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Capabilities by Connection Type

SAS Extension for Visual Studio Code - Capabilities by Connection TypeSAS ViyaSAS 9.4 (local)
SAS 9.4 (remote - IOM)
SAS 9.4 (remote - SSH)Notes
SAS Options settings✔️✔️*✔️*Startup options not supported for SAS 9.4 (local) and (remote-IOM)
SAS Autoexec settings✔️
Access SAS Content✔️
Access connected libraries✔️✔️
Table viewer✔️✔️
SAS Notebooks✔️✔️✔️
Convert SAS Notebook to SAS Studio Flow✔️
SAS syntax highlighting in SAS code✔️✔️✔️
SAS errors, warnings, and notes highlighting in SAS log✔️✔️A SAS color theme is required.
Show problems from SAS log✔️✔️
Code folding and code outline✔️✔️✔️
Code completion✔️✔️✔️
Pop-up syntax help✔️✔️✔️
Able to cancel a running program✔️✔️

Choose Connection Type


When doing VS Code Remote Development, the SAS extension is running on the Remote OS.