise addition

Reshape([name, act, fcmp_act, width, …])

Reshape layer

ROIPooling([name, act, output_height, …])

ROIPooling layer

Scale([name, act, fcmp_act, src_layers])

Scale layer

Segmentation([name, act, error, …])

Segmentation layer

Split(n_destination_layers[, name, src_layers])

Split layer

Survival([name, src_layers])

Survival layer

OutputLayer([name, act, fcmp_act, fcmp_err, …])

Output layer


The Model class is a specialized version of dlpy.Network that adds training, evaluation, tuning, and feature analysis routines.


Model(conn[, inputs, outputs, model_table, …])

Model.from_table(input_model_table[, …])

Create a Model object from CAS table that defines a deep learning model

Model.from_keras_model(conn, keras_model[, …])

Generate a model object from a Keras model object

Model.from_caffe_model(conn, input_network_file)

Generate a model object from a Caffe model proto file (e.g. *.prototxt), and convert the weights (e.g. *.caffemodel) to a SAS capable file (e.g. *.caffemodel.h5).

Model.from_onnx_model(conn, onnx_model[, …])

Generate a Model object from ONNX model.

Model.from_sashdat(conn, path[, …])

Generate a model object using the model information in the sashdat file

Model.load(path[, display_note])

Load the deep learning model architecture from existing table

Model Setup

Model.change_labels(label_file, id_column, …)

Overrides the labels already in the model


Assign weights to the Model object

Model.load_weights(path[, labels, …])

Load the weights from a data file specified by ‘path’

Model.load_weights_from_caffe(path[, …])

Load the model weights from a HDF5 file

Model.load_weights_from_keras(path[, …])

Load the model weights from a HDF5 file


Load the weights from a file

Model.set_weights_attr(attr_tbl[, clear])

Attach the weights attribute to the model weights


Load the weights attribute form a sashdat file


Model.fit(data[, inputs, target, …])

Fitting a deep learning model.

Model.fit_and_visualize(data[, inputs, …])

Fitting a deep learning model while visulizing the fit and loss at each iteration.

Model.tune(data[, inputs, target])

Tunes hyper parameters for the deep learning model.

Model.plot_training_history([items, …])

Display the training iteration history.

Inference, Evaluation, and Analysis

Model.predict(data[, text_parms, layer_out, …])

Evaluate the deep learning model on a specified validation data set

Model.forecast([test_table, horizon, …])

Make forecasts based on deep learning models trained on TimeseriesTable.

Model.evaluate(data[, text_parms, …])

Evaluate the deep learning model on a specified validation data set

Model.evaluate_object_detection(…[, …])

Evaluate the deep learning model on a specified validation data set.

Model.plot_evaluate_res([cas_table, …])

Plot the bar chart of the classification predictions

Model.get_feature_maps(data[, label, idx, …])

Extract the feature maps for a single image

Model.get_features(data, dense_layer[, target])

Extract linear features for a data table from the layer specified by dense_layer

Model.heat_map_analysis([data, mask_width, …])

Conduct a heat map analysis on table of images

Model.plot_heat_map([idx, alpha])

Display the heat maps analysis results


Model.save_to_astore([path, layers])

Save the model to an astore object, and write it into a file.


Save the model as SAS dataset

Model.deploy(path[, output_format, …])

Deploy the deep learning model to a data file

Architecture Information


Count the total number of parameters in the model


Display a table that summarizes the model architecture


Display a graph that summarizes the model architecture.


Return the information about the model table


Solver([learning_rate, …])

Solver object

NatGradSolver([approximation_type, …])

Natural gradient solver object

LBFGSolver(m, max_line_search_iters, …[, …])

LBFG solver object

AdamSolver([beta1, beta2, learning_rate, …])

Adam solver object

MomentumSolver([momentum, learning_rate, …])

Momentum solver object

VanillaSolver([learning_rate, …])

Vanilla solver object


Optimizer([algorithm, mini_batch_size, …])

Optimizer object

Learning Rate Scheduler

FCMPLR(conn, fcmp_learning_rate[, …])

FCMP learning rate scheduler.


Fixed learning rate scheduler

StepLR([learning_rate, gamma, step_size])

Step learning rate scheduler The learning rate is reduced by a factor(gamma) at certain intervals(step_size) Example: # reduce learning rate every 2 epochs lr_scheduler = StepLR(learning_rate=0.0001, gamma=0.1, step_size=2) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100)

MultiStepLR(learning_rate, gamma, steps)

Multiple steps learning rate scheduler The initial learning rate is decayed by gamma once the number of epoch reaches one of the steps. Example: # reduce learning rate by 0.1 at 20th, 50th, 80th epochs lr_scheduler = MultiStepLR(learning_rate=0.0001, gamma=0.1, steps=[20, 50, 80]) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100).

PolynomialLR(learning_rate, power)

Polynomial learning rate scheduler Applies a polynomial decay to the learning rate calculated by: lr = initial_lr * (1 −iter / maxiter ) ^ power

ReduceLROnPlateau(conn, learning_rate[, …])

Reduce learning rate on plateau learning rate scheduler Reduce learning rate when loss has stopped improving for a certain number of epochs(patience). Example: lr_scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(conn=sess, cool_down_iters=2, gamma=0.1, learning_rate=0.01, patience=3) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100).

CyclicLR(conn, data, batch_size, factor, …)

Cyclic learning rate scheduler The policy cycles the learning rate between two boundaries[learning_rate, max_lr] with a constant frequency which can be adjusted by factor. The learning rate changes after every batch. batch_size and data are necessary to determine how many batches an epoch requires. Example: lr_scheduler = CyclicLR(conn=sess, data=my_images, max_lr=0.01, batch_size=1, factor=2, learning_rate=0.0001) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100).


DataSpec(type_, layer[, data, data_layer, …])

Data spec parameters.

DataSpecNumNomOpts(length[, token_size])

Data spec numeric nominal parameters.

Sequence([input_length, target_length, …])

Sequence parameters object

TextParms([init_input_embeddings, …])

Text parameters object

Gpu([devices, use_tensor_rt, precision, …])

Gpu parameters object.


accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred[, castable, …])

Computes the classification accuracy score.

confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred[, castable, …])

Computes the confusion matrix of a classification task.

plot_roc(y_true, y_score, pos_label[, …])

Plot the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for binary classification tasks.

plot_precision_recall(y_true, y_score, pos_label)

Plot the precision recall(PR) curve for binary classification tasks.

roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score, pos_label[, …])

Compute the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for binary classification tasks.

average_precision_score(y_true, y_score, …)

Compute the average precision score for binary classification tasks.

f1_score(y_true, y_pred, pos_label[, …])

Compute the f1 score of the binary classification task. f1 score is defined as

explained_variance_score(y_true, y_pred[, …])

Compute the explained variance score for a regression task.

mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred[, …])

Compute the mean absolute error of a regression task.

mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred[, …])

Compute the mean squared error of a regression task.

mean_squared_log_error(y_true, y_pred[, …])

Compute the mean squared logarithmic error of the regression tasks.

r2_score(y_true, y_pred[, castable, id_vars])

Compute the R^2 (coefficient of determination) regression score.

Feature Maps


FeatureMaps(conn, feature_maps_tbl[, structure])

Feature Maps object


FeatureMaps.display(layer_id[, filter_id])

Display the feature maps

Sequential Model


Sequential(conn[, layers, model_table])

Model for sequentially building of deep learning models



Add layer(s) to model


Delete layer(s) from model and return it

Sequential.switch(loc1, loc2)

Switch the order of two layers in the model.


Convert the layer objects into CAS action parameters

Residual Networks

ResBlock([kernel_sizes, n_filters, strides, …])

Base class for the residual blocks.

ResBlock.compile(src_layer[, block_num])

Convert the block structure into DLPy layer definitions.

ResBlockBN([kernel_sizes, n_filters, …])

Residual block for Residual Network with batch normalization.

ResBlockBN.compile(src_layer[, block_num])

Convert the block structure into DLPy layer definitions.

ResBlock_Caffe([kernel_sizes, n_filters, …])

Residual block for Residual Network with batch normalization.

ResBlock_Caffe.compile(src_layer[, block_num])

Compile the block structure into DLPy layer definitions.

Bidirectional(n[, n_blocks, rnn_type, …])

Bidirectional RNN layers


Convert the options into DLPy layer definition.

Pre-Built Models for Computer Vision Tasks

Image Classification

LeNet5(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the LeNet5 architecture.

VGG11(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the VGG11 architecture.

VGG13(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the VGG13 architecture.

VGG16(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the VGG16 architecture.

VGG19(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the VGG19 architecture.

ResNet18_SAS(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet18 architecture.

ResNet18_Caffe(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet18 architecture with convolution shortcut.

ResNet34_SAS(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet34 architecture.

ResNet34_Caffe(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet34 architecture with convolution shortcut.

ResNet50_SAS(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet50 architecture.

ResNet50_Caffe(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet50 architecture with convolution shortcut.

ResNet101_SAS(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet101 architecture.

ResNet101_Caffe(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet101 architecture with convolution shortcut.

ResNet152_SAS(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the SAS ResNet152 architecture.

ResNet152_Caffe(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet152 architecture with convolution shortcut

ResNet_Wide(conn[, model_table, …])

Generate a deep learning model with Wide ResNet architecture.

DenseNet(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the DenseNet architecture.

DenseNet121(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the DenseNet121 architecture.

Darknet(conn[, model_table, n_classes, act, …])

Generate a deep learning model with the Darknet architecture.

Darknet_Reference(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the Darknet_Reference architecture.

InceptionV3(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the Inceptionv3 architecture with batch normalization layers.

MobileNetV1(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the MobileNetV1 architecture.

MobileNetV2(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the MobileNetV2 architecture.

ShuffleNetV1(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the ShuffleNetV1 architecture.

Object Detection

YoloV1(conn[, model_table, n_channels, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the Yolo V1 architecture.

YoloV2(conn, anchors[, model_table, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the Yolov2 architecture.

YoloV2_MultiSize(conn, anchors[, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the Yolov2 architecture.

Tiny_YoloV1(conn[, model_table, n_channels, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the Tiny Yolov1 architecture.

Tiny_YoloV2(conn, anchors[, model_table, …])

Generate a deep learning model with the Tiny Yolov2 architecture.

Faster_RCNN(conn[, model_table, n_channels, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the faster RCNN architecture.


UNet(conn[, model_table, n_classes, …])

Generates a deep learning model with the U-Net architecture.

Image Captioning

ImageCaptioning(conn[, model_name, …])

Builds an RNN to be used for image captioning

create_captioning_table(conn, image_table, …)

Builds CASTable with all necessary info to train an image captioning model

create_captions_table(conn, captions_file[, …])

Generate CASTable of captions and filenames


Builds CASTable with objects detected in images as numeric data

display_predicted_image_captions(conn, …)

Shows caption prediction for random images

get_image_features(conn, model, image_table, …)

Generate CASTable of image features

reshape_caption_columns(conn, table[, …])

Reshapes table so there is only one caption per row of the table

Image Embedding

Image Embedding Table

ImageEmbeddingTable(name, **table_params)

Specialized CASTable for Image Embedding Data.

ImageEmbeddingTable.load_files(conn, path[, …])

Create ImageEmbeddingTable from files in path

ImageEmbeddingTable.show([n_image_pairs, …])

Display a grid of images for ImageEmbeddingTable


Summarize the distribution of different image pairs in the ImageEmbeddingTable

Embedding Model

EmbeddingModel(conn[, inputs, outputs, …])


Build an embedding model based on a given model branch and model type


Fitting a deep learning model for embedding learning.


Deploy the deep learning model to a data file

Pre-Built Models for NLP Tasks

TextClassification(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a text classification model

TextGeneration(conn[, model_table, neurons, …])

Generates a text generation model.

SequenceLabeling(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a sequence labeling model.

SpeechRecognition(conn[, model_table, …])

Generates a speech recognition model.



Speech(conn, data_path[, local_path, …])

Class to do speech recognition using SAS Viya.



Load the RNN acoustic model.


Load the N-gram language model.

Speech.transcribe(audio_path[, …])

Transcribe the audio file into text.

Speech Utilities


Read the audio from path into a wave_read object.

check_framerate(params, framerate)

Check if the input audio has the desired framerate (sampling rate).

check_sampwidth(params, sampwidth)

Check if the input audio has the desired sampwidth (byte width).

convert_framerate(fragment, width, …)

Convert framerate (sampling rate) of the input fragment.

convert_sampwidth(fragment, sampwidth_in, …)

Convert the sampwidth (byte width) of the input fragment between 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-byte formats.

calculate_segment_nframes(path, segment_len)

Calculate the number of frames of every segment split from the audio input.

segment_audio(path, local_path, …)

Segment the audio into pieces shorter than segment_len.

clean_audio(listing_path_local, …)

Remove the temporary listing file and the temporary audio files.


Check if the input audio has 2 channels (stereo).

convert_stereo_to_mono(fragment, width)

Convert stereo fragment to mono.


Play a local audio file using soundfile and sounddevice.


Display spectrogram for a local audio file using soundfile.


Display raw data for a local audio file using soundfile.

convert_one_audio_file(local_audio_file, …)

Convert a local audio file into a wav format that only contains 1 channel with 16 bits and 16K HZ.

convert_audio_files(local_audio_path[, recurse])

Convert audio files under a local path into wave files that only contains 1 channel with 16 bits and 16K HZ.


Convert a local audio file into a png format with spectrogram.

convert_audio_files_to_specgrams(…[, recurse])

Convert audio files under a local path into the images (PNG) that contain spectrogram.

Splitting Utilities

two_way_split(tbl[, test_rate, stratify, …])

Split image data into training and testing sets

three_way_split(tbl[, valid_rate, …])

Split image data into training and testing sets