
class esppy.connectors.RabbitMQPublisher(rmqhost=None, rmqport=None, rmquserid=None, rmqpassword=None, rmqexchange=None, rmqtopic=None, rmqtype=None, urlhostport=None, name=None, is_active=None, transactional=None, blocksize=None, dateformat=None, buspersistence=None, buspersistencequeue=None, ignorecsvparseerrors=None, protofile=None, protomsg=None, configfilesection=None, csvfielddelimiter=None, noautogenfield=None, ackwindow=None, acktimer=None, publishwithupsert=None, rmqpasswordencrypted=None, addcsvopcode=None, addcsvflags=None, rmqvhost=None, useclientmsgid=None, rmqssl=None, rmqsslcacert=None, rmqsslkey=None, rmqsslcert=None, maxevents=None)

Bases: esppy.connectors.base.Connector

Publish Rabbit MQ events


Specifies the Rabbit MQ server host name


Specifies the Rabbit MQ server port


Specifies the user name required to authenticate the connector’s session with the Rabbit MQ server.


Specifies the password associated with rmquserid


Specifies the Rabbit MQ exchange created by the connector, if nonexistent.


Specifies the Rabbit MQ routing key to which messages are published.


Specifies binary, CSV, JSON, or the name of a string field in the subscribed window schema.


Specifies the host:port field in the metadata topic subscribed to on start-up to field metadata requests.

transactionalstring, optional

When rmqtype=CSV, sets the event block type to transactional. The default value is normal.

blocksizeint, optional

When rmqtype=CSV, specifies the number of events to include in a published event block. The default value is 1.

dateformatstring, optional

Specifies the format of ESP_DATETIME and ESP_TIMESTAMP fields in CSV events. The default behavior is these fields are interpreted as an integer number of seconds (ESP_DATETIME) or microseconds (ESP_TIMESTAMP) since epoch.

buspersistencestring, optional

Controls both auto-delete and durable

buspersistencequeuestring, optional

Specifies the queue name used by a persistent publisher

ignorecsvparseerrorsboolean, optional

Specifies that when a field in an input CSV event cannot be parsed, the event is dropped, an error is logged, and publishing continues.

protofilestring, optional

Specifies the .proto file that contains the Google Protocol Buffers message definition used to convert event blocks to protobuf messages. When you specify this parameter, you must also specify the protomsg parameter.

protomsgstring, optional

Specifies the name of a Google Protocol Buffers message in the .proto file that you specified with the protofile parameter. Event blocks are converted into this message.

configfilesectionstring, optional

Specifies the name of the section in the connector config file to parse for configuration parameters. Specify the value as [configfilesection].

csvfielddelimiterstring, optional

Specifies the character delimiter for field data in input CSV events. The default delimiter is the , character.

noautogenfieldboolean, optional

Specifies that input events are missing the key field that is autogenerated by the source window.

ackwindowint, optional

Specifies the time period (in seconds) to leave messages that are received from Rabbit MQ unacknowledged.

acktimerint, optional

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) for how often to check whether to send acknowledgments that are triggered by the ackwindow parameter. Must be configured if ackwindow is configured.

publishwithupsertboolean, optional

Builds events with opcode=Upsert instead of Insert

rmqpasswordencryptedboolean, optional

Specifies that rmqpassword is encrypted

addcsvopcodeboolean, optional

Prepends an opcode and comma to input CSV events. The opcode is Insert unless publishwithupsert is enabled.

addcsvflagsstring, optional

Specifies the event type to insert into input CSV events (with a comma). Valid values are “normal” and “partialupdate”.

rmqvhoststring, optional

Specifies the Rabbit MQ vhost. The default is “/”

useclientmsgidstring, optional

If the Source window has been restored from a persist to disk, ignores received binary event blocks that contain a message ID less than the greatest message ID in the restored window.

rmqsslboolean, optional

Specifies to enable SSL encryption on the connection to the Rabbit MQ server.

rmqsslcacertstring, optional

When rmqssl is enabled, specifies the full path of the SSL CA certificate .pem file.

rmqsslkeystring, optional

When rmqssl is enabled, specifies the full path of the SSL key .pem file.

rmqsslcert string, optional

When rmqssl is enabled, specifies the full path of the SSL certificate .pem file.

maxeventsint, optional

Specifies the maximum number of events to publish.

__init__(self, rmqhost=None, rmqport=None, rmquserid=None, rmqpassword=None, rmqexchange=None, rmqtopic=None, rmqtype=None, urlhostport=None, name=None, is_active=None, transactional=None, blocksize=None, dateformat=None, buspersistence=None, buspersistencequeue=None, ignorecsvparseerrors=None, protofile=None, protomsg=None, configfilesection=None, csvfielddelimiter=None, noautogenfield=None, ackwindow=None, acktimer=None, publishwithupsert=None, rmqpasswordencrypted=None, addcsvopcode=None, addcsvflags=None, rmqvhost=None, useclientmsgid=None, rmqssl=None, rmqsslcacert=None, rmqsslkey=None, rmqsslcert=None, maxevents=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(self[, rmqhost, rmqport, …])

Initialize self.


copy(self[, deep])

Return a copy of the object

from_element(data[, session])

Construct connector from XML definition

from_parameters(conncls[, type, name, …])

from_xml(data[, session])

Construct connector from XML definition

get(self, key[, default])



pop(self, key[, default])

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.


as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

set_properties(self, \*\*kwargs)

Set connector properties

setdefault(self, key[, default])


Export connector definition to ElementTree.Element

to_xml(self[, pretty])

Export connector definition to XML

update(\*args, \*\*kwds)

If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v



