Source code for tests.abstract.statement.test_solve

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright SAS Institute
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Unit test for solve statements.

import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
import sasoptpy as so
from inspect import cleandoc

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, '../..')))
from util import assert_equal_wo_temps

from sasoptpy.actions import solve, print_item

from tests.swat_config import create_cas_connection

[docs]class TestSolve(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for SOLVE statements """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): so.reset() cls.conn = None from swat import CAS, SWATError try: cls.conn = create_cas_connection() except SWATError: warnings.warn('CAS connection is not available', RuntimeWarning) except TypeError: warnings.warn('CAS variables are not available', RuntimeWarning) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): if cls.conn is not None: cls.conn.close() def setUp(self): so.reset() def test_regular_solve(self): with so.Workspace('w') as w: x = so.Variable(name='x', lb=1, ub=10) o = so.Objective(2*x, sense=so.maximize, name='obj') s = solve() p = print_item(x) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; var x >= 1 <= 10; max obj = 2 * x; solve; print x; quit;''')) if TestSolve.conn: w.set_session(TestSolve.conn) w.submit() self.assertEqual(str(p.get_response()), cleandoc(''' x 0 10.0''')) self.assertEqual(str(s.get_response()['Problem Summary']), cleandoc(''' Problem Summary Value Label Objective Sense Maximization Objective Function obj Objective Type Linear Number of Variables 1 Bounded Above 0 Bounded Below 0 Bounded Below and Above 1 Free 0 Fixed 0 Number of Constraints 0 Constraint Coefficients 0''')) def test_with_model(self): def produce_order_error(): with so.Workspace('w') as w: m = so.Model(name='m') x = so.Variable(name='x') m.solve() m.include(x) m.solve() self.assertRaises(ReferenceError, produce_order_error) so.reset() with so.Workspace('w') as w: x = so.Variable(name='x') m = so.Model(name='m') m.include(x) m.solve() self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; var x; problem m include x; use problem m; solve; quit;''')) def test_with_options(self): with so.Workspace('w') as w: solve() solve(options={'with': 'milp'}) solve(options={'with': 'milp'}, primalin=True) solve(options={'with': 'milp', 'presolver': None, 'feastol': 1e-6, 'logfreq': 2, 'maxsols': 3, 'scale': 'automatic', 'restarts': None, 'cutmir': 'aggressive'}) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; solve; solve with milp; solve with milp / primalin; solve with milp / presolver=None feastol=1e-06 logfreq=2 maxsols=3 scale=automatic restarts=None cutmir=aggressive; quit;''')) def test_warning_without_abstract(self): def solve_without_abstract(): m = so.Model(name='m1') x = m.add_variable(name='x') m.set_objective(2*x, name='o') solve() self.assertWarns(UserWarning, solve_without_abstract)