Source code for sasctl.utils.pymas.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Contains utilities for wrapping Python models in DS2 for publishing."""

from __future__ import print_function

import base64
import importlib
import os
import pickle  # skipcq BAN-B301
import re
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

from ..decorators import versionadded, versionchanged
from ..misc import random_string
from .ds2 import DS2PyMASPackage, DS2Thread, DS2Variable
from .python import ds2_variables

[docs] @versionchanged(reason="Added `name` parameter.", version="1.5") def build_wrapper_function( func, variables, array_input, name="wrapper", setup=None, return_msg=None ): """Wraps a function to ensure compatibility when called by PyMAS. PyMAS has strict expectations regarding the format of any function called directly by PyMAS. Isolating the desired function inside a wrapping function provides a simple way to ensure that functions called by PyMAS are compliant. Parameters ---------- func : function or str Function name or an instance of Function which will be wrapped variables : list of DS2Variable array_input : bool Whether `variables` should be combined into a single array before passing to `func` name : str, optional Name of the generated wrapper function. Defaults to 'wrapper'. setup : iterable Python source code lines to be executed during package setup return_msg : bool, optional Deprecated. Whether error messages will be captured and returned as an additional output variable. Defaults to True. Returns ------- str the Python definition for the wrapper function. Notes ----- The format for the `# Output: ` is very strict. It must be exactly "# Output: <var>, <var>". Any changes to spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or spacing will result in an error when the DS2 code is executed. """ if return_msg is not None: raise DeprecationWarning( "The 'return_msg' parameter is ignored and " "will be removed completely in a future " "version" ) # Always return an error message out of any Python method call. return_msg = True # need to know func & input/output vars for each func input_names = [ for v in variables if not v.out] output_names = [ for v in variables if v.out] args = input_names func = func.__name__ if callable(func) else func # HELPER: SAS to python char issue where SAS char have spaces and python string does not. # NOTE: we assume SAS char always need white space to be trimmed. This seems to match python model built so far # Note: Using this string fix to help with None or blank input situation for numerics string_input = ("",) for v in variables: if not v.out: if v.type == "char": string_input += (" if {0}: {0} = {0}.strip()".format(,) else: string_input += (" if {0} is None: {0} = np.nan".format(,) # Statement to execute the function w/ provided parameters if array_input: middle = string_input + ( " input_array = np.array([{}]).reshape((1, -1))".format( ", ".join(args) ), " columns = [{}]".format(", ".join('"{0}"'.format(w) for w in args)), " input_df = pd.DataFrame(data=input_array, columns=columns)", " result = {}(input_df)".format(func), ) else: func_call = "{}({})".format(func, ",".join(args)) middle = (" result = {}".format(func_call),) if setup: header = ( ("try:",) + tuple(" " + line for line in setup) + ( " _compile_error = None", "except Exception as e:", " _compile_error = e", "", ) ) else: header = ("",) # NOTE: 'Output:' section is required. All return variables must be listed # separated by ', ' definition = ( header + ( "def {name}({args}):".format(name=name, args=", ".join(args)), ' "Output: {}"'.format( ", ".join(output_names + ["msg"]) if return_msg else ", ".join(output_names) ), " result = None", " msg = None" if return_msg else "", " try:", " global _compile_error", " if _compile_error is not None:", " raise _compile_error", " import numpy as np", " import pandas as pd", ) + middle + ( " result = tuple(result.ravel()) if hasattr(result, " '"ravel") else tuple(result)', " if len(result) == 0:", " result = tuple(None for i in range(%s))" % len(output_names), ' elif "numpy" in str(type(result[0])):', " result = tuple(np.asscalar(i) for i in result)", " except Exception as e:", " from traceback import format_exc", " msg = str(e) + format_exc()" if return_msg else "", " if result is None:", " result = tuple(None for i in range(%s))" % len(output_names), " return result + (msg, )", ) ) return "\n".join(definition)
@versionadded(version="1.5") def wrap_predict_method(func, variables, **kwargs): """Create a PyMAS wrapper designed for Sci-kit's `.predict` methods. Parameters ---------- func : function or str Function name or an instance of Function which will be wrapped. Assumed to behave as `.predict()` methods. variables : list of DS2Variable Input and output variables for the function kwargs : any Will be passed to `build_wrapper_function`. Returns ------- str the Python definition for the wrapper function. See Also -------- build_wrapper_function """ kwargs.setdefault("array_input", True) kwargs.setdefault("name", "predict") return build_wrapper_function(func, variables, **kwargs) @versionadded(version="1.5") def wrap_predict_proba_method(func, variables, **kwargs): """Create a PyMAS wrapper designed for Sci-kit's `.predict_proba` methods. Parameters ---------- func : function or str Function name or an instance of Function which will be wrapped. Assumed to behave as `.predict_proba()` methods. variables : list of DS2Variable Input and output variables for the function kwargs : any Will be passed to `build_wrapper_function`. Returns ------- str the Python definition for the wrapper function. See Also -------- build_wrapper_function """ kwargs.setdefault("array_input", True) kwargs.setdefault("name", "predict_proba") wrapper = build_wrapper_function(func, variables, **kwargs) old_code = r"if result.size == 1:\s*result = np.asscalar\(result\)" new_code = "assert result.shape[0] == 1\n" new_code += " result = tuple(result[0].tolist())" return re.sub(old_code, new_code, wrapper)
[docs] @versionchanged("Return code and message are disabled by default.", version="1.5") def from_inline( func, input_types=None, array_input=False, return_code=None, return_message=None ): """Creates a PyMAS wrapper to execute the inline python function. Parameters ---------- func : function A Python function object to be used input_types : list of type, optional The expected type for each input value of `func`. Can be ommitted if `func` includes type hints. array_input : bool Whether the function inputs should be treated as an array instead of individual parameters return_code : bool Deprecated. Whether the DS2-generated return code should be included return_message : bool Deprecated. Whether the DS2-generated return message should be included Returns ------- PyMAS Generated DS2 code which can be executed in a SAS scoring environment """ if return_code is not None or return_message is not None: raise DeprecationWarning( "The 'return_code' and 'return_message' " "parameters are ignored and will be " "removed completely in a future version" ) obj = pickle.dumps(func) return from_pickle(obj, None, input_types, array_input, return_code, return_message)
[docs] @versionchanged("Return code and message are disabled by default.", version="1.5") def from_python_file( file, func_name=None, input_types=None, array_input=False, return_code=None, return_message=None, ): """Creates a PyMAS wrapper to execute a function defined in an external .py file. Parameters ---------- file : str The path to a python source code file func_name : str Name of the target function to call input_types : list of type, optional The expected type for each input value of the target function. Can be ommitted if target function includes type hints. array_input : bool Whether the function inputs should be treated as an array instead of individual parameters return_code : bool Deprecated Whether the DS2-generated return code should be included return_message : bool Deprecated Whether the DS2-generated return message should be included Returns ------- PyMAS Generated DS2 code which can be executed in a SAS scoring environment """ if return_code is not None or return_message is not None: raise DeprecationWarning( "The 'return_code' and 'return_message' " "parameters are ignored and will be " "removed completely in a future version" ) if not str(file.lower().endswith(".py")): raise ValueError("File {} does not have a .py extension.".format(file)) # Extract just the filename from the path directory, file_name = os.path.split(file) # Drop the file extension to get the module name module_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] # Temporarily add the module location to Python's path sys.path.append(directory) module = importlib.import_module(module_name) sys.path.pop() target_func = getattr(module, func_name) if not callable(target_func): raise RuntimeError("Could not find a valid function named %s" % func_name) with open(file, "r") as f: code = [line.strip("\n") for line in f.readlines()] return _build_pymas(target_func, None, input_types, array_input, code=code)
[docs] @versionchanged("Return code and message are disabled by default.", version="1.5") def from_pickle( file, func_name=None, input_types=None, array_input=False, return_code=None, return_message=None, ): """Create a deployable DS2 package from a Python pickle file. Parameters ---------- file : str or bytes or file_like Pickled object to use. String is assumed to be a path to a picked file, file_like is assumed to be an open file handle to a pickle object, and bytes is assumed to be the raw pickled bytes. func_name : str Name of the target function to call input_types : DataFrame, type, list of type, or dict of str: type, optional The expected type for each input value of the target function. Can be omitted if target function includes type hints. If a DataFrame is provided, the columns will be inspected to determine type information. If a single type is provided, all columns will be assumed to be that type, otherwise a list of column types or a dictionary of column_name: type may be provided. array_input : bool Whether the function inputs should be treated as an array instead of individual parameters return_code : bool Deprecated. Whether the DS2-generated return code should be included return_message : bool Deprecated. Whether the DS2-generated return message should be included Returns ------- PyMAS Generated DS2 code which can be executed in a SAS scoring environment """ if return_code is not None or return_message is not None: raise DeprecationWarning( "The 'return_code' and 'return_message' " "parameters are ignored and will be " "removed completely in a future version" ) try: # In Python2 str could either be a path or the binary pickle data, # so check if its a valid filepath too. is_file_path = isinstance(file, str) and os.path.isfile(file) except TypeError: is_file_path = False # Path to a pickle file if is_file_path: with open(file, "rb") as f: obj = pickle.load(f) # skipcq BAN-B301 # The actual pickled bytes elif isinstance(file, bytes): obj = pickle.loads(file) # skipcq BAN-B301 else: obj = pickle.load(file) # skipcq BAN-B301 # Encode the pickled data so we can inline it in the DS2 package pkl = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(obj)) code = ( "import pickle, base64", # Replace b' with " before embedding in DS2. "bytes = {}".format(pkl).replace("'", '"'), "obj = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(bytes))", ) return _build_pymas( obj, func_name, input_types, array_input, func_prefix="obj.", code=code )
def _build_pymas( obj, func_name=None, input_types=None, array_input=False, func_prefix=None, return_code=None, return_message=None, code=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- obj func_name input_types array_input return_code return_message code Returns ------- """ code = code or [] if not isinstance(func_name, list): func_name = [func_name] def parse_function(obj, func_name): # If the object passed was a function, no need to search for # target function if callable(obj) and (func_name is None or obj.__name__ == func_name): target_func = obj elif func_name is None: raise ValueError("Parameter `func_name` must be specified.") else: target_func = getattr(obj, func_name) if not callable(target_func): raise RuntimeError("Could not find a valid function named %s" % func_name) target_func_name = target_func.__name__ if target_func_name.lower() == "predict_proba": names = "P_" else: names = None # Need to create DS2Variable instances to pass to PyMAS if hasattr(input_types, "columns"): # Assuming input is a DataFrame representing model inputs. Use to # get input variables vars = ds2_variables(input_types) # Run one observation through the model and use the result to # determine output variables output = target_func(input_types.head(1)) output_vars = ds2_variables(output, output_vars=True, names=names) vars.extend(output_vars) elif isinstance(input_types, type): params = OrderedDict( [(k, input_types) for k in target_func.__code__.co_varnames] ) vars = ds2_variables(params) elif isinstance(input_types, dict): vars = ds2_variables(input_types) else: # Inspect the Python method to determine arguments vars = ds2_variables(target_func) if not any(v for v in vars if v.out): vars.append(DS2Variable(name="result", type="float", out=True)) return target_func_name, vars # Get variables for each function temp = [parse_function(obj, f) for f in func_name] target_func, variables = zip(*temp) # Convert from tuples to lists target_func = list(target_func) variables = list(variables) return PyMAS( target_func, variables, code, array_input=array_input, func_prefix=func_prefix )
[docs] class PyMAS: """ Parameters ---------- target_function : str The Python function to be executed. variables : list of DS2Variable The input/ouput variables be declared in the module. python_source : str Additional Python code to be executed during setup. return_code : bool Deprecated. Whether the DS2-generated return code should be included. return_msg : bool Deprecated. Whether the DS2-generated return message should be included. kwargs : any Passed to :func:`build_wrapper_function`. """ def __init__( self, target_function, variables, python_source, return_code=None, return_msg=None, func_prefix=None, **kwargs ): if return_code is not None or return_msg is not None: raise DeprecationWarning( "The 'return_code' and 'return_msg' " "parameters are ignored and will be " "removed completely in a future version" ) func_prefix = func_prefix or "" if not isinstance(target_function, list): target_function = [target_function] variables = [variables] return_code = False return_msg = False # Replicate parameter for each function to be exposed if isinstance(return_code, bool): return_code = [return_code] * len(target_function) # Replicate parameter for each function to be exposed if isinstance(return_msg, bool): return_msg = [return_msg] * len(target_function) self.wrapper = [] wrapper_names = [] for func, vars, code, msg in zip( target_function, variables, return_code, return_msg ): wrapper_names.append("_" + random_string(20)) if func.lower() == "predict": lines = wrap_predict_method( func_prefix + func, vars, setup=python_source, name=wrapper_names[-1], **kwargs ) elif func.lower() == "predict_proba": lines = wrap_predict_proba_method( func_prefix + func, vars, name=wrapper_names[-1], setup=python_source, **kwargs ) else: lines = build_wrapper_function( func_prefix + func, vars, name=wrapper_names[-1], setup=python_source, **kwargs ) # Add DS2 variables for returning error codes/messages # NOTE: add these *after* wrapper function is generated to prevent # double-counting them. if code: vars.append(DS2Variable(name="rc", type="int32", out=True)) if msg: vars.append(DS2Variable(name="msg", type="char", out=True)) # Clear setup code once it's been added once. No need to duplicate # if multiple functions are defined. python_source = None self.wrapper.extend(lines.split("\n")) self.variables = variables[0] # self.return_code = return_code[0] self.return_message = return_msg[0] self.package = DS2PyMASPackage(self.wrapper) for idx, func in enumerate(target_function): self.package.add_method(func, wrapper_names[idx], variables[idx])
[docs] @versionchanged(version="1.4", reason="Added `dest='Python'` option") def score_code(self, input_table=None, output_table=None, columns=None, dest="MAS"): """Generate DS2 score code Parameters ---------- input_table : str The name of the table to execute the function against output_table : str The name of the table where execution results will be written columns : list of str Names of the columns from `table` that will be passed to `func` dest : str {'MAS', 'EP', 'CAS', 'Python'} Specifies the publishing destination for the score code to ensure that compatible code is generated. Returns ------- str Score code """ dest = dest.upper() # Check for names that could result in DS2 errors. DS2_KEYWORDS = ["input", "output"] for k in DS2_KEYWORDS: if input_table and k == input_table.lower(): raise ValueError( "Input table name `{}` is a reserved term.".format(input_table) ) if output_table and k == output_table.lower(): raise ValueError( "Output table name `{}` is a reserved term.".format(output_table) ) # Get package code code = tuple(self.package.code().split("\n")) if dest == "EP": code = ( ("data sasep.out;",) + code + ( " method run();", " set SASEP.IN;", " end;", " method term();", " end;", "enddata;", ) ) elif dest == "CAS": thread = DS2Thread( self.variables, input_table, column_names=columns, return_message=self.return_message, package=self.package, ) code += ( str(thread), "data SASEP.out;", " dcl thread {} t;".format(, " method run();", " set from t;", " output;", " end;", "enddata;", ) elif dest == "PYTHON": # Python code return code = self.package._python_code return "\n".join(code)