
ImageTable.show(nimages=5, ncol=8, randomize=False, figsize=None, where=None, id=None)

Display a grid of images

nimagesint, optional

Specifies the number of images to be displayed. If nimage is greater than the maximum number of images in the table, it will be set to this maximum number. Note: Specifying a large value for nimages can lead to slow performance.

ncolint, optional

Specifies the layout of the display, determine the number of columns in the plots.

randomizebool, optional

Specifies whether to randomly choose the images for display.

figsizeint, optional

Specifies the size of the fig that contains the image.

wherestring, optional

Specifies the SAS Where clause for selecting images to be shown. One example is as follows: my_images.show(nimages=2, where=’_id_ eq 57’)

idstring, optional

Specifies the identifier column in the image table to be shown.