Source code for tests.abstract.test_set

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
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Test for set class

import unittest
import sasoptpy as so
from inspect import cleandoc

import os
import sys
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, '..')))
from util import assert_equal_wo_temps

[docs]class TestSet(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for :class:`sasoptpy.abstract.Set` objects """ def setUp(self): so.reset() def test_initialization(self): with so.Workspace('w') as w: S = so.Set(name='S') T = so.Set(name='T', init=range(11)) V = so.Set(name='V', value=[1, 2, 4]) W = so.Set(name='W', settype=[so.STR, so.NUM]) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; set S; set T init 0..10; set V = {1,2,4}; set <str, num> W; quit;''')) self.assertEqual(repr(S), 'sasoptpy.abstract.Set(name=S, settype=[\'num\'])') self.assertEqual( repr(T), 'sasoptpy.abstract.Set(name=T, settype=[\'num\'], init=range(0, 11))') self.assertEqual( repr(V), 'sasoptpy.abstract.Set(name=V, settype=[\'num\'], value=[1, 2, 4])' ) self.assertEqual( repr(W), 'sasoptpy.abstract.Set(name=W, settype=[\'str\', \'num\'])' ) def test_in_set(self): e = so.Parameter(name='e', value=1) S = so.Set(name='S') if e.sym in S: self.assertEqual(e.sym.get_conditions_str(), 'e IN S') x = so.Variable(name='x') def incorrect_type(): if x in S: print('x is in S') self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, incorrect_type) def test_inline_set(self): from sasoptpy.actions import inline_condition, for_loop from sasoptpy.abstract.math import mod with so.Workspace('w') as w: p = so.Parameter(name='p') S = so.Set(name='S', value=so.exp_range(1, 11)) iset = so.InlineSet(lambda: (x for x in S if inline_condition(mod(x, 3) == 0))) for i in for_loop(iset): p.set_value(i) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; num p; set S = 1..10; for {TEMP2 in {TEMP1 in S: mod(TEMP1 , 3) = 0}} do; p = TEMP2; end; quit;''')) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, repr(iset), 'sasoptpy.InlineSet({o4 in S: mod(o4 , 3) = 0}}')