Source code for tests.abstract.statement.test_for_loop

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
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Unit tests for FOR loops.

import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
import sasoptpy as so
from inspect import cleandoc

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, '../..')))
from util import assert_equal_wo_temps

from sasoptpy.actions import for_loop

[docs]class TestForLoop(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for FOR statements """ def setUp(self): so.reset() def testRegularWorkspace(self): from sasoptpy.actions import for_loop, solve, set_value, set_objective, print_item with so.Workspace('ex_9_1_matirx_sqrt', session=None) as w: so.LiteralStatement('call streaminit(1);') n = so.Parameter(name='n', value=5) rn = so.Set(name='RN', value=so.exp_range(1, n)) A = so.ParameterGroup(rn, rn, name='A', value="10-20*rand('UNIFORM')") P = so.ParameterGroup(rn, rn, name='P') for i in for_loop(rn): for j in for_loop(so.exp_range(i, n)): set_value(P[i, j], so.expr_sum(A[i, k] * A[j, k] for k in rn)) q = so.VariableGroup(rn, rn, name='q') set_value(q[1, 1], 1) set_objective( so.expr_sum(( so.expr_sum(q[k, i] * q[k, j] for k in so.exp_range(1, i)) + so.expr_sum(q[i, k] * q[k, j] for k in so.exp_range(i+1, j)) + so.expr_sum(q[i, k] * q[j, k] for k in so.exp_range(j+1, n)) - P[i, j] )**2 for i in rn for j in so.exp_range(i, n)) , name='r', sense=so.MIN) solve() print_item(P) print_item(q) assert_equal_wo_temps( self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc( ''' proc optmodel; call streaminit(1); num n = 5; set RN = 1..n; num A {RN, RN} = 10-20*rand('UNIFORM'); num P {RN, RN}; for {TEMP1 in RN} do; for {TEMP2 in TEMP1..n} do; P[TEMP1, TEMP2] = sum {k in RN} (A[TEMP1, k] * A[TEMP2, k]); end; end; var q {{RN}, {RN}}; q[1, 1] = 1; MIN r = sum {i in RN, j in i..n} ((sum {k in 1..i} (q[k, i] * q[k, j]) + sum {k in i+1..j} (q[i, k] * q[k, j]) + sum {k in j+1..n} (q[i, k] * q[j, k]) - P[i, j]) ^ (2)); solve; print P; print q; quit; ''')) def test_basic(self): from sasoptpy.actions import put_item with so.Workspace('w') as w: for i in for_loop(range(1, 3)): for j in for_loop(['a', 'b']): put_item(i, j) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; for {TEMP1 in 1..2} do; for {TEMP2 in {'a','b'}} do; put TEMP1 TEMP2; end; end; quit;""")) def test_with_assignment(self): with so.Workspace('w') as w: r = so.exp_range(1, 11) x = so.VariableGroup(r, name='x') for i in for_loop(r): x[i] = 1 assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; var x {{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}; for {TEMP1 in 1..10} do; x[TEMP1] = 1; end; quit;""")) def test_with_predefined_set(self): with so.Workspace('w') as w: cn = so.Set(name='C', value=['a', 'b', 'c']) for i in for_loop(cn): so.actions.put_item(i) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set C = {'a','b','c'}; for {TEMP1 in C} do; put TEMP1; end; quit;""")) def test_with_create_data(self): from sasoptpy.actions import create_data, read_data from sasoptpy.util import concat, iterate with so.Workspace('w') as w: m = so.Set(name='m', value=range(1, 4)) rev = so.VariableGroup(range(1, 13), name='revenue') read_data( table='revdata', index={'key': so.N}, columns=[ {'column': 'rev', 'target': rev} ] ) month = so.SetIterator(None, name='month') for q in for_loop(so.exp_range(1, 5)): create_data( table=concat('qtr', q), index={'key': [month], 'set': m}, columns=[ {'expression': rev[month+(q-1)*3]} ] ) assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(""" proc optmodel; set m = 1..3; var revenue {{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}}; read data revdata into [_N_] revenue=rev; for {TEMP1 in 1..4} do; create data ('qtr' || TEMP1) from [month] = {m} revenue[month + 3.0 * TEMP1 - 3]; end; quit;""")) def test_multiple_set_loop(self): with so.Workspace('w') as w: r = so.Set(name='R', value=range(1, 11)) c = so.Set(name='C', value=range(1, 6)) a = so.ParameterGroup(r, c, name='A', ptype=so.number) for (i, j) in for_loop(r, c): a[i, j] = 1 assert_equal_wo_temps(self, so.to_optmodel(w), cleandoc(''' proc optmodel; set R = 1..10; set C = 1..5; num A {R, C}; for {TEMP1 in R, TEMP2 in C} do; A[TEMP1, TEMP2] = 1; end; quit;'''))