Economic Planning


import sasoptpy as so
import pandas as pd

def test(cas_conn):

    m = so.Model(name='economic_planning', session=cas_conn)

    industry_data = pd.DataFrame([
        ['coal', 150, 300, 60],
        ['steel', 80, 350, 60],
        ['transport', 100, 280, 30]
        ], columns=['industry', 'init_stocks', 'init_productive_capacity',

    production_data = pd.DataFrame([
        ['coal', 0.1, 0.5, 0.4],
        ['steel', 0.1, 0.1, 0.2],
        ['transport', 0.2, 0.1, 0.2],
        ['manpower', 0.6, 0.3, 0.2],
        ], columns=['input', 'coal',
                    'steel', 'transport']).set_index(['input'])

    productive_capacity_data = pd.DataFrame([
        ['coal', 0.0, 0.7, 0.9],
        ['steel', 0.1, 0.1, 0.2],
        ['transport', 0.2, 0.1, 0.2],
        ['manpower', 0.4, 0.2, 0.1],
        ], columns=['input', 'coal',
                    'steel', 'transport']).set_index(['input'])

    manpower_capacity = 470
    num_years = 5

    YEARS = list(range(1, num_years+1))
    YEARS0 = [0] + list(YEARS)
    INDUSTRIES = industry_data.index.tolist()

    init_stocks = industry_data['init_stocks']
    init_productive_capacity = industry_data['init_productive_capacity']
    demand = industry_data['demand']

    production_coeff = so.flatten_frame(production_data)
    productive_capacity_coeff = so.flatten_frame(productive_capacity_data)

    static_production = m.add_variables(INDUSTRIES, lb=0,
    m.set_objective(0, sense=so.MIN, name='Zero')
    m.add_constraints((static_production[i] == demand[i] +
                           production_coeff[i, j] * static_production[j]
                           for j in INDUSTRIES) for i in INDUSTRIES),


    final_demand = so.get_value_table(

    production = m.add_variables(INDUSTRIES, range(0, num_years+2), lb=0,
    stock = m.add_variables(INDUSTRIES, range(0, num_years+2), lb=0,
    extra_capacity = m.add_variables(INDUSTRIES, range(2, num_years+3), lb=0,

    productive_capacity = so.ImplicitVar(
        (init_productive_capacity[i] +
         so.expr_sum(extra_capacity[i, y] for y in range(2, year+1))
         for i in INDUSTRIES for year in range(1, num_years+2)),

    for i in INDUSTRIES:
        production[i, 0].set_bounds(ub=0)
        stock[i, 0].set_bounds(lb=init_stocks[i], ub=init_stocks[i])

    total_productive_capacity = sum(productive_capacity[i, num_years]
                                    for i in INDUSTRIES)
    total_production = so.expr_sum(production[i, year] for i in INDUSTRIES
                                    for year in [4, 5])
    total_manpower = so.expr_sum(production_coeff['manpower', i] *
                                  production[i, year+1] +
                                  productive_capacity_coeff['manpower', i] *
                                  extra_capacity[i, year+2]
                                  for i in INDUSTRIES for year in YEARS)

    continuity_con = m.add_constraints((
        stock[i, year] + production[i, year] ==
        (demand[i] if year in YEARS else 0) +
        so.expr_sum(production_coeff[i, j] * production[j, year+1] +
                     productive_capacity_coeff[i, j] *
                     extra_capacity[j, year+2] for j in INDUSTRIES) +
        stock[i, year+1]
        for i in INDUSTRIES for year in YEARS0), name='continuity_con')

    manpower_con = m.add_constraints((
        so.expr_sum(production_coeff['manpower', j] * production[j, year] +
                     productive_capacity_coeff['manpower', j] *
                     extra_capacity[j, year+1]
                     for j in INDUSTRIES)
        <= manpower_capacity for year in range(1, num_years+2)),

    capacity_con = m.add_constraints((production[i, year] <=
                                      productive_capacity[i, year]
                                      for i in INDUSTRIES
                                      for year in range(1, num_years+2)),

    for i in INDUSTRIES:
        production[i, num_years+1].set_bounds(lb=final_demand[i])

    for i in INDUSTRIES:
        for year in [num_years+1, num_years+2]:
            extra_capacity[i, year].set_bounds(ub=0)

    problem1 = so.Model(name='Problem1', session=cas_conn)
        production, stock, extra_capacity, continuity_con, manpower_con,
        capacity_con, productive_capacity)
    problem1.set_objective(total_productive_capacity, sense=so.MAX,
    print(so.get_value_table(production, stock, extra_capacity,

    # Problem 2

    problem2 = so.Model(name='Problem2', session=cas_conn)
    problem2.set_objective(total_production, name='total_production',
    for i in INDUSTRIES:
        for year in YEARS:
            continuity_con[i, year].set_rhs(0)
    print(so.get_value_table(production, stock, extra_capacity,

    # Problem 3

    problem3 = so.Model(name='Problem3', session=cas_conn)
    problem3.include(production, stock, extra_capacity, continuity_con,
    problem3.set_objective(total_manpower, sense=so.MAX, name='total_manpower')
    for i in INDUSTRIES:
        for year in YEARS:
            continuity_con[i, year].set_rhs(demand[i])
    print(so.get_value_table(production, stock, extra_capacity,

    return problem3.get_objective_value()


In [1]: import os

In [2]: hostname = os.getenv('CASHOST')

In [3]: port = os.getenv('CASPORT')

In [4]: from swat import CAS

In [5]: cas_conn = CAS(hostname, port)

In [6]: import sasoptpy
In [7]: from examples.client_side.economic_planning import test

In [8]: test(cas_conn)
NOTE: Initialized model economic_planning.
NOTE: Added action set 'optimization'.
NOTE: Converting model economic_planning to OPTMODEL.
NOTE: Submitting OPTMODEL code to CAS server.
NOTE: Problem generation will use 8 threads.
NOTE: The problem has 3 variables (0 free, 0 fixed).
NOTE: The problem has 3 linear constraints (0 LE, 3 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The problem has 9 linear constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The problem has 0 nonlinear constraints (0 LE, 0 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The OPTMODEL presolver is disabled for linear problems.
NOTE: The LP presolver value AUTOMATIC is applied.
NOTE: The LP presolver time is 0.00 seconds.
NOTE: The LP presolver removed all variables and constraints.
NOTE: Optimal.
NOTE: Objective = 0.
NOTE: The output table 'SOLUTION' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 3 rows and 6 columns.
NOTE: The output table 'DUAL' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 3 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'solutionSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 13 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'problemSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 18 rows and 4 columns.
coal              166.396761
steel             105.668016
transport          92.307692
NOTE: Initialized model Problem1.
NOTE: Added action set 'optimization'.
NOTE: Converting model Problem1 to OPTMODEL.
NOTE: Submitting OPTMODEL code to CAS server.
NOTE: Problem generation will use 8 threads.
NOTE: The problem has 60 variables (0 free, 12 fixed).
NOTE: The problem has 42 linear constraints (24 LE, 18 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The problem has 255 linear constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The problem has 0 nonlinear constraints (0 LE, 0 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The OPTMODEL presolver is disabled for linear problems.
NOTE: The LP presolver value AUTOMATIC is applied.
NOTE: The LP presolver time is 0.00 seconds.
NOTE: The LP presolver removed 15 variables and 3 constraints.
NOTE: The LP presolver removed 37 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The presolved problem has 45 variables, 39 constraints, and 218 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The LP solver is called.
NOTE: The Dual Simplex algorithm is used.
         Phase Iteration        Value         Time
          D 2          1    2.683246E+04         0
          P 2         42    2.141875E+03         0
NOTE: Optimal.
NOTE: Objective = 2141.8751967.
NOTE: The Dual Simplex solve time is 0.02 seconds.
NOTE: The output table 'SOLUTION' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 60 rows and 6 columns.
NOTE: The output table 'DUAL' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 42 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'solutionSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 13 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'problemSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 18 rows and 4 columns.
             production         stock  extra_capacity  productive_capacity
coal      0    0.000000  1.500000e+02             NaN                  NaN
coal      1  260.402615  0.000000e+00             NaN           300.000000
coal      2  293.406208  0.000000e+00        0.000000           300.000000
coal      3  300.000000  0.000000e+00        0.000000           300.000000
coal      4   17.948718  1.484480e+02      189.203132           489.203132
coal      5  166.396761  0.000000e+00     1022.672065          1511.875197
coal      6  166.396761  1.421085e-14        0.000000          1511.875197
coal      7         NaN           NaN        0.000000                  NaN
steel     0    0.000000  8.000000e+01             NaN                  NaN
steel     1  135.341540  1.228110e+01             NaN           350.000000
steel     2  181.659854  0.000000e+00        0.000000           350.000000
steel     3  193.090418  0.000000e+00        0.000000           350.000000
steel     4  105.668016  0.000000e+00        0.000000           350.000000
steel     5  105.668016  0.000000e+00        0.000000           350.000000
steel     6  105.668016 -1.456613e-13        0.000000           350.000000
steel     7         NaN           NaN        0.000000                  NaN
transport 0    0.000000  1.000000e+02             NaN                  NaN
transport 1  140.722422  6.240839e+00             NaN           280.000000
transport 2  200.580168  0.000000e+00        0.000000           280.000000
transport 3  267.152497  0.000000e+00        0.000000           280.000000
transport 4   92.307692  0.000000e+00        0.000000           280.000000
transport 5   92.307692  0.000000e+00        0.000000           280.000000
transport 6   92.307692 -3.907985e-14        0.000000           280.000000
transport 7         NaN           NaN        0.000000                  NaN
1    224.988515
2    270.657715
3    367.038878
4    470.000000
5    150.000000
6    150.000000
NOTE: Initialized model Problem2.
NOTE: Added action set 'optimization'.
NOTE: Converting model Problem2 to OPTMODEL.
NOTE: Submitting OPTMODEL code to CAS server.
NOTE: Problem generation will use 8 threads.
NOTE: The problem has 60 variables (0 free, 12 fixed).
NOTE: The problem has 42 linear constraints (24 LE, 18 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The problem has 255 linear constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The problem has 0 nonlinear constraints (0 LE, 0 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The OPTMODEL presolver is disabled for linear problems.
NOTE: The LP presolver value AUTOMATIC is applied.
NOTE: The LP presolver time is 0.00 seconds.
NOTE: The LP presolver removed 15 variables and 3 constraints.
NOTE: The LP presolver removed 37 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The presolved problem has 45 variables, 39 constraints, and 218 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The LP solver is called.
NOTE: The Dual Simplex algorithm is used.
         Phase Iteration        Value         Time
          D 2          1    1.504360E+04         0
          P 2         46    2.618579E+03         0
NOTE: Optimal.
NOTE: Objective = 2618.5791147.
NOTE: The Dual Simplex solve time is 0.01 seconds.
NOTE: The output table 'SOLUTION' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 60 rows and 6 columns.
NOTE: The output table 'DUAL' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 42 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'solutionSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 13 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'problemSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 18 rows and 4 columns.
             production       stock  extra_capacity  productive_capacity
coal      0    0.000000  150.000000             NaN                  NaN
coal      1  184.818327   31.628509             NaN           300.000000
coal      2  430.504654   16.372454    1.305047e+02           430.504654
coal      3  430.504654    0.000000    0.000000e+00           430.504654
coal      4  430.504654    0.000000   -1.207321e-12           430.504654
coal      5  430.504654    0.000000    0.000000e+00           430.504654
coal      6  166.396761  324.107893    0.000000e+00           430.504654
coal      7         NaN         NaN    0.000000e+00                  NaN
steel     0    0.000000   80.000000             NaN                  NaN
steel     1   86.729504   11.532298             NaN           350.000000
steel     2  155.337478    0.000000    0.000000e+00           350.000000
steel     3  182.867219    0.000000    0.000000e+00           350.000000
steel     4  359.402270    0.000000    9.402270e+00           359.402270
steel     5  359.402270  176.535051    0.000000e+00           359.402270
steel     6  105.668016  490.269305    0.000000e+00           359.402270
steel     7         NaN         NaN    0.000000e+00                  NaN
transport 0    0.000000  100.000000             NaN                  NaN
transport 1  141.312267    0.000000             NaN           280.000000
transport 2  198.387943    0.000000    0.000000e+00           280.000000
transport 3  225.917684    0.000000    0.000000e+00           280.000000
transport 4  519.382633    0.000000    2.393826e+02           519.382633
transport 5  519.382633  293.464949    0.000000e+00           519.382633
transport 6   92.307692  750.539890    0.000000e+00           519.382633
transport 7         NaN         NaN    0.000000e+00                  NaN
1    217.374162
2    344.581624
3    384.165212
4    470.000000
5    470.000000
6    150.000000
NOTE: Initialized model Problem3.
NOTE: Added action set 'optimization'.
NOTE: Converting model Problem3 to OPTMODEL.
NOTE: Submitting OPTMODEL code to CAS server.
NOTE: Problem generation will use 8 threads.
NOTE: The problem has 60 variables (0 free, 12 fixed).
NOTE: The problem has 36 linear constraints (18 LE, 18 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The problem has 219 linear constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The problem has 0 nonlinear constraints (0 LE, 0 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The OPTMODEL presolver is disabled for linear problems.
NOTE: The LP presolver value AUTOMATIC is applied.
NOTE: The LP presolver time is 0.00 seconds.
NOTE: The LP presolver removed 15 variables and 3 constraints.
NOTE: The LP presolver removed 31 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The presolved problem has 45 variables, 33 constraints, and 188 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The LP solver is called.
NOTE: The Dual Simplex algorithm is used.
         Phase Iteration        Value         Time
          D 2          1    1.464016E+05         0
          D 2         54    2.450706E+03         0
          P 2         56    2.450027E+03         0
NOTE: Optimal.
NOTE: Objective = 2450.0266228.
NOTE: The Dual Simplex solve time is 0.01 seconds.
NOTE: The output table 'SOLUTION' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 60 rows and 6 columns.
NOTE: The output table 'DUAL' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 36 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'solutionSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 13 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'problemSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 18 rows and 4 columns.
             production       stock  extra_capacity  productive_capacity
coal      0    0.000000  150.000000             NaN                  NaN
coal      1  251.792754    0.000000             NaN           300.000000
coal      2  316.015222    0.000000       16.015222           316.015222
coal      3  319.832020    0.000000        3.816798           319.832020
coal      4  366.349753    0.000000       46.517734           366.349753
coal      5  859.359606    0.000000      493.009853           859.359606
coal      6  859.359606  460.207993        0.000000           859.359606
coal      7         NaN         NaN        0.000000                  NaN
steel     0    0.000000   80.000000             NaN                  NaN
steel     1  134.794583   11.028028             NaN           350.000000
steel     2  175.041379    0.000000        0.000000           350.000000
steel     3  224.064039    0.000000        0.000000           350.000000
steel     4  223.136289    0.000000        0.000000           350.000000
steel     5  220.043787    0.000000        0.000000           350.000000
steel     6  350.000000    0.000000        0.000000           350.000000
steel     7         NaN         NaN        0.000000                  NaN
transport 0    0.000000  100.000000             NaN                  NaN
transport 1  143.558583    4.247230             NaN           280.000000
transport 2  181.676355    0.000000        0.000000           280.000000
transport 3  280.000000    0.000000        0.000000           280.000000
transport 4  279.072249    0.000000        0.000000           280.000000
transport 5  275.979748    0.000000        0.000000           280.000000
transport 6  195.539132    0.000000        0.000000           280.000000
transport 7         NaN         NaN        0.000000                  NaN
1    226.631832
2    279.983537
3    333.725517
4    539.769130
5    636.824849
6    659.723590
Out[8]: 2450.026622821294