#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright SAS Institute
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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Test for symbolic conditions
import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
import sasoptpy as so
from inspect import cleandoc
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, '..')))
from util import assert_equal_wo_temps
[docs]class TestCondition(unittest.TestCase):
Unit tests for abstract conditions to be executed on the server
def test_regular_condition(self):
from sasoptpy.util import iterate
from sasoptpy.actions import condition
x = so.VariableGroup(3, name='x')
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
with iterate([1, 2, 3], 's') as i:
with condition(i != 2):
c[i] = x[i] <= 3
'con c {s in {1,2,3}: s NE 2} : x[s] <= 3;')
def test_container_condition(self):
from sasoptpy.util import iterate
from sasoptpy.actions import condition, set_objective, solve, expand
with so.Workspace(name='w') as w:
x = so.VariableGroup(3, name='x')
self.assertEqual(x[0].sym.get_conditions_str(), '')
# solve
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
with iterate([0, 1, 2], 's') as i:
with condition(x[i].sym > 0):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
set_objective(x[0], name='obj', sense=so.MIN)
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(
proc optmodel;
var x {{0,1,2}};
x[0] = 1;
x[1] = 5;
x[2] = 0;
con c {s in {0,1,2}: x[s].sol > 0} : x[s] >= 1;
MIN obj = x[0];
def test_nested_conditions(self):
from sasoptpy.actions import condition
S = so.Set(name='S')
P = so.Set(name='P')
x = so.VariableGroup(S, name='x')
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
d = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='d')
e = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='e')
for i in S:
with condition(2 * i <= 5):
t = i * x[i] <= 5
c[i] = t
with condition(i**2 >= 3):
d[i] = x[i] - i >= 5
with condition((i >= 4) | (i <= 2)):
e[i] = x[i] >= 0
self, so.to_definition(c),
'con c {o9 in S: 2.0 * o9 <= 5} : o9 * x[o9] <= 5;')
self, so.to_definition(d),
'con d {o9 in S: 2.0 * o9 <= 5 and (o9) ^ (2) >= 3} : x[o9] - o9 >= 5;')
self, so.to_definition(e),
'con e {o9 in S: 2.0 * o9 <= 5 and ((o9 >= 4) or (o9 <= 2))} : x[o9] >= 0;')
def test_conditional_all_combinations(self):
from sasoptpy.actions import condition
S = so.Set(name='S')
x = so.VariableGroup(S, name='x')
# EQ
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition(x[i].sym == 0):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: x[o6].sol EQ 0} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
# LE
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition(x[i].sym <= 0.5):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: x[o6].sol <= 0.5} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
# LT
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition(x[i].sym < 0.5):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: x[o6].sol < 0.5} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
# GE
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition(x[i].sym >= 0.5):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: x[o6].sol >= 0.5} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
# GT
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition(x[i].sym > 0.5):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: x[o6].sol > 0.5} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
# NE
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition(x[i].sym != 1):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: x[o6].sol NE 1} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition((x[i].sym != 1) & (x[i].sym <= 2)):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: ((x[o6].sol NE 1) and (x[o6].sol <= 2))} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
# OR
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition((x[i].sym < 1) | (x[i].sym > 2)):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: ((x[o6].sol < 1) or (x[o6].sol > 2))} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))
# OR
c = so.ConstraintGroup(None, name='c')
for i in S:
with condition((x[i].sym < 1) | (x[i].sym > 2)):
c[i] = x[i] >= 1
assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_definition(c), cleandoc('''
con c {o6 in S: ((x[o6].sol < 1) or (x[o6].sol > 2))} : x[o6] >= 1;'''))