#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import io
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import uuid
import zipfile
import swat
except ImportError:
swat = None
def create_package(table, input=None):
"""Create an importable model package from a CAS table.
table : swat.cas.table.CASTable
The CAS table containing an ASTORE or score code.
input : pandas.DataFrame, type, list of type, or dict of str, optional
The expected type for each input value of the target function.
Can be omitted if target function includes type hints. If a DataFrame
is provided, the columns will be inspected to determine type information.
If a single type is provided, all columns will be assumed to be that type,
otherwise a list of column types or a dictionary of column_name: type
may be provided.
A byte stream representing a ZIP archive which can be imported.
See Also
if swat is None:
raise RuntimeError("The 'swat' package is required to work with SAS models.")
if not isinstance(table, swat.CASTable):
raise ValueError(
"Parameter 'table' should be an instance of '%r' but "
"received '%r'." % (swat.CASTable, table)
if "DataStepSrc" in table.columns:
# Input only passed to datastep
return create_package_from_datastep(table, input=input)
return create_package_from_astore(table)
def create_package_from_datastep(table, input=None):
"""Create an importable model package from a score code table.
table : swat.cas.table.CASTable
The CAS table containing the score code.
input : pandas.DataFrame, type, list of type, or dict of str, optional
The expected type for each input value of the target function.
Can be omitted if target function includes type hints. If a DataFrame
is provided, the columns will be inspected to determine type information.
If a single type is provided, all columns will be assumed to be that type,
otherwise a list of column types or a dictionary of column_name: type
may be provided.
A byte stream representing a ZIP archive which can be imported.
See Also
dscode = table.to_frame().loc[0, "DataStepSrc"]
# Extract inputs if provided
input_vars = []
# Workaround because sasdataframe does not like to be check if exist
if str(input) != "None":
from .pymas.python import ds2_variables
variables = None
if hasattr(input, "columns"):
# Assuming input is a DataFrame representing model inputs. Use to
# get input variables
variables = ds2_variables(input)
elif isinstance(input, dict):
variables = ds2_variables(input)
if variables:
input_vars = [v.as_model_metadata() for v in variables if not v.out]
# Find outputs from ds code
output_vars = []
for sasline in dscode.split("\n"):
if sasline.strip().startswith("label"):
output_var = {}
for tmp in sasline.split("="):
if "label" in tmp:
ovarname = tmp.split("label")[1].strip()
output_var.update({"name": ovarname})
# Determine type of variable is decimal or string
if "length " + ovarname in dscode:
sastype = (
dscode.split("length " + ovarname)[1].split(";")[0].strip()
if "$" in sastype:
output_var.update({"type": "string"})
output_var.update({"length": sastype.split("$")[1]})
output_var.update({"type": "decimal"})
output_var.update({"length": sastype})
# If no length for variable, default is decimal, 8
output_var.update({"type": "decimal"})
output_var.update({"length": 8})
{"description": tmp.split(";")[0].strip().strip("'")}
file_metadata = [{"role": "score", "name": "dmcas_scorecode.sas"}]
zip_file = _build_zip_from_files(
"fileMetadata.json": file_metadata,
"dmcas_scorecode.sas": dscode,
"ModelProperties.json": {"scoreCodeType": "dataStep"},
"outputVar.json": output_vars,
"inputVar.json": input_vars,
return zip_file
def create_package_from_astore(table):
"""Create an importable model package from an ASTORE.
table : swat.cas.table.CASTable
The CAS table containing the ASTORE.
A byte stream representing a ZIP archive which can be imported.
See Also
files = create_files_from_astore(table)
return _build_zip_from_files(files)
def create_files_from_astore(table):
"""Generate files for importing a model from an ASTORE.
table : swat.cas.table.CASTable
The CAS table containing the ASTORE.
Dictionary of filename: content pairs.
if swat is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"The 'swat' package is required to work with " "ASTORE models."
if not isinstance(table, swat.CASTable):
raise ValueError(
"Parameter 'table' should be an instance of '%r' but "
"received '%r'." % (swat.CASTable, table)
sess = table.session.get_connection()
result = sess.astore.describe(rstore=table, epcode=True)
# Model Manager expects a 0-byte ASTORE file. Will retrieve actual ASTORE
# from CAS during model publish.
astore = bytes()
# Raise error if describe action fails
if result.status_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError(result)
astore_key = result.Key.Key[0].strip()
# Remove "Keep" sas code from CAS/EP code so full table plus output are
# returned. This is so the MM performance charts and test work.
keepstart = result.epcode.find("Keep")
keepend = result.epcode.find(";", keepstart)
ep_ds2 = result.epcode[0:keepstart] + result.epcode[keepend + 1 :]
package_ds2 = _generate_package_code(result)
model_properties = _get_model_properties(result)
input_vars = [
get_variable_properties(var) for var in result.InputVariables.itertuples()
input_vars = [v for v in input_vars if v.get("role", "").upper() == "INPUT"]
output_vars = [
get_variable_properties(var) for var in result.OutputVariables.itertuples()
astore_filename = "_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:25].upper()
# Copy the ASTORE table to the ModelStore.
# Raise an error if the action fails
with swat.options(exception_on_severity=2):
table.save(name=astore_filename, caslib="ModelStore", replace=True)
file_metadata = [
{"role": "analyticStore", "name": ""},
{"role": "score", "name": "dmcas_epscorecode.sas"},
astore_metadata = [
"name": astore_filename,
"caslib": "ModelStore",
"uri": "/dataTables/dataSources/cas~fs~cas-shared-default~fs~ModelStore/tables/{}".format(
"key": astore_key,
return {
"dmcas_packagescorecode.sas": "\n".join(package_ds2),
"dmcas_epscorecode.sas": ep_ds2,
astore_filename: astore,
"ModelProperties.json": model_properties,
"fileMetadata.json": file_metadata,
"AstoreMetadata.json": astore_metadata,
"inputVar.json": input_vars,
"outputVar.json": output_vars,
def _build_zip_from_files(files):
"""Create a ZIP file containing the provided files.
files : dict
Dictionary of filename: content to be added to the .zip file.
Byte stream representation of the .zip file.
# Create a temp folder
folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for k, v in files.items():
filename = os.path.join(folder, k)
# Write JSON file
if os.path.splitext(k)[-1].lower() == ".json":
with open(filename, "w") as f:
json.dump(v, f, indent=1)
mode = "wb" if isinstance(v, bytes) else "w"
with open(filename, mode) as f:
files = os.listdir(folder)
with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(folder, "model.zip"), "w") as z:
for file in files:
z.write(os.path.join(folder, file), file)
# Need to return the ZIP file data but also need to ensure the
# directory is cleaned up.
# Read the bytes from disk and return an in memory "file".
with open(os.path.join(folder, "model.zip"), "rb") as z:
return io.BytesIO(z.read())
def get_variable_properties(var):
type_mapping = {
"interval": "",
"num": "decimal",
"character": "string",
"varchar": "string",
meta = {"name": var.Name.strip(), "length": int(var.Length)}
# Input variable table has Type & RawType columns, but RawType aligns with Type column from Output variable table.
if hasattr(var, "RawType"):
meta["type"] = type_mapping[var.RawType.strip().lower()]
meta["type"] = type_mapping[var.Type.strip().lower()]
if hasattr(var, "Role"):
meta["role"] = var.Role.strip().upper()
return meta
def _get_model_properties(result):
properties = {
"custom properties": [],
"externalUrl": "",
"trainTable": "",
"trainCodeType": "",
"description": "",
"tool": "SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning",
"toolVersion": "",
"targetVariable": "",
"scoreCodeType": "ds2MultiType",
"externalModelId": "",
"function": "",
"eventProbVar": "",
"modeler": "",
"name": "",
"targetEvent": "",
"targetLevel": "",
"algorithm": "",
algorithm = result.Description[result.Description.Attribute == "Analytic Engine"]
if algorithm.size > 0:
algorithm = str(algorithm.Value.iloc[0]).lower()
algorithm = None
def is_classification(r):
"""Determine if the ASTORE model describes a classification model."""
return classification_target(r) is not None
def classification_target(r):
"""Get the name of the classification target variable."""
target = r.OutputVariables.Name[r.OutputVariables.Name.str.startswith("I_")]
if target.shape[0] > 0:
return target.iloc[0].replace("I_", "", 1)
return None
def regression_target(r):
"""Get the name of the regression target variable."""
target = r.OutputVariables.Name.str.startswith("P_")
target = r.OutputVariables.Name[target].iloc[0]
return target.replace("P_", "", 1)
if algorithm == "glm":
properties["algorithm"] = "Linear regression"
properties["tool"] = "SAS Visual Analytics"
properties["function"] = "prediction"
properties["targetVariable"] = regression_target(result)
elif algorithm == "logistic":
properties["algorithm"] = "Logistic regression"
properties["tool"] = "SAS Visual Analytics"
properties["function"] = "classification"
properties["targetVariable"] = classification_target(result)
elif algorithm in ("forest", "gradboost", "tree-based models"):
if algorithm == "forest":
properties["algorithm"] = "Random forest"
elif algorithm == "gradboost":
properties["algorithm"] = "Gradient boosting"
properties["algorithm"] = "Tree-based model"
if is_classification(result):
properties["function"] = "classification"
properties["targetVariable"] = classification_target(result)
if result.OutputVariables.Name.str.startswith("P_").sum() == 2:
properties["targetLevel"] = "binary"
properties["function"] = "prediction"
properties["targetVariable"] = regression_target(result)
elif algorithm == "svmachine":
properties["algorithm"] = "Support vector machine"
if is_classification(result):
properties["function"] = "classification"
properties["targetVariable"] = classification_target(result)
properties["targetLevel"] = "binary"
properties["function"] = "prediction"
properties["targetVariable"] = regression_target(result)
elif algorithm == "bnet":
properties["algorithm"] = "Bayesian network"
properties["function"] = "classification"
properties["targetVariable"] = classification_target(result)
if result.OutputVariables.Name.str.startswith("P_").sum() == 2:
properties["targetLevel"] = "binary"
properties["tool"] = ""
# todo: warn
return properties
def _generate_package_code(result):
"""Generates package-style DS2 code from EP-style DS2 code."""
id_ = "_" + uuid.uuid4().hex # Random ID for package
key = result.Key.Key[0]
header = (
"package ds2score / overwrite=yes;",
" dcl package score {}();".format(id_),
dcl_lines = []
for line in result.epcode.split("\n"):
# Ignore the package declaration since it will be redefined
if line.strip().startswith("dcl ") and not line.strip().startswith(
"dcl package "
init_method = (
" varlist allvars [_all_];",
" ",
" method init();",
" {}.setvars(allvars);".format(id_),
" {}.setkey(n'{}');".format(id_, key),
" end;",
def extract_type(var, out=False):
# Find the matching variable declarations and extract the type
var = str(var).strip()
x = [x for x in dcl_lines if ' "{}"'.format(var) in x][0]
x = x.replace("dcl ", "").strip().split(" ")[0]
# Remove the length component from output variables to prevent
# compilation warning which prevents publishing to MAS
if out and "(" in x:
x = x[: x.find("(")]
return x
variables = []
# Despite being call "InputVariables" at least some ASTORE models
# include the target variable in the list
for _, row in result.InputVariables.iterrows():
if "Role" in row and row["Role"].lower() != "target":
name = row["Name"]
variables.append(' %s "%s"' % (extract_type(name), name))
variables += [
' IN_OUT {} "{}"'.format(extract_type(var, out=True), var)
for var in result.OutputVariables.Name
score_method = (" method score(", ",\n".join(variables), " );")
score_method += tuple(
' this."{var}" = "{var}";'.format(var=v)
for v in result.InputVariables.Name
score_method += (" ", " {}.scorerecord();".format(id_), " ")
score_method += tuple(
' "{var}" = this."{var}";'.format(var=v)
for v in result.OutputVariables.Name
footer = (" end;", "endpackage;")
return header + tuple(dcl_lines) + init_method + score_method + footer