API Reference¶
The ImageTable
class is a specialized version of swat.CASTable
that includes extra methods for working with images.
Specialized CASTable for Image Data |
Create an ImageTable from a CASTable |
Create ImageTable from files in path |
Save the images in the original format under the specified directory |
Save the ImageTable to a sashdat file |
Create a copy of the ImageTable |
Display a grid of images |
Image Processing¶
Crop the images in the ImageTable |
Resize the images in the ImageTable |
Generate patches from the images in the ImageTable |
Generate random patches from the images in the ImageTable |
Generate random mutations from the images in the ImageTable |
The AudioTable
class is a specialized version of swat.CASTable
that includes extra methods for working with audio data.
CAS Table for Audio |
Creates an Audio table and takes care of all the necessary steps |
Creates an Audio table and takes care of all the necessary steps |
Create an AudioTable from a sashdat file |
Load audio files from path |
Audio Processing¶
Extracts audio features from the audio table and create a new CASTable that contains the features. |
Extracts audio features from the audio files |
Pre-process and loads the metadata |
Pre-process and loads the metadata |
Create a timeseries line plot from a CASTable or pandas DataFrame |
The TimeseriesTable
class is a specialized version of swat.CASTable
that includes extra methods for working with timeseries.
Table for preprocessing timeseries |
Create an TimeseriesTable from a CASTable |
Create an TimeseriesTable from a pandas DataFrame or Series |
Create an TimeseriesTable from a file on the client side. |
Create an TimeseriesTable from a file on the server side |
Format the TimeseriesTable |
Accumulate the TimeseriesTable into regular consecutive intervals |
Prepare the subsequences that will be pass into RNN |
Split the dataset into training, validation and testing set |
Base class for all layers |
Input layer |
Batch normalization layer |
Channel Shuffle layer |
Concat layer Concatenate source layers’ outputs along the last dimension |
Convolution layer in 1D |
Convolution layer in 2D |
Transpose Convolution layer in 2D |
Fully connected layer |
Detection layer |
EmbeddingLoss layer |
FastRCNN layer |
FCMP layer |
Global Average Pooling layer in 2D |
Group Convolution layer in 2D |
Keypoints layer |
Layer normalization layer |
Multi-head attention layer from “Attention is All You Need” (Vaswani et al., NIPS 2017) |
Pooling layer |
Projection layer |
RNN layer |
Region proposal layer |
Residual layer Element-wise addition |
Reshape layer |
ROIPooling layer |
Scale layer |
Segmentation layer |
Split layer |
Survival layer |
Output layer |
The Model
class is a specialized version of dlpy.Network
that adds training, evaluation, tuning, and feature analysis routines.
Create a Model object from CAS table that defines a deep learning model |
Generate a model object from a Keras model object |
Generate a model object from a Caffe model proto file (e.g. *.prototxt), and convert the weights (e.g. *.caffemodel) to a SAS capable file (e.g. *.caffemodel.h5). |
Generate a Model object from ONNX model. |
Generate a model object using the model information in the sashdat file |
Load the deep learning model architecture from existing table |
Model Setup¶
Overrides the labels already in the model |
Assign weights to the Model object |
Load the weights from a data file specified by ‘path’ |
Load the model weights from a HDF5 file |
Load the model weights from a HDF5 file |
Load the weights from a file |
Attach the weights attribute to the model weights |
Load the weights attribute form a sashdat file |
Fitting a deep learning model. |
Fitting a deep learning model while visulizing the fit and loss at each iteration. |
Tunes hyper parameters for the deep learning model. |
Display the training iteration history. |
Inference, Evaluation, and Analysis¶
Evaluate the deep learning model on a specified validation data set |
Make forecasts based on deep learning models trained on TimeseriesTable. |
Evaluate the deep learning model on a specified validation data set |
Evaluate the deep learning model on a specified validation data set. |
Plot the bar chart of the classification predictions |
Extract the feature maps for a single image |
Extract linear features for a data table from the layer specified by dense_layer |
Conduct a heat map analysis on table of images |
Display the heat maps analysis results |
Save the model to an astore object, and write it into a file. |
Save the model as SAS dataset |
Deploy the deep learning model to a data file |
Architecture Information¶
Count the total number of parameters in the model |
Display a table that summarizes the model architecture |
Display a graph that summarizes the model architecture. |
Return the information about the model table |
Solver object |
Natural gradient solver object |
LBFG solver object |
Adam solver object |
Momentum solver object |
Vanilla solver object |
Learning Rate Scheduler¶
FCMP learning rate scheduler. |
Fixed learning rate scheduler |
Step learning rate scheduler The learning rate is reduced by a factor(gamma) at certain intervals(step_size) Example: # reduce learning rate every 2 epochs lr_scheduler = StepLR(learning_rate=0.0001, gamma=0.1, step_size=2) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100) |
Multiple steps learning rate scheduler The initial learning rate is decayed by gamma once the number of epoch reaches one of the steps. Example: # reduce learning rate by 0.1 at 20th, 50th, 80th epochs lr_scheduler = MultiStepLR(learning_rate=0.0001, gamma=0.1, steps=[20, 50, 80]) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100). |
Polynomial learning rate scheduler Applies a polynomial decay to the learning rate calculated by: lr = initial_lr * (1 −iter / maxiter ) ^ power |
Reduce learning rate on plateau learning rate scheduler Reduce learning rate when loss has stopped improving for a certain number of epochs(patience). Example: lr_scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(conn=sess, cool_down_iters=2, gamma=0.1, learning_rate=0.01, patience=3) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100). |
Cyclic learning rate scheduler The policy cycles the learning rate between two boundaries[learning_rate, max_lr] with a constant frequency which can be adjusted by factor. The learning rate changes after every batch. batch_size and data are necessary to determine how many batches an epoch requires. Example: lr_scheduler = CyclicLR(conn=sess, data=my_images, max_lr=0.01, batch_size=1, factor=2, learning_rate=0.0001) solver = MomentumSolver(lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler, clip_grad_max = 100, clip_grad_min = -100). |
Data spec parameters. |
Data spec numeric nominal parameters. |
Sequence parameters object |
Text parameters object |
Gpu parameters object. |
Computes the classification accuracy score. |
Computes the confusion matrix of a classification task. |
Plot the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for binary classification tasks. |
Plot the precision recall(PR) curve for binary classification tasks. |
Compute the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for binary classification tasks. |
Compute the average precision score for binary classification tasks. |
Compute the f1 score of the binary classification task. f1 score is defined as |
Compute the explained variance score for a regression task. |
Compute the mean absolute error of a regression task. |
Compute the mean squared error of a regression task. |
Compute the mean squared logarithmic error of the regression tasks. |
Compute the R^2 (coefficient of determination) regression score. |
Feature Maps¶
Feature Maps object |
Display the feature maps |
Sequential Model¶
Model for sequentially building of deep learning models |
Add layer(s) to model |
Delete layer(s) from model and return it |
Switch the order of two layers in the model. |
Convert the layer objects into CAS action parameters |
Residual Networks¶
Base class for the residual blocks. |
Convert the block structure into DLPy layer definitions. |
Residual block for Residual Network with batch normalization. |
Convert the block structure into DLPy layer definitions. |
Residual block for Residual Network with batch normalization. |
Compile the block structure into DLPy layer definitions. |
Bidirectional RNN layers |
Convert the options into DLPy layer definition. |
Pre-Built Models for Computer Vision Tasks¶
Image Classification¶
Generates a deep learning model with the LeNet5 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the VGG11 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the VGG13 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the VGG16 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the VGG19 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet18 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet18 architecture with convolution shortcut. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet34 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet34 architecture with convolution shortcut. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet50 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet50 architecture with convolution shortcut. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet101 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet101 architecture with convolution shortcut. |
Generates a deep learning model with the SAS ResNet152 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ResNet152 architecture with convolution shortcut |
Generate a deep learning model with Wide ResNet architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the DenseNet architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the DenseNet121 architecture. |
Generate a deep learning model with the Darknet architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the Darknet_Reference architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the Inceptionv3 architecture with batch normalization layers. |
Generates a deep learning model with the MobileNetV1 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the MobileNetV2 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the ShuffleNetV1 architecture. |
Object Detection¶
Generates a deep learning model with the Yolo V1 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the Yolov2 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the Yolov2 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the Tiny Yolov1 architecture. |
Generate a deep learning model with the Tiny Yolov2 architecture. |
Generates a deep learning model with the faster RCNN architecture. |
Image Captioning¶
Builds an RNN to be used for image captioning |
Builds CASTable with all necessary info to train an image captioning model |
Generate CASTable of captions and filenames |
Builds CASTable with objects detected in images as numeric data |
Shows caption prediction for random images |
Generate CASTable of image features |
Reshapes table so there is only one caption per row of the table |
Image Embedding¶
Image Embedding Table¶
Specialized CASTable for Image Embedding Data. |
Create ImageEmbeddingTable from files in path |
Display a grid of images for ImageEmbeddingTable |
Summarize the distribution of different image pairs in the ImageEmbeddingTable |
Embedding Model¶
Build an embedding model based on a given model branch and model type |
Fitting a deep learning model for embedding learning. |
Deploy the deep learning model to a data file |
Pre-Built Models for NLP Tasks¶
Generates a text classification model |
Generates a text generation model. |
Generates a sequence labeling model. |
Generates a speech recognition model. |
Class to do speech recognition using SAS Viya. |
Load the RNN acoustic model. |
Load the N-gram language model. |
Transcribe the audio file into text. |
Speech Utilities¶
Read the audio from path into a wave_read object. |
Check if the input audio has the desired framerate (sampling rate). |
Check if the input audio has the desired sampwidth (byte width). |
Convert framerate (sampling rate) of the input fragment. |
Convert the sampwidth (byte width) of the input fragment between 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-byte formats. |
Calculate the number of frames of every segment split from the audio input. |
Segment the audio into pieces shorter than segment_len. |
Remove the temporary listing file and the temporary audio files. |
Check if the input audio has 2 channels (stereo). |
Convert stereo fragment to mono. |
Play a local audio file using soundfile and sounddevice. |
Display spectrogram for a local audio file using soundfile. |
Display raw data for a local audio file using soundfile. |
Convert a local audio file into a wav format that only contains 1 channel with 16 bits and 16K HZ. |
Convert audio files under a local path into wave files that only contains 1 channel with 16 bits and 16K HZ. |
Convert a local audio file into a png format with spectrogram. |
Convert audio files under a local path into the images (PNG) that contain spectrogram. |
Splitting Utilities¶
Split image data into training and testing sets |
Split image data into training and testing sets |