API Reference

Utility Functions

concat(objs, \*\*kwargs)

Concatenate data in given objects

merge(left, right, \*\*kwargs)

Merge data in given objects


The CAS object is the connection to the CAS server. CAS actions can be called on this object. It also incorporates many of the data reader functions of the Pandas package.


CAS([hostname, port, username, password, …])

Create a connection to a CAS server.

Session Management

CAS.close(self[, close_session])

Close the CAS connection


End the session and close the CAS connection


Create a copy of the connection

CAS.fork(self[, num])

Create multiple copies of a connection

CAS.session_context(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Create a context of session options

Reading Data

There are various ways of loading data into CAS: server-side parsed and loaded, client-side parsed, and client-side files uploaded and parsed on the server. They follow the a naming convention to prevent confusion.

  • load_* : Loads server-side paths

  • read_* : Uses client-side parsers, then uploads the result

  • upload_* : Uploads client-side files as-is which are parsed on the server

Server-Side Files

CAS.load_path(self[, path, readahead, …])

Load a path from a CASLib

Client-Side Files

CAS.read_pickle(self, path[, casout])

Load pickled pandas object from the specified path

CAS.read_table(self, filepath_or_buffer[, …])

Read general delimited file into a CAS table

CAS.read_csv(self, filepath_or_buffer[, casout])

Read CSV file into a CAS table

CAS.read_fwf(self, filepath_or_buffer[, casout])

Read a table of fixed-width formatted lines into a CAS table

CAS.read_clipboard(self[, casout])

Read text from clipboard and pass to read_table()

CAS.read_excel(self, io[, casout])

Read an Excel table into a CAS table

CAS.read_html(self, io[, casout])

Read HTML tables into a list of CASTable objects

CAS.read_hdf(self, path_or_buf[, casout])

Read from the HDF store and create a CAS table

CAS.read_sas(self, filepath_or_buffer[, casout])

Read SAS files stored as XPORT or SAS7BDAT into a CAS table

CAS.read_sql_table(self, table_name, con[, …])

Read SQL database table into a CAS table

CAS.read_sql_query(self, sql, con[, casout])

Read SQL query table into a CAS table

CAS.read_sql(self, sql, con[, casout])

Read SQL query or database table into a CAS table

CAS.read_gbq(self, query[, casout])

Load data from a Google BigQuery into a CAS table

CAS.read_stata(self, filepath_or_buffer[, …])

Read Stata file into a CAS table

CAS.upload_file(self, data[, importoptions, …])

Upload a client-side data file to CAS and parse it into a CAS table

Client-Side DataFrames

CAS.upload_frame(self, data[, …])

Upload a client-side data file to CAS and parse it into a CAS table

Running Actions

CAS.retrieve(self, _name_, \*\*kwargs)

Call the action and aggregate the results

CAS.invoke(self, _name_, \*\*kwargs)

Call an action on the server


Iterate over responses from CAS

getone(connection[, datamsghandler])

Get a single response from a connection

getnext(\*objs, \*\*kwargs)

Return responses as they appear from multiple connections


The CASResults object is a subclass of Python’s ordered dictionary. CAS actions can return any number of result objects which are accessible by the dictionary keys. This class also defines several methods for handling tables in By groups.


CASResults(*args, **kwargs)

Ordered collection of results from a CAS action

By Group Processing

CASResults.get_tables(self, name[, set, concat])

Return all tables ending with name in all By groups

CASResults.get_group(_self_, \*name, \*\*kwargs)

Return a CASResults object of the specified By group tables

CASResults.get_set(self, num)

Return a CASResults object of the By group set

CASResults.concat_bygroups(self[, inplace])

Concatenate all tables within a By group into a single table


The SASDataFrame object is a simple subclass of pandas.DataFrame. It merely adds attributes to hold SAS metadata such as titles, labels, column metadata, etc. It also adds a few utility methods for handling By group representations.


SASDataFrame([data, index, columns, dtype, …])

Two-dimensional tabular data structure with SAS metadata added

Column Metadata

SASColumnSpec(name[, label, dtype, width, …])

Create a SASDataFrame column information object


reshape_bygroups(items[, bygroup_columns, …])

Convert current By group representation to the specified representation


The SASFormatter object can be used to apply SAS data formats to Python values. It will only work with builtin SAS data formats; not user-defined formats. If you need user-defined formats, the fetch action can be configured to bring back formatted values rather than raw values.


SASFormatter([locale, soptions])

Create a locale-aware SAS value formatter

Formatting Data

SASFormatter.format(self, value[, sasfmt, width])

Format the given value


The CASTable is essentially a client-side view of a table in the CAS server. CAS actions can be called on it directly just like a CAS connection object, and it also supports much of the Pandas pandas.DataFrame API.


CASTable(name, **table_params)

Object for interacting with CAS tables

CAS Connections


Get the registered connection object

CASTable.set_connection(self, connection)

Set the connection to use for action calls

Setters and Getters

CASTable.__setattr__(self, name, value)

Set attribute or parameter value

CASTable.__getattr__(self, name)

Get named parameter, CAS action, or table column

CASTable.__delattr__(self, name)

Delete an attribute

Attributes and Underlying Data

  • columns: column labels

CASTable.as_matrix(self[, columns, n])

Represent CASTable as a Numpy array


Series of the data types in the table


Series of the ftypes (indication of sparse/dense and dtype) in the table


Retrieve the frequency of CAS table column data types


Retrieve the frequency of CAS table column data types

CASTable.select_dtypes(self[, include, …])

Return a subset CASTable including/excluding columns based on data type


Numpy representation of the table


List of the row axis labels and column axis labels


Number of axes dimensions


Number of elements in the table


Return a tuple representing the dimensionality of the table

Indexing, Iteration

CASTable.drop(self, labels[, axis, level, …])

Return a new CASTable object with the specified columns removed

CASTable.head(self[, n, columns, …])

Retrieve first n rows


Label-based indexer with integer position fallback


Label-based indexer


Integer-based indexer for selecting by position


Iterate through all visible column names in self


Iterate over column names and CASColumn objects

CASTable.iterrows(self[, chunksize])

Iterate over the rows of a CAS table as (index, pandas.Series) pairs

CASTable.itertuples(self[, index, chunksize])

Iterate over rows as tuples

CASTable.lookup(self, row_labels, col_labels)

Retrieve values indicated by row_labels, col_labels positions

CASTable.tail(self[, n, columns, …])

Retrieve last n rows

CASTable.query(self, expr[, inplace, engine])

Query the table with a boolean expression

For more information on .ix, .loc, and .iloc, see the indexing documentation.


CASTable.groupby(self, by[, axis, level, …])

Specify grouping variables for the table

Computations / Descriptive Stats


Return a new CASTable with absolute values of numerics

CASTable.all(self[, axis, bool_only, …])

Return True for each column with only elements that evaluate to true

CASTable.any(self[, axis, bool_only, …])

Return True for each column with at least one true element

CASTable.clip(self[, lower, upper, axis])

Clip values at thresholds

CASTable.clip_lower(self, threshold[, axis])

Clip values at lower threshold

CASTable.clip_upper(self, threshold[, axis])

Clip values at upper threshold

CASTable.corr(self[, method, min_periods])

Compute pairwise correlation of columns

CASTable.count(self[, axis, level, numeric_only])

Return total number of non-missing values in each column

CASTable.css(self[, casout])

Return the corrected sum of squares of the values of each column

CASTable.cv(self[, casout])

Return the coefficient of variation of the values of each column

CASTable.describe(self[, percentiles, …])

Get descriptive statistics

CASTable.eval(self, expr[, inplace, kwargs])

Evaluate a CAS table expression

CASTable.kurt(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the kurtosis of the values of each column

CASTable.max(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the maximum value of each column

CASTable.mean(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the mean value of each column

CASTable.median(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the median value of each numeric column

CASTable.min(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the minimum value of each column

CASTable.mode(self[, axis, numeric_only, …])

Return the mode of each column

CASTable.nmiss(self[, axis, level, …])

Return total number of missing values in each column

CASTable.probt(self[, casout])

Return the p-value of the T-statistics of the values of each column

CASTable.quantile(self[, q, axis, …])

Return values at the given quantile

CASTable.skew(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the skewness of the values of each column

CASTable.stderr(self[, casout])

Return the standard error of the values of each column

CASTable.sum(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the sum of the values of each column

CASTable.std(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the standard deviation of the values of each column

CASTable.tvalue(self[, casout])

Return the T-statistics for hypothesis testing of the values of each column

CASTable.uss(self[, casout])

Return the uncorrected sum of squares of the values of each column

CASTable.var(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the variance of the values of each column

Reindexing / Selection / Label manipulation

CASTable.head(self[, n, columns, …])

Retrieve first n rows

CASTable.sample(self[, n, frac, replace, …])

Returns a random sample of the table rows

CASTable.tail(self[, n, columns, …])

Retrieve last n rows



There is no concept of a sorted table in the server. The sort_values merely stores sorting information that is applied when fetching data.

CASTable.sort_values(self, by[, axis, …])

Specify sort parameters for data in a CASTable

CASTable.nlargest(self, n, columns[, keep, …])

Return the n largest values ordered by columns

CASTable.nsmallest(self, n, columns[, keep, …])

Return the n smallest values ordered by columns

CASTable.to_xarray(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Represent table data as a numpy.xarray

Combining / Merging

CASTable.append(self, other[, ignore_index, …])

Append rows of other to self

CASTable.merge(self, right[, how, on, …])

Merge CASTable objects using a database-style join on a column


CASTable.plot() is both a callable method and a namespace attribute for specific plotting methods of the form CASTable.plot.<kind>.


In all of the plotting methods, the rendering is done completely on the client side. This means that all of the data is fetched in the background prior to doing the plotting.

Since plotting is done on the client-side, data must be downloaded to create the graphs. By default, the amount of data pulled down is limited by the cas.dataset.max_rows_fetched option. Sampling is used to randomize the data that is plotted. You can control the sampling with the following options:


The percentage of the rows of the original table to return given as a float value between 0 and 1. Using this option disables the cas.dataset.max_rows_fetched option row limits.


The seed for the random number generator given an as integer. This can be set to create deterministic sampling.


Specifies the variable to do stratified sampling by.


A boolean used to indicate that the values fetched should be sampled. This is used in conjunction with the cas.dataset.max_rows_fetched option to return random samples up to that limit. It is assumed to be true when sample_pct= is specified.


Plot the data in the table

CASTable.plot.area(self[, x, y])

Area plot

CASTable.plot.bar(self[, x, y])

Bar plot

CASTable.plot.barh(self[, x, y])

Horizontal bar plot

CASTable.plot.box(self[, by])


CASTable.plot.density(self, \*\*kwargs)

Kernel density estimate plot

CASTable.plot.hexbin(self[, x, y, C, …])

Hexbin plot

CASTable.plot.hist(self[, by, bins])


CASTable.plot.kde(self, \*\*kwargs)

Kernel density estimate plot

CASTable.plot.line(self[, x, y])

Line plot

CASTable.plot.pie(self[, y])

Pie chart

CASTable.plot.scatter(self, x, y[, s, c])

Scatter plot

CASTable.boxplot(self[, column, by])

Make a boxplot from the table data

CASTable.hist(self[, column, by])

Make a histogram from the table data

Serialization / IO / Conversion

CASTable.from_csv(connection, path[, casout])

Create a CASTable from a CSV file

CASTable.from_dict(connection, data[, casout])

Create a CASTable from a dictionary

CASTable.from_items(connection, items[, casout])

Create a CASTable from a (key, value) pairs

CASTable.from_records(connection, data[, casout])

Create a CASTable from records

CASTable.info(self[, verbose, buf, …])

Print summary of CASTable information

CASTable.to_pickle(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Pickle (serialize) the table data

CASTable.to_csv(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write table data to comma-separated values (CSV)

CASTable.to_hdf(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write table data to HDF

CASTable.to_sql(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write table records to SQL database

CASTable.to_dict(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Convert table data to a Python dictionary

CASTable.to_excel(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write table data to an Excel spreadsheet

CASTable.to_json(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Convert the table data to a JSON string

CASTable.to_html(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Render the table data to an HTML table

CASTable.to_latex(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Render the table data to a LaTeX tabular environment

CASTable.to_stata(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write table data to Stata file

CASTable.to_msgpack(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write table data to msgpack object

CASTable.to_gbq(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write table data to a Google BigQuery table

CASTable.to_records(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Convert table data to record array

CASTable.to_sparse(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Convert table data to SparseDataFrame

CASTable.to_dense(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Return dense representation of table data

CASTable.to_string(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Render the table to a console-friendly tabular output

CASTable.to_clipboard(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Write the table data to the clipboard


CASTable.copy(self[, deep, exclude])

Make a copy of the CASTable object

CASTable.with_params(self, \*\*kwargs)

Create copy of table with kwargs inserted as parameters


While CAS does not have a true concept of a standalone column, the CASColumn object emulates one by creating a client-side view of the CAS table using just a single column. CASColumn objects are used much in the same way as pandas.Series objects. They support many of the pandas.Series methods, and can also be used in indexing operations to filter data in a CAS table.


CASColumn(name, **table_params)

Special subclass of CASTable for holding single columns



Return column data as numpy.ndarray()


The data type of the underlying data


The data type and whether it is sparse or dense


Return a tuple of the shape of the underlying data


Return the number of dimensions of the underlying data


Return the number of elements in the underlying data

Indexing, Iteration


Label-based indexer with integer position fallback


Label-based indexer


Integer-based indexer for selecting by position


Iterate through all visible column names in self

CASColumn.iteritems(self[, chunksize])

Lazily iterate over (index, value) tuples

For more information on .ix, .loc, and .iloc, see the indexing documentation.

Binary Operator Functions

CASColumn.add(self, other[, level, …])

Addition of CASColumn with other, element-wise

CASColumn.sub(self, other[, level, …])

Subtraction of CASColumn with other, element-wise

CASColumn.mul(self, other[, level, …])

Multiplication of CASColumn with other, element-wise

CASColumn.div(self, other[, level, …])

Floating division of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.truediv(self, other[, level, …])

Floating division of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.floordiv(self, other[, level, …])

Integer division of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.mod(self, other[, level, …])

Modulo of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.pow(self, other[, level, …])

Exponential power of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.radd(self, other[, level, …])

Addition of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.rsub(self, other[, level, …])

Subtraction of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.rmul(self, other[, level, …])

Multiplication of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.rdiv(self, other[, level, …])

Floating division of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.rtruediv(self, other[, level, …])

Floating division of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.rfloordiv(self, other[, level, …])

Integer division of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.rmod(self, other[, level, …])

Modulo of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.rpow(self, other[, level, …])

Exponential power of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.round(self[, decimals, out])

Round each value of the CASColumn to the given number of decimals

CASColumn.lt(self, other[, axis])

Less-than comparison of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.gt(self, other[, axis])

Greater-than comparison of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.le(self, other[, axis])

Less-than-or-equal-to comparison of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.ge(self, other[, axis])

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.ne(self, other[, axis])

Not-equal-to comparison of CASColumn and other, element-wise

CASColumn.eq(self, other[, axis])

Equal-to comparison of CASColumn and other, element-wise


CASColumn.groupby(self, by[, axis, level, …])

Specify grouping variables for the table

Computations / Descriptive Stats


Return absolute values element-wise

CASColumn.all(self[, axis, bool_only, …])

Return whether all elements are True

CASColumn.any(self[, axis, bool_only, …])

Return True for each column with one or more element treated as true

CASColumn.between(self, left, right[, inclusive])

Return boolean CASColumn equivalent to left <= value <= right

CASColumn.clip(self[, lower, upper, out, axis])

Trim values at input threshold(s)

CASColumn.clip_lower(self, threshold[, axis])

Trim values below given threshold

CASColumn.clip_upper(self, threshold[, axis])

Trim values above given threshold

CASColumn.count(self[, level])

Return the number of non-NA/null observations in the CASColumn

CASColumn.describe(self[, percentiles, …])

Generate various summary statistics

CASColumn.max(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the maximum value

CASColumn.mean(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the mean value

CASColumn.median(self[, q, axis, …])

Return the median value

CASColumn.min(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the minimum value

CASColumn.mode(self[, axis, max_tie])

Return the mode values

CASColumn.nlargest(self[, n, keep, casout])

Return the n largest values

CASColumn.nsmallest(self[, n, keep, casout])

Return the n smallest values

CASColumn.quantile(self[, q, axis, …])

Return the value at the given quantile

CASColumn.std(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the standard deviation of the values

CASColumn.sum(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the sum of the values

CASColumn.var(self[, axis, skipna, level, …])

Return the unbiased variance of the values

CASColumn.nmiss(self[, casout])

Return number of missing values

CASColumn.stderr(self[, casout])

Return standard error of the values

CASColumn.uss(self[, casout])

Return uncorrected sum of squares of the values

CASColumn.css(self[, casout])

Return corrected sum of squares of the values

CASColumn.cv(self[, casout])

Return coefficient of variation of the values

CASColumn.tvalue(self[, casout])

Return value of T-statistic for hypothetical testing

CASColumn.probt(self[, casout])

Return p-value of the T-statistic

CASColumn.skew(self[, casout])

Return skewness

CASColumn.kurt(self[, casout])

Return kurtosis

CASColumn.unique(self[, casout])

Return array of unique values in the CASColumn

CASColumn.nunique(self[, dropna, casout])

Return number of unique elements in the CASColumn


Return boolean indicating if the values in the CASColumn are unique

CASColumn.value_counts(self[, normalize, …])

Return object containing counts of unique values


CASColumn.head(self[, n, bygroup_as_index, …])

Return first n rows of the column in a Series

CASColumn.isin(self, values)

Return a boolean CASColumn indicating if the value is in the given values

CASColumn.sample(self[, n, frac, replace, …])

Returns a random sample of the table rows

CASColumn.tail(self[, n, bygroup_as_index, …])

Return last n rows of the column in a Series



There is no concept of a sorted table in the server. The sort_values merely stores sorting information that is applied when fetching data.

CASColumn.sort_values(self[, axis, …])

Apply sort order parameters to fetches of the data in this column

Datetime Properties

CASColumn.dt can be used to access the values of a CAS table column as datetime-like properties. They are accessed as CASColumn.dt.<property>.


The year of the datetime


The month of the datetime January=1, December=12


The day of the datetime


The hour of the datetime


The minute of the datetime


The second of the datetime


The microsecond of the datetime


The nanosecond of the datetime (always zero)


The week ordinal of the year


The week ordinal of the year


The day of the week (Monday=0, Sunday=6)


The day of the week (Monday=0, Sunday=6)


The ordinal day of the year


The quarter of the date


Logical indicating if first day of the month


Logical indicating if last day of the month


Logical indicating if first day of quarter


Logical indicating if last day of the quarter


Logical indicating if first day of the year


Logical indicating if the last day of the year


The number of days in the month


The number of days in the month

String Handling

CASColumn.str can be used to access the values of a CAS table column as strings and apply operations. They are accessed as CASColumn.str.<method/property>.


Capitalize first letter, lowercase the rest

CASColumn.str.contains(self, pat[, …])

Indicates whether the value contains the specified pattern

CASColumn.str.count(self, pat[, flags])

Count occurrences of pattern in each value

CASColumn.str.endswith(self, pat[, …])

Indicates whether the table column ends with the given pattern

CASColumn.str.find(self, sub[, …])

Return lowest index of pattern in each value, or -1 on failure

CASColumn.str.index(self, sub[, …])

Return lowest index of pattern in each value


Compute the length of each value


Lowercase the value

CASColumn.str.lstrip(self[, to_strip])

Strip leading spaces

CASColumn.str.repeat(self, repeats)

Duplicate value the specified number of times

CASColumn.str.replace(self, pat, repl)

Replace a pattern in the data

CASColumn.str.rfind(self, sub[, …])

Return highest index of the pattern

CASColumn.str.rindex(self, sub[, …])

Return highest index of the pattern

CASColumn.str.rstrip(self[, to_strip])

Strip trailing whitespace

CASColumn.str.startswith(self, pat)

Indicates whether the table column start with the given pattern

CASColumn.str.strip(self[, to_strip])

Strip leading and trailing whitespace


Capitalize each word in the value


Uppercase the value


Indicates whether the value contains only alpha characters


Indicates whether the value contains only digits


Indicates whether the value contains only whitespace


Indicates whether the value contain only lowercase characters


Indicates whether the value contains only uppercase characters


Indicates whether the value is equivalent to the title representation


Indicates whether the value contains a numeric representation


Indicates whether the value contains a decimal representation

SAS Functions

CASColumn.sas can be used to apply SAS functions to values in a table column. They are accessed as CASColumn.sas.<method>. Documentation for SAS functions can be seen at support.sas.com.


Computes the absolute value


Computes the value of the Airy function

CASColumn.sas.beta(self, param)

Computes the value of the beta function

CASColumn.sas.cnonct(self, df, prob)

Computes the noncentrality parameter from a chi-square distribution

CASColumn.sas.constant(self, name[, …])

Computes machine and mathematical constants


Computes the derivative of the AIRY function


Computes the value of the digamma function


Computes the value of the (normal) error function


Computes the value of the complementary (normal) error function


Computes the value of the exponential function


Computes a factorial

CASColumn.sas.fnonct(self, ndf, ddf, prob)

Computes the value of the noncentrality parameter of an F distribution


Computes the value of the gamma function


Computes the natural logarithm of the Gamma function


Computes the natural (base e) logarithm


Computes the log of 1 plus the argument


Computes the logarithm to the base 10


Computes the logarithm to the base 2

CASColumn.sas.logbeta(self, param)

Computes the logarithm of the beta function

CASColumn.sas.mod(self, divisor)

Computes the remainder from the division with fuzzing

CASColumn.sas.modz(self, divisor)

Computes the remainder from the division without fuzzing


Returns the sign of a value


Computes the square root of a value

CASColumn.sas.tnonct(self, df, prob)

Computes the noncentrality parameter from the Student’s t distribution


Returns the value of the trigamma function


CASTableGroupBy objects are returned by CASTable.grouppby() and CASColumn.groupby().


CASTableGroupBy(table, by[, axis, level, …])

Group CASTable / CASColumn objects by specified values

Indexing and Iteration


CASTableGroupBy.get_group(self, name[, obj])

Construct a CASTable / CASColumn with the given group key

CASTableGroupBy.query(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Query the table with a boolean expression


CASTableGroupBy.to_frame(self, \*\*kwargs)

Retrieve all values into a DataFrame

CASTableGroupBy.to_series(self[, name])

Retrieve all values into a Series

Computations / Descriptive Statistics

CASTableGroupBy.css(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get css using groups

CASTableGroupBy.cv(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get cv using groups

CASTableGroupBy.describe(self, \*args, …)

Get basic statistics using groups

CASTableGroupBy.head(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Retrieve first values of each group

CASTableGroupBy.max(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get maximum values using groups

CASTableGroupBy.mean(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get mean values using groups

CASTableGroupBy.median(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get median values using groups

CASTableGroupBy.min(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get minimum values using groups

CASTableGroupBy.mode(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get mode values using groups

CASTableGroupBy.nth(self, n[, dropna])

Return the nth row from each group

CASTableGroupBy.nmiss(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get nmiss using groups

CASTableGroupBy.nlargest(self, \*args, …)

Return the n largest values ordered by columns

CASTableGroupBy.nsmallest(self, \*args, …)

Return the n smallest values ordered by columns

CASTableGroupBy.nunique(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get number of unique values using groups

CASTableGroupBy.probt(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get probt using groups

CASTableGroupBy.quantile(self, \*args, …)

Get quantiles using groups

CASTableGroupBy.std(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get std using groups

CASTableGroupBy.stderr(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get stderr using groups

CASTableGroupBy.sum(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get sum using groups

CASTableGroupBy.tvalue(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get tvalue using groups

CASTableGroupBy.skew(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get skewness using groups

CASTableGroupBy.kurt(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get kurtosis using groups

CASTableGroupBy.unique(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get unique values using groups

CASTableGroupBy.uss(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get uss using groups

CASTableGroupBy.value_counts(self, \*args, …)

Get value counts using groups

CASTableGroupBy.var(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get var using groups


CASResponse objects are primarily used internally, but they can be used in more advanced workflows. They are never instantiated directly, they will always be created by the CAS connection object and returned by an iterator.


CASResponse(_sw_response[, soptions, connection])

Response from a CAS action

Response Properties


Disposition of a CAS response


Performance metrics of a CAS response

Data Message Handlers

Data message handlers are used to create custom data loaders. They construct the parameters to the addtable CAS action and handle the piece-wise loading of data into the server.


Data message handlers are not currently supported in the REST interface.

CASDataMsgHandler(vars[, nrecs, reclen, …])

Base class for all CAS data message handlers

PandasDataFrame(data[, nrecs, dtype, …])

CAS data message handler for pandas.DataFrame objects

SAS7BDAT(path[, nrecs, transformers])

Create a SAS7BDAT data message handler

CSV(path[, nrecs, transformers])

Create a CSV data messsage handler

Text(path[, nrecs, transformers])

Create a Text data message handler

FWF(path[, nrecs, transformers])

Create an FWF data message handler

JSON(path[, nrecs, transformers])

Create a JSON data message handler

HTML(path[, index, nrecs, transformers])

Create an HTML data message handler

SQLTable(table, engine[, nrecs, transformers])

Create an SQLTable data message handler

SQLQuery(query, engine[, nrecs, transformers])

Create an SQLQuery data message handler

Excel(path[, sheet, nrecs, transformers])

Create an Excel data message handler

Clipboard([nrecs, transformers])

Create a Clipboard data message handler

DBAPI(module, cursor[, nrecs, transformers])

Create a Python DB-API 2.0 compliant data message handler

Image(data[, nrecs, subdirs])

CAS data message handler for images.

Date and Time Functions

The following date / time / datetime functions can be used to convert dates to and from Python, CAS, and SAS date values.

CAS Dates and Times

cas2python_timestamp(cts[, tz])

Convert a CAS datetime to Python datetime

cas2python_datetime(cts[, tz])

Convert a CAS datetime to Python datetime


Convert a CAS date to a Python date


Convert a CAS time to a Python time


Convert a Python datetime to CAS datetime


Convert a Python datetime to CAS datetime


Convert a Python date to a CAS date


Convert a Python time to a CAS time


Convert a string to a CAS timestamp


Convert a string to a CAS timestamp


Convert a string to a CAS date


Convert a string to a CAS time


Convert a CAS timestamp to a SAS timestamp


Convert a CAS timestamp to a SAS timestamp


Convert a CAS date to a SAS date


Convert a CAS time to a SAS time

SAS Dates and Times

sas2python_timestamp(sts[, tz])

Convert a SAS datetime to Python datetime

sas2python_datetime(sts[, tz])

Convert a SAS datetime to Python datetime


Convert a SAS date to a Python date


Convert a SAS time to a Python time

python2sas_timestamp(pyts[, tz])

Convert a Python datetime to SAS datetime

python2sas_datetime(pyts[, tz])

Convert a Python datetime to SAS datetime


Convert a Python date to a SAS date


Convert a Python time to a SAS time


Convert a string to a SAS timestamp


Convert a string to a SAS timestamp


Convert a string to a SAS date


Convert a string to a SAS time


Convert a SAS datetime to CAS datetime


Convert a SAS datetime to CAS datetime


Convert a SAS date to a CAS date


Convert a SAS time to a CAS time