

import sasoptpy as so
import pandas as pd

def test(cas_conn):

    m = so.Model(name='decentralization', session=cas_conn)

    DEPTS = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    CITIES = ['Bristol', 'Brighton', 'London']

    benefit_data = pd.DataFrame([
        ['Bristol', 10, 15, 10, 20, 5],
        ['Brighton', 10, 20, 15, 15, 15]],
        columns=['city'] + DEPTS).set_index('city')

    comm_data = pd.DataFrame([
        ['A', 'B', 0.0],
        ['A', 'C', 1.0],
        ['A', 'D', 1.5],
        ['A', 'E', 0.0],
        ['B', 'C', 1.4],
        ['B', 'D', 1.2],
        ['B', 'E', 0.0],
        ['C', 'D', 0.0],
        ['C', 'E', 2.0],
        ['D', 'E', 0.7]], columns=['i', 'j', 'comm']).set_index(['i', 'j'])

    cost_data = pd.DataFrame([
        ['Bristol', 'Bristol', 5],
        ['Bristol', 'Brighton', 14],
        ['Bristol', 'London', 13],
        ['Brighton', 'Brighton', 5],
        ['Brighton', 'London', 9],
        ['London', 'London', 10]], columns=['i', 'j', 'cost']).set_index(
            ['i', 'j'])

    max_num_depts = 3

    benefit = {}
    for city in CITIES:
        for dept in DEPTS:
                benefit[dept, city] = benefit_data.loc[city, dept]
                benefit[dept, city] = 0

    comm = {}
    for row in comm_data.iterrows():
        (i, j) = row[0]
        comm[i, j] = row[1]['comm']
        comm[j, i] = comm[i, j]

    cost = {}
    for row in cost_data.iterrows():
        (i, j) = row[0]
        cost[i, j] = row[1]['cost']
        cost[j, i] = cost[i, j]

    assign = m.add_variables(DEPTS, CITIES, vartype=so.BIN, name='assign')
    IJKL = [(i, j, k, l)
            for i in DEPTS for j in CITIES for k in DEPTS for l in CITIES
            if i < k]
    product = m.add_variables(IJKL, vartype=so.BIN, name='product')

    totalBenefit = so.expr_sum(benefit[i, j] * assign[i, j]
                                for i in DEPTS for j in CITIES)

    totalCost = so.expr_sum(comm[i, k] * cost[j, l] * product[i, j, k, l]
                             for (i, j, k, l) in IJKL)

    m.set_objective(totalBenefit-totalCost, name='netBenefit', sense=so.MAX)

    m.add_constraints((so.expr_sum(assign[dept, city] for city in CITIES)
                      == 1 for dept in DEPTS), name='assign_dept')

    m.add_constraints((so.expr_sum(assign[dept, city] for dept in DEPTS)
                      <= max_num_depts for city in CITIES), name='cardinality')

    product_def1 = m.add_constraints((assign[i, j] + assign[k, l] - 1
                                     <= product[i, j, k, l]
                                     for (i, j, k, l) in IJKL),

    product_def2 = m.add_constraints((product[i, j, k, l] <= assign[i, j]
                                      for (i, j, k, l) in IJKL),

    product_def3 = m.add_constraints((product[i, j, k, l] <= assign[k, l]
                                      for (i, j, k, l) in IJKL),



        so.expr_sum(product[i, j, k, l]
                     for j in CITIES if (i, j, k, l) in IJKL) == assign[k, l]
        for i in DEPTS for k in DEPTS for l in CITIES if i < k),

        so.expr_sum(product[i, j, k, l]
                     for l in CITIES if (i, j, k, l) in IJKL) == assign[i, j]
        for k in DEPTS for i in DEPTS for j in CITIES if i < k),

    print(so.get_solution_table(totalBenefit, totalCost))

    return m.get_objective_value()


In [1]: import os

In [2]: hostname = os.getenv('CASHOST')

In [3]: port = os.getenv('CASPORT')

In [4]: from swat import CAS

In [5]: cas_conn = CAS(hostname, port)

In [6]: import sasoptpy
In [7]: from examples.client_side.decentralization import test

In [8]: test(cas_conn)
NOTE: Initialized model decentralization.
NOTE: Added action set 'optimization'.
NOTE: Converting model decentralization to OPTMODEL.
NOTE: Submitting OPTMODEL code to CAS server.
NOTE: Problem generation will use 8 threads.
NOTE: The problem has 105 variables (0 free, 0 fixed).
NOTE: The problem has 105 binary and 0 integer variables.
NOTE: The problem has 278 linear constraints (183 LE, 5 EQ, 90 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The problem has 660 linear constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The problem has 0 nonlinear constraints (0 LE, 0 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The OPTMODEL presolver is disabled for linear problems.
NOTE: The initial MILP heuristics are applied.
NOTE: The MILP presolver value AUTOMATIC is applied.
NOTE: The MILP presolver removed 0 variables and 120 constraints.
NOTE: The MILP presolver removed 120 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The MILP presolver added 120 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The MILP presolver modified 0 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The presolved problem has 105 variables, 158 constraints, and 540 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The MILP solver is called.
NOTE: The parallel Branch and Cut algorithm is used.
NOTE: The Branch and Cut algorithm is using up to 8 threads.
             Node   Active   Sols    BestInteger      BestBound      Gap    Time
                0        1      2    -14.9000000    135.0000000  111.04%       0
                0        1      2    -14.9000000     67.5000000  122.07%       0
                0        1      2    -14.9000000     55.0000000  127.09%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     55.0000000   85.27%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     48.0000000   83.12%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     44.8375000   81.93%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     42.0000000   80.71%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     39.0666667   79.27%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     34.7500000   76.69%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     33.3692308   75.73%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     32.6500000   75.19%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     31.9066667   74.61%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     30.7000000   73.62%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     30.1600000   73.14%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     29.8800000   72.89%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     29.8000000   72.82%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     29.4722222   72.52%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     28.9117647   71.98%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     28.6716667   71.75%       0
                0        1      3      8.1000000     28.5000000   71.58%       0
                0        1      4     14.9000000     14.9000000    0.00%       0
NOTE: The MILP solver added 34 cuts with 185 cut coefficients at the root.
NOTE: Optimal.
NOTE: Objective = 14.9.
NOTE: The output table 'SOLUTION' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 105 rows and 6 columns.
NOTE: The output table 'DUAL' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 278 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'solutionSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 18 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'problemSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 20 rows and 4 columns.
Selected Rows from Table PROBLEMSUMMARY

Objective Sense          Maximization
Objective Function         netBenefit
Objective Type                 Linear
Number of Variables               105
Bounded Above                       0
Bounded Below                       0
Bounded Below and Above           105
Free                                0
Fixed                               0
Binary                            105
Integer                             0
Number of Constraints             278
Linear LE (<=)                    183
Linear EQ (=)                       5
Linear GE (>=)                     90
Linear Range                        0
Constraint Coefficients           660
NOTE: Added action set 'optimization'.
NOTE: Converting model decentralization to OPTMODEL.
NOTE: Submitting OPTMODEL code to CAS server.
NOTE: Problem generation will use 8 threads.
NOTE: The problem has 105 variables (0 free, 0 fixed).
NOTE: The problem has 105 binary and 0 integer variables.
NOTE: The problem has 68 linear constraints (3 LE, 65 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The problem has 270 linear constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The problem has 0 nonlinear constraints (0 LE, 0 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).
NOTE: The OPTMODEL presolver is disabled for linear problems.
NOTE: The initial MILP heuristics are applied.
NOTE: The MILP presolver value AUTOMATIC is applied.
NOTE: The MILP presolver removed 0 variables and 0 constraints.
NOTE: The MILP presolver removed 0 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The MILP presolver modified 0 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The presolved problem has 105 variables, 68 constraints, and 270 constraint coefficients.
NOTE: The MILP solver is called.
NOTE: The parallel Branch and Cut algorithm is used.
NOTE: The Branch and Cut algorithm is using up to 8 threads.
             Node   Active   Sols    BestInteger      BestBound      Gap    Time
                0        1      2    -28.1000000    135.0000000  120.81%       0
                0        1      2    -28.1000000     30.0000000  193.67%       0
                0        1      3    -16.3000000     30.0000000  154.33%       0
                0        1      3    -16.3000000     30.0000000  154.33%       0
NOTE: The MILP solver added 4 cuts with 24 cut coefficients at the root.
                2        0      4     14.9000000     14.9000000    0.00%       0
NOTE: Optimal.
NOTE: Objective = 14.9.
NOTE: The output table 'SOLUTION' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 105 rows and 6 columns.
NOTE: The output table 'DUAL' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 68 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'solutionSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 18 rows and 4 columns.
NOTE: The CAS table 'problemSummary' in caslib 'CASUSER(casuser)' has 20 rows and 4 columns.
Selected Rows from Table PROBLEMSUMMARY

Objective Sense          Maximization
Objective Function         netBenefit
Objective Type                 Linear
Number of Variables               105
Bounded Above                       0
Bounded Below                       0
Bounded Below and Above           105
Free                                0
Fixed                               0
Binary                            105
Integer                             0
Number of Constraints              68
Linear LE (<=)                      3
Linear EQ (=)                      65
Linear GE (>=)                      0
Linear Range                        0
Constraint Coefficients           270
   totalBenefit  totalCost
-          80.0       65.1
assign  (A, Bristol)     1.0
        (A, Brighton)    0.0
        (A, London)      0.0
        (B, Bristol)     0.0
        (B, Brighton)    1.0
        (B, London)      0.0
        (C, Bristol)     0.0
        (C, Brighton)    1.0
        (C, London)     -0.0
        (D, Bristol)     1.0
        (D, Brighton)    0.0
        (D, London)      0.0
        (E, Bristol)     0.0
        (E, Brighton)    1.0
        (E, London)      0.0
dtype: float64
Out[8]: 14.9