Source code for tests.abstract.statement.test_read_data

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright SAS Institute
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
import sasoptpy as so
from inspect import cleandoc
from sasoptpy.actions import read_data

from tests.swat_config import create_cas_connection

[docs]class TestReadData(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for READ DATA statements """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): so.reset() cls.conn = None from swat import CAS, SWATError try: cls.conn = create_cas_connection() except SWATError: warnings.warn('CAS connection is not available', RuntimeWarning) except TypeError: warnings.warn('CAS variables are not available', RuntimeWarning) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): if cls.conn is not None: cls.conn.close() def setUp(self): pass def test_read_regular_existing(self): from sasoptpy import Workspace, VariableGroup from sasoptpy.abstract import Set, ParameterGroup from sasoptpy.actions import solve with Workspace('test_workspace') as ws: ITEMS = Set(name='ITEMS') value = ParameterGroup(ITEMS, name='value', init=0) get = VariableGroup(ITEMS, name='get', vartype=so.INT, lb=0) read_data( table="values", index={'target': ITEMS, 'key': None}, columns=[{'target': value}]) solve(options={'with': so.BLACKBOX, 'maxgen': 10}) optmodel_code = so.to_optmodel(ws) self.assertEqual(optmodel_code, cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set ITEMS; num value {ITEMS} init 0; var get {{ITEMS}} integer >= 0; read data values into ITEMS value; solve with blackbox / maxgen=10; quit; """)) def test_read_data_index(self): with so.Workspace('test_read_data_n') as ws: ASSETS = so.Set(name='ASSETS') ret = so.ParameterGroup(ASSETS, name='return', ptype=so.NUM) read_data( table='means', index={'target': ASSETS, 'key': so.N}, columns=[{'target': ret}] ) optmodel_code = so.to_optmodel(ws) self.assertEqual(optmodel_code, cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set ASSETS; num return {ASSETS}; read data means into ASSETS=[_N_] return; quit; """)) def test_read_data_no_index_expression(self): from sasoptpy.util import iterate with so.Workspace('test_read_data_no_index_expression') as ws: ASSETS = so.Set(name='ASSETS') cov = so.ParameterGroup(ASSETS, ASSETS, name='cov', init=0) with iterate(ASSETS, 'asset1') as asset1, iterate(ASSETS, 'asset2') as asset2: read_data( table='covdata', index={'key': [asset1, asset2]}, columns=[ {'target': cov}, {'target': cov[asset2, asset1], 'column': 'cov'} ] ) optmodel_code = so.to_optmodel(ws) self.assertEqual(optmodel_code, cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set ASSETS; num cov {ASSETS, ASSETS} init 0; read data covdata into [asset1 asset2] cov cov[asset2, asset1]=cov; quit; """)) def test_read_data_col(self): from sasoptpy.util import concat with so.Workspace('test_read_data_col') as ws: n = so.Parameter(name='n', init=2) indx = so.Set(name='indx', settype=['num']) p = so.ParameterGroup(indx, name='p') q = so.ParameterGroup(indx, name='q') read_data( table='exdata', index={ 'target': indx, 'key': so.N }, columns=[ {'target': p, 'column': 'column1'}, {'target': q, 'column': concat('column', n)} ] ) optmodel_code = so.to_optmodel(ws) self.assertEqual(optmodel_code, cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; num n init 2; set indx; num p {indx}; num q {indx}; read data exdata into indx=[_N_] p=column1 q=col('column' || n); quit; """)) def test_read_data_indexed_column(self): from sasoptpy.util import iterate, concat with so.Workspace(name='test_read_data_idx_col') as ws: dow = so.Set(name='DOW', value=so.exp_range(1, 6)) locs = so.Set(name='LOCS', settype=so.STR) demand = so.ParameterGroup(locs, dow, name='demand') with iterate(locs, name='loc') as loc: r = read_data( table='dmnd', index={'target': locs, 'key': loc} ) with iterate(dow, name='d') as d: r.append({ 'index': d, 'target': demand[loc, d], 'column': concat('day', d) }) optmodel_code = so.to_optmodel(ws) self.assertEqual(optmodel_code, cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set DOW = 1..5; set <str> LOCS; num demand {LOCS, DOW}; read data dmnd into LOCS=[loc] {d in DOW} < demand[loc, d]=col('day' || d) >; quit;""")) def test_with_cas_data(self): if TestReadData.conn is None: self.skipTest('No session is available') from sasoptpy.util import concat import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame([ [1, 2], [3, 4] ], columns=['column1', 'column2']) s = TestReadData.conn exdata = s.upload_frame(df, casout='exdata') with so.Workspace('test_read_data_col', session=s) as ws: n = so.Parameter(name='n', init=2) indx = so.Set(name='indx', settype=['num']) p = so.ParameterGroup(indx, name='p') q = so.ParameterGroup(indx, name='q') read_data( table=exdata, index={ 'target': indx, 'key': so.N }, columns=[ {'target': p, 'column': 'column1'}, {'target': q, 'column': concat('column', n)} ] ) from sasoptpy.actions import print_item print_item(p, q) optmodel_code = so.to_optmodel(ws) self.assertEqual(optmodel_code, cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; num n init 2; set indx; num p {indx}; num q {indx}; read data EXDATA into indx=[_N_] p=column1 q=col('column' || n); print p q; quit; """)) ws.submit(verbose=True) self.assertEqual(ws.response['Print1.PrintTable'].to_string(), cleandoc( """ COL1 p q 0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1 2.0 3.0 4.0 """ )) def test_read_data_no_index_target(self): with so.Workspace('test_no_index_target') as ws: NODES = so.Set(name='NODES', settype=so.STR) nodesByPri = so.ParameterGroup(NODES, name='nodesByPri') read_data(table='temppri', index={'key': so.N}, columns=[ {'target': nodesByPri, 'column': 'id'} ]) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(ws), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set <str> NODES; num nodesByPri {NODES}; read data temppri into [_N_] nodesByPri=id; quit; """)) def test_read_data_same_name_cols(self): from sasoptpy.actions import set_objective, solve with so.Workspace('test_same_name_cols') as ws: x = so.Variable(name='x') y = so.Variable(name='y') c_xx = so.Parameter(name='c_xx') c_x = so.Parameter(name='c_x') c_y = so.Parameter(name='c_y') c_xy = so.Parameter(name='c_xy') c_yy = so.Parameter(name='c_yy') read_data(table='coeff', index={}, columns=[ {'target': c_xx, 'column': 'c_xx'}, {'target': c_x}, {'column': 'c_y'}, {'target': c_xy, 'column': 'c_xy'}, {'target': c_yy} ]) set_objective(c_xx * x**2 + c_x * x + c_xy * x * y + c_yy * y**2, name='z', sense=so.MIN) solve() self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(ws), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; var x; var y; num c_xx; num c_x; num c_y; num c_xy; num c_yy; read data coeff into c_xx c_x c_y c_xy c_yy; MIN z = c_xx * (x) ^ (2) + c_x * x + c_xy * x * y + c_yy * (y) ^ (2); solve; quit; """)) def test_read_data_var_bound(self): from sasoptpy.util import iterate with so.Workspace('test_read_data_var_bound') as ws: plants = so.Set(name='plants', settype=so.STR) prod = so.VariableGroup(plants, name='prod', lb=0) cost = so.Parameter(name='cost', ptype=so.NUM) p = so.SetIterator(plants, name='p') r = read_data( table='pdat', index={'target': plants, 'key': p}, columns=[ {'target': prod[p].ub, 'column': 'maxprod'}, {'target': cost} ]) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(ws), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set <str> plants; var prod {{plants}} >= 0; num cost; read data pdat into plants=[p] prod[p].ub=maxprod cost; quit; """)) def test_read_data_with_exp(self): with so.Workspace('test_read_data_with_exp') as ws: ss = so.Set(name='subscripts', value=so.exp_range(1, 5), settype=so.NUM) letter = so.ParameterGroup(ss, name='letter', ptype=so.STR) read_data( table='abcd', index={'key': so.N}, columns=[ {'target': letter[5-so.N]} ] ) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(ws), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set subscripts = 1..4; str letter {subscripts}; read data abcd into [_N_] letter[- _N_ + 5]; quit; """)) def test_read_data_append_later(self): from sasoptpy.util import concat, iterate with so.Workspace('let') as ws: actors = so.Set(name='ACTORS') actor_name = so.ParameterGroup(actors, ptype=so.STR, name='actor_name') daily_fee = so.ParameterGroup(actors, name='daily_fee') most_scenes = so.Parameter(name='most_scenes', value=9) scene_list = so.ParameterGroup(actors, so.exp_range(1, most_scenes), name='scene_list') r = read_data( table='scene', index={ 'target': actors, 'key': so.N }, columns=[ { 'target': actor_name, 'column': 'Actor' }, { 'target': daily_fee, 'column': 'DailyFee' } ] ) with iterate(so.exp_range(1, most_scenes), name='j') as j: r.append({ 'index': j, 'target': scene_list[so.N, j], 'column': concat('S_Var', j) }) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(ws), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set ACTORS; str actor_name {ACTORS}; num daily_fee {ACTORS}; num most_scenes = 9; num scene_list {ACTORS, 1..most_scenes}; read data scene into ACTORS=[_N_] actor_name=Actor daily_fee=DailyFee {j in 1..most_scenes} < scene_list[_N_, j]=col('S_Var' || j) >; quit; """)) def test_read_data_multi_index(self): with so.Workspace('test_read_data_multi_index') as ws: arcs = so.Set(name='ARCS', settype=[so.STR, so.STR]) arc_lower = so.ParameterGroup(arcs, name='arcLower') arc_upper = so.ParameterGroup(arcs, name='arcUpper') arc_cost = so.ParameterGroup(arcs, name='arcCost') read_data( table='arcdata', index={ 'target': arcs, 'key': ['_tail_', '_head_'] }, columns=[ {'target': arc_lower, 'column': '_lo_'}, {'target': arc_upper, 'column': '_capac_'}, {'target': arc_cost, 'column': '_cost_'} ] ) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(ws), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set <str, str> ARCS; num arcLower {ARCS}; num arcUpper {ARCS}; num arcCost {ARCS}; read data arcdata into ARCS=[_tail_ _head_] arcLower=_lo_ arcUpper=_capac_ arcCost=_cost_; quit; """)) def test_read_data_single_col(self): from sasoptpy.util import concat, iterate with so.Workspace('test_read_data_single_col') as ws: daily_employee_slots = so.Set( name='DailyEmployeeSlots', settype=[so.STR, so.NUM]) weekdays = so.Set( name='WeekDays', value=['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri']) preference_weights = so.ParameterGroup( daily_employee_slots, weekdays, name='PreferenceWeights') with iterate(daily_employee_slots, name=['name', 'slot']) as keys: r = read_data( table='preferences', index={ 'target': daily_employee_slots, 'key': keys } ) with iterate(weekdays, name='day') as day: r.append({ 'index': day, 'target': preference_weights[keys['name'], keys['slot'], day], 'column': day }) optmodel_code = so.to_optmodel(ws) self.assertEqual(optmodel_code, cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set <str, num> DailyEmployeeSlots; set WeekDays = {'mon','tue','wed','thu','fri'}; num PreferenceWeights {DailyEmployeeSlots, WeekDays}; read data preferences into DailyEmployeeSlots=[name slot] {day in WeekDays} < PreferenceWeights[name, slot, day]=col(day) >; quit; """)) def test_read_data_N_in_index(self): from sasoptpy.util import concat with so.Workspace('read_data_N_as_index') as ws: tasks = so.Set(name='TASKS', value=so.exp_range(1, 25)) machines = so.Set(name='MACHINES', value=so.exp_range(1, 9)) profit = so.ParameterGroup(machines, tasks, name='profit') j = so.SetIterator(tasks, name='j') read_data( table='profit_data', index={'key': so.N}, columns=[ {'index': j, 'target': profit[so.N, j], 'column': concat('p', j)} ] ) self.assertEqual(so.to_optmodel(ws), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set TASKS = 1..24; set MACHINES = 1..8; num profit {MACHINES, TASKS}; read data profit_data into [_N_] {j in TASKS} < profit[_N_, j]=col('p' || j) >; quit; """)) def test_with_model(self): m = so.Model(name='m') ITEMS = m.add_set(name='ITEMS') value = m.add_parameter(ITEMS, name='value', init=0) weight = m.add_parameter(ITEMS, name='weight') limit = m.add_parameter(ITEMS, name='limit') get = m.add_variables(ITEMS, name='get', vartype=so.INT, lb=0) m.set_objective(so.expr_sum(get[i] for i in ITEMS), name='max_get', sense=so.MAX) m.include(read_data(table='values', index={'target': ITEMS, 'key': None}, columns=[value, weight, limit])) self.assertEqual( so.to_optmodel(m, options={'with': so.BLACKBOX, 'maxgen': 10}), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; set ITEMS; num value {{ITEMS}} init 0; num weight {{ITEMS}}; num limit {{ITEMS}}; var get {{ITEMS}} integer >= 0; max max_get = sum {i in ITEMS} (get[i]); read data values into ITEMS value weight limit; solve with blackbox / maxgen=10; quit;''')) def tearDown(self): pass