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You can customize when the SAS log is displayed in the bottom panel by using the following extension settings. These settings apply to all connection profiles:

NameDescriptionAdditional Notes
SAS.log.showOnExecutionStartShow SAS log on start of executiondefault: true
SAS.log.showOnExecutionFinishShow SAS log on end of executiondefault: true

To access the SAS settings, select File > Preferences > Settings. Search for "sas" and then click SAS in the search results to view the SAS extension settings. You can edit the settings directly in the settings.json file by clicking Edit in settings.json.


"SAS.log.showOnExecutionFinish": true,
"SAS.log.showOnExecutionStart": false,
"SAS.connectionProfiles": {
"activeProfile": "viyaServer",
"profiles": {
"viya4": {
"endpoint": "",
"connectionType": "rest",
"sasOptions": ["NONEWS", "ECHOAUTO"],
"autoExec": [
"type": "line",
"line": "ods graphics / imagemap;"
"type": "file",
"filePath": "/my/local/"