Full list of chart template endpoints available in the DDC Server
Here’s a list of all endpoints available in the DDC server. Note that at any point, the server may contain additional templates where testing is underway. We welcome further contributions to the Samples page in GitHub, and can consider new templates for inclusion. Or, you could just email us.
Sl No | Object | Path |
1. | C3 Bar Chart | /c3-bar-chart |
2. | D3 Bar Chart | /d3-bar-chart |
3. | D3 Circle Packing | /d3-circle-packing |
4. | D3 Network Diagram | /d3-network-diagram |
5. | D3 Funnel | /d3-funnel |
6. | D3 Radial Chart | /d3-radial |
7. | D3 Spiral Heatmap | /d3-spiral-heatmap |
8. | D3 Spiral Plot | /d3-spiral-plot |
9. | Export to CSV | /export-to-csv |
10. | Google Bar Chart | /google-bar-chart |
11. | Google Calendar | /google-calendar |
12. | Google Organization Chart | /google-org-chart |
13. | JSON Data Viewer | /json-data-viewer |
14. | Multi Selector | /multi-selector |
15. | Any User-uploaded Content | /userddc/name-of-file |
Note that the names of user uploaded files may undergo slight transformations using the secure_filename package.