Source code for tests.abstract.test_set_iterator

#!/usr/bin/env python
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Unit tests for set iterators.

import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
import sasoptpy as so
from inspect import cleandoc

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, '..')))
from util import assert_equal_wo_temps

from tests.swat_config import create_cas_connection

[docs]class TestSetIterator(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for :class:`sasoptpy.abstract.SetIterator` objects """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): so.reset() cls.conn = None from swat import CAS, SWATError try: cls.conn = create_cas_connection() except SWATError: warnings.warn('CAS connection is not available', RuntimeWarning) except TypeError: warnings.warn('CAS variables are not available', RuntimeWarning) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): if cls.conn is not None: cls.conn.close() def test_set_iterator_init(self): S = so.Set(name='S') i = so.SetIterator(S, name='i') self.assertEqual(i.get_name(), 'i') self.assertEqual(i.get_type(), so.NUM) for j in S: assert_equal_wo_temps(self, j._get_for_expr(), 'o1 in S') assert_equal_wo_temps( self, repr(j), 'sasoptpy.SetIterator(S, name=\'o1\')' ) def test_set_iterator_as_exp(self): S = so.Set(name='S') x = so.VariableGroup(S, name='x') for i in S: e = i + x[0] assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_expression(e), 'o1 + x[0]') assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(i), 'o1 in S') def test_set_iterator_condition(self): from sasoptpy.actions import condition S = so.Set(name='S') P = so.Set(name='P') x = so.VariableGroup(S, name='x') # GT c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: with condition(2*i > 1): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o4 in S: 2.0 * o4 > 1} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # GE c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: with condition(2 * i >= 1): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o4 in S: 2.0 * o4 >= 1} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # LT c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: with condition(2 * i < 1): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o4 in S: 2.0 * o4 < 1} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # LE c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: with condition(2 * i <= 1): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o4 in S: 2.0 * o4 <= 1} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # EQ c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: with condition(2 * i == 1): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o4 in S: 2.0 * o4 = 1} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # NE c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: with condition(2 * i != 1): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o4 in S: 2.0 * o4 ne 1} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # IN c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: with condition(i.sym in P): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o4 in S: o4 IN P} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # Alternatively: # assert_equal_wo_temps( # self, so.to_definition(c), # 'con c {o4 in S: <o4> IN P} : o4 * x[o4] <= 5;') # AND, OR, Multi Statement c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') for i in S: e1 = 2 * i != 1 e2 = i ** 2 <= 3 e3 = 3 * i >= 9 e4 = i != 0 with condition(((e1) & (e2) | (e3)) & (e4)): c[i] = i * x[i] <= 5 assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c {o34 in S: ((((2.0 * o34 ne 1) and ((o34) ^ (2) <= 3)) or (3.0 * o34 >= 9)) and (o34 NE 0))} : o34 * x[o34] <= 5;' ) def test_set_iterator_group(self): S = so.Set(name='S', settype=[so.STR, so.NUM]) x = so.VariableGroup(S, name='x') p = so.ParameterGroup(S, name='p') c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c') d = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='d') for k in S: (i, j) = k c[k] = so.Constraint(x[i, j] + 5 <= 3*i - 2*j) for t in range(3): d[k, t] = so.Constraint(x[i, t] <= 4 * j) assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(c), 'con c_o7 {<o8, o10> in S} : x[o8, o10] - 3.0 * o8 + 2.0 * o10 <= -5;') assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_definition(d), cleandoc(''' con d_o7_0 {<o8, o10> in S} : x[o8, 0] - 4.0 * o10 <= 0; con d_o7_1 {<o8, o10> in S} : x[o8, 1] - 4.0 * o10 <= 0; con d_o7_2 {<o8, o10> in S} : x[o8, 2] - 4.0 * o10 <= 0; ''') ) def test_set_iterator_in_iterate(self): with so.Workspace('test_set_iter_in_iterate') as w: S = so.Set(name='S', settype=[so.NUM, so.NUM]) W = so.Set(name='W', settype=so.NUM) p = so.ParameterGroup(S, W, name='p') x = so.VariableGroup(S, name='x') from sasoptpy.actions import read_data from sasoptpy.util import iterate with iterate(S, name=['pos1', 'pos2']) as keys: r = read_data( table='cas_table_1', index={ 'target': S, 'key': keys } ) with iterate(W, name='d') as d: r.append({ 'index': d, 'target': p[keys['pos1'], keys['pos2'], d], 'column': d }) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(keys), '<pos1, pos2> in S') self.assertEqual(repr(keys), cleandoc(''' sasoptpy.SetIteratorGroup(S, datatype=['num', 'num'], names=['pos1', 'pos2']) ''')) self.assertEqual(so.to_expression(keys), 'pos1, pos2') self.assertEqual(str(keys), '(pos1, pos2)') assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; set <num, num> S; set W; num p {S, W}; var x {{S}}; read data cas_table_1 into S=[pos1 pos2] {d in W} < p[pos1, pos2, d]=col(d) >; quit; ''')) def test_definition_multi(self): regset = so.Set(name='regset') multiset = so.Set(name='multiset', settype=[so.string, so.number]) mt = so.VariableGroup(5, name='mt') e = so.expr_sum(mt[k] for k in regset) self.assertEqual(so.to_expression(e), "sum {k in regset} (mt[k])") e = so.expr_sum(mt[k] for k in multiset) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_expression(e), "sum {<o1, o2> in multiset} (mt[o1, o2])") def tearDown(self): pass