Source code for sasctl.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import concurrent.futures
import copy
import json
import logging
import netrc
import os
import re
import ssl
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

import requests
import requests.exceptions
import yaml
from packaging import version
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter

    import swat
except ImportError:
    swat = None

    import kerberos
except ImportError:
        import winkerberos as kerberos
    except ImportError:
        kerberos = None

from . import exceptions
from .utils.cli import sasctl_command
from .utils.misc import versionadded

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_session = None

def _pformat(text):
    from pprint import pformat

        return pformat(json.loads(text))
    except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError):
            return pformat(text)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return text

def _redact(pattern, repl, string):
    is_bytes = isinstance(string, bytes)

        string = string.decode("utf-8") if is_bytes else string
        string = re.sub(pattern, repl, string)
        string = string.encode("utf-8") if is_bytes else string
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
    return string

def _filter_password(r):
    if hasattr(r, "body") and r.body is not None:
        # Filter password from 'grant_type=password&username=<user>&password=<password>' during Post to Logon service.
        r.body = _redact(r"(?<=&password=)([^&]*)\b", "*****", r.body)

        # Filter client secret {"client_secret": "<password>"}
        r.body = _redact('(?<=client_secret": ")[^"]*', "*****", r.body)
    return r

def _filter_token(r):
    # Redact "Bearer <token>" in Authorization headers
    if hasattr(r, "headers") and "Authorization" in r.headers:
        r.headers["Authorization"] = _redact(
            r"(?<=Bearer ).*", "[redacted]", r.headers["Authorization"]

    # Redact "Basic <base64 encoded pw> in Authorization headers.  This covers client ids & client secrets.
    if hasattr(r, "headers") and "Authorization" in r.headers:
        r.headers["Authorization"] = _redact(
            r"(?<=Basic ).*", "[redacted]", r.headers["Authorization"]

    # Redact Consul token from headers.  Should only appear when registering a new client
    if hasattr(r, "headers") and "X-Consul-Token" in r.headers:
        r.headers["X-Consul-Token"] = "[redacted]"

    # Redact "access_token":"<token>" in response from SASLogon service
    if hasattr(r, "_content"):
        r._content = _redact('(?<=access_token":")[^"]*', "[redacted]", r._content)

    return r

DEFAULT_FILTERS = [_filter_password, _filter_token]

[docs] def current_session(*args, **kwargs): """Gets and sets the current session. If call with no arguments, the current session instance is returned, or None if no session has been created yet. If called with an existing session instance, that session will be set as the default. Otherwise, a new `Session` is instantiated using the provided arguments and set as the default. Parameters ---------- args : any kwargs : any Returns ------- Session Examples -------- Get the current session >>> current_session() <sasctl.core.Session object at 0x1393fc550> Clear the current session >>> current_session(None) Make a new session current >>> current_session('', 'knight', 'Ni!') <sasctl.core.Session object at 0x15a9df491> """ global _session # skipcq PYL-W0603 # Explicitly set or clear the current session if len(args) == 1 and (isinstance(args[0], Session) or args[0] is None): _session = args[0] # Create a new session elif args: _session = Session(*args, **kwargs) return _session
[docs] class OAuth2Token(requests.auth.AuthBase): def __init__( self, access_token, refresh_token=None, expiration=None, expires_in=None, **kwargs, ): self.access_token = access_token self.refresh_token = refresh_token self.expiration = expiration if expires_in is not None: self.expiration = + timedelta(seconds=expires_in) def __call__(self, r): r.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + self.access_token return r @property def is_expired(self): if self.expiration is None: return False return self.expiration <
[docs] class RestObj(dict): def __getattr__(self, item): # Only called when __getattribute__ failed to find the attribute # Return the item from underlying dictionary if possible. if item in self: result = self[item] if isinstance(result, dict): return RestObj(result) return result raise AttributeError( "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, item) ) def __repr__(self): headers = getattr(self, "_headers", {}) return "%s(headers=%r, data=%s)" % ( self.__class__, headers, super(RestObj, self).__repr__(), ) def __str__(self): if "name" in self: return str(self["name"]) if "id" in self: return str(self["id"]) return repr(self)
[docs] class SSLContextAdapter(HTTPAdapter): """HTTPAdapter that uses the default SSL context on the machine.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.assert_hostname = kwargs.pop("assert_hostname", True) requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_poolmanager(self, *args, **kwargs): context = ssl.create_default_context() context.check_hostname = self.assert_hostname kwargs["ssl_context"] = context kwargs["assert_hostname"] = self.assert_hostname return super(SSLContextAdapter, self).init_poolmanager(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Session(requests.Session): """Establish a connection to a SAS Viya server. Parameters ---------- hostname : str or swat.CAS Name of the server to connect to or an established swat.CAS session. username : str, optional Username for authentication. Not required if `host` is a CAS connection, if Kerberos is used, or if `token` is provided. If using Kerberos and an explicit username is desired, maybe be a string in 'user@REALM' format. password : str, optional Password for authentication. Not required when `host` is a CAS connection, `authinfo` is provided, `token` is provided, or Kerberos is used. authinfo : str, optional Path to a .authinfo or .netrc file from which credentials should be pulled. protocol : {'http', 'https'} Whether to use HTTP or HTTPS connections. Defaults to `https`. port : int, optional Port number for the connection if a non-standard port is used. Defaults to 80 or 443 depending on `protocol`. verify_ssl : bool, optional Whether server-side SSL certificates should be verified. Defaults to true. Ignored for HTTP connections. token : str, optional OAuth token to use for authorization. client_id : str, optional Client ID requesting access. Use if connection to Viya should be made using `client_credentials` method. client_secret : str, optional Client secret for client requesting access. Required if `client_id` is provided. Attributes ---------- message_log : logging.Logger A log to which all REST request and response messages will be sent. Attach a handler using `add_logger()` to capture these messages. filters : list of callable A collection of functions that will be called with each request and response object *prior* to logging the messages, allowing any sensitive information to be removed first. """ PROFILE_PATH = "~/.sas/viya-api-profiles.yaml" def __init__( self, hostname, username=None, password=None, authinfo=None, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=None, token=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, consul_token=None, ): super(Session, self).__init__() # Determine whether or not server SSL certificates should be verified. if verify_ssl is None: verify_ssl = os.environ.get("SSLREQCERT", "yes") verify_ssl = str(verify_ssl).lower() not in ("no", "false") self._id = uuid4().hex self.message_log = logger.getChild("session.%s" % self._id) # If certificate path has already been set for SWAT package, make # Requests module reuse it. for k in ["SSLCALISTLOC", "CAS_CLIENT_SSL_CA_LIST"]: if k in os.environ: os.environ["REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE"] = os.environ[k] break # If certificate path hasn't been specified in either environment # variable, replace the default adapter with one that will use the # machine's default SSL _settings. if "REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE" not in os.environ: if verify_ssl: # Skip hostname verification if IP address specified instead # of DNS name. Prevents error from urllib3. try: from urllib3.util.ssl_ import is_ipaddress except ImportError: # is_ipaddres not present in older versions of urllib3 def is_ipaddress(hst): return re.match(r"^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$", hst) verify_hostname = not is_ipaddress(hostname) adapter = SSLContextAdapter(assert_hostname=verify_hostname) self.mount("https://", adapter) # If we're skipping SSL verification, urllib3 will raise InsecureRequestWarnings on # every request. Insert a warning filter so these warnings only appear on the first request. if not verify_ssl: from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning warnings.simplefilter("default", InsecureRequestWarning) self.filters = DEFAULT_FILTERS # Reuse an existing CAS connection if possible if swat and isinstance(hostname, swat.CAS): if isinstance( hostname._sw_connection, ): import base64 # Use the httpAddress action to retieve information about # REST endpoints httpAddress = hostname.get_action("builtins.httpAddress") address = httpAddress() # Retrieve domain via swat connection object instead of httpAddress domain = hostname._sw_connection._current_hostname protocol = address.protocol port = address.port auth = hostname._sw_connection._auth.decode("utf-8") # Checks to see if authentication was made via user/pass or auth token if auth.startswith("Basic"): # User/pass auth = auth.replace("Basic ", "") username, password = ( base64.b64decode(auth).decode("utf-8").split(":") ) elif auth.startswith("Bearer"): # Auth token token = auth.replace("Bearer ", "") else: raise ValueError( "A 'swat.CAS' session can only be reused " "when it's connected via the REST APIs." ) else: url = urlsplit(hostname) # Extract http/https from domain name if present and protocol not explicitly given protocol = protocol or url.scheme domain = url.hostname or str(hostname) self._settings = { "protocol": protocol or "https", "domain": domain, "port": port, "username": username, "password": password, } if password is None and client_secret is None: # Try to get credentials from .authinfo or .netrc files. # If no file path was specified, the default locations will # be checked. try: auth = swat.utils.authinfo.query_authinfo( domain, user=username, path=authinfo ) if auth: self._settings["username"] = auth.get("user") self._settings["password"] = auth.get("password") except AttributeError: # If swat package or authinfo module not available pass # Not able to load credentials using SWAT. Try Netrc. if self._settings["password"] is None: try: parser = netrc.netrc(authinfo) values = parser.authenticators(domain) if values: found_user, _, found_pass = values # Only use the credentials if they match the specified user (if # one was specified). if username is None or username.lower() == found_user: self._settings["username"] = found_user self._settings["password"] = found_pass except (OSError, IOError): pass # netrc throws if $HOME is not set # Set this prior authentication attempts self.verify = verify_ssl if consul_token: self.auth = self._request_token_with_consul( consul_token, client_id=client_id ) else: # Find a suitable authentication mechanism and build an auth header self.auth = self._get_authorization_token( token=token, username=self.username, password=self._settings["password"], client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, ) # Used to cache version info self._version_info = None # Used for context manager self._old_session = current_session() current_session(self)
[docs] def add_logger(self, handler, level=None): """Log session requests and responses. Parameters ---------- handler : logging.Handler A Handler instance to use for logging the requests and responses. level : int, optional The logging level to assign to the handler. Ignored if handler's logging level is already set. Defaults to DEBUG. Returns ------- handler .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ level = level or logging.DEBUG if handler.level == logging.NOTSET: handler.setLevel(level) self.message_log.addHandler(handler) if self.message_log.level == logging.NOTSET: self.message_log.setLevel(handler.level) return handler
[docs] def add_stderr_logger(self, level=None): """Log session requests and responses to stderr. Parameters ---------- level : int, optional The logging level of the handler. Defaults to logging.DEBUG Returns ------- logging.StreamHandler """ return self.add_logger(logging.StreamHandler(), level)
[docs] @versionadded(version="1.5.4") def as_swat(self, server=None, **kwargs): """Create a SWAT connection to a CAS server. Uses the authentication information from the session to establish a CAS connection using SWAT. Parameters ---------- server : str, optional The logical name of the CAS server, not the hostname. Defaults to "cas-shared-default". kwargs : any Additional arguments to pass to the `swat.CAS` constructor. Can be used to override this method's default behavior or customize the CAS session. Returns ------- swat.CAS An active SWAT connection Raises ------ RuntimeError If `swat` package is not available. Examples -------- >>> sess = Session('') >>> with sess.as_swat() as conn: ... conn.listnodes() CASResults([('nodelist', Node List name role connected IP Address 0 controller Yes]) """ server = server or "cas-shared-default" if swat is None: raise RuntimeError( "The 'swat' package must be installed to create a SWAT connection." ) # Construct the CAS server's URL url = "{}://{}/{}-http/".format( self._settings["protocol"], self.hostname, server ) kwargs.setdefault("hostname", url) # Starting in SWAT v1.8 oauth tokens could be passed directly in the password param. # Otherwise, use the username & password to re-authenticate. # Use this sessions info to connect to CAS unless user has explicitly give a value (even if None) if version.parse(swat.__version__) >= version.parse("1.8"): kwargs.setdefault("username", None) kwargs.setdefault("password", self.auth.access_token) else: kwargs.setdefault("username", self.username) kwargs.setdefault("password", self._settings["password"]) orig_sslreqcert = os.environ.get("SSLREQCERT") # If SSL connections to microservices are not being verified, don't attempt # to verify connections to CAS - most likely certs are not in place. if not self.verify: os.environ["SSLREQCERT"] = "no" try: cas = swat.CAS(**kwargs) cas.setsessopt(messagelevel="warning") finally: # Reset environment variable to whatever it's original value was if orig_sslreqcert: os.environ["SSLREQCERT"] = orig_sslreqcert return cas
@property def username(self): return self._settings.get("username") @property def hostname(self): return self._settings.get("domain")
[docs] def send(self, request, **kwargs): if self.message_log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): r = copy.deepcopy(request) for filter in self.filters: r = filter(r) self.message_log.debug( "HTTP/1.1 {verb} {url}\n{headers}\nBody:\n{body}".format( verb=r.method, url=r.url, headers="\n".join( "{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in r.headers.items() ), body=_pformat(r.body), ) ) else:"HTTP/1.1 %s %s", request.method, request.url) response = super(Session, self).send(request, **kwargs) if self.message_log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): r = copy.deepcopy(response) for filter in self.filters: r = filter(r) self.message_log.debug( "HTTP {status} {url}\n{headers}\nBody:\n{body}".format( status=r.status_code, url=r.url, headers="\n".join( "{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in r.headers.items() ), body=_pformat(r.text), ) ) else:"HTTP/1.1 %s %s", response.status_code, response.url) return response
[docs] def request( self, method, url, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, files=None, auth=None, timeout=None, allow_redirects=True, proxies=None, hooks=None, stream=None, verify=None, cert=None, json=None, ): url = self._build_url(url) verify = verify or self.verify try: r = super(Session, self).request( method, url, params, data, headers, cookies, files, auth, timeout, allow_redirects, proxies, hooks, stream, verify, cert, json, ) if r.status_code == 401: auth_header = r.headers.get("WWW-Authenticate", "").lower() # Access token expired, need to refresh it (if we can) if "access token expired" in auth_header: try: self.auth = self._request_token_with_oauth( refresh_token=self.auth.refresh_token ) # Repeat the request r = super(Session, self).request( method, url, params, data, headers, cookies, files, auth, timeout, allow_redirects, proxies, hooks, stream, verify, cert, json, ) except exceptions.AuthorizationError: pass return r except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e: if "REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE" not in os.environ: raise RuntimeError( "SSL handshake failed. The 'REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE' " "environment variable should contain the path to the CA " "certificate. Alternatively, set verify_ssl=False to " "disable certificate verification." ) raise e
[docs] def get(self, url, **kwargs): return self.request("GET", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, url, **kwargs): return self.request("POST", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, url, **kwargs): return self.request("PUT", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def head(self, url, **kwargs): return self.request("HEAD", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, url, **kwargs): return self.request("DELETE", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def cache_token(self, token, path): """Write an OAuth2 token to the cache. Parameters ---------- token : OAuth2Token Token to be cached. path : str Path to file containing cached tokens. Returns ------- None """ profiles = Session._read_token_cache(path) base_url = self._build_url("") # Top-level structure if no existing file was found if profiles is None: profiles = {"profiles": []} # Token values to be cached token = { "accesstoken": token.access_token, "refreshtoken": token.refresh_token, "tokentype": "bearer", "expiry": token.expiration, } # See if there's an existing profile to update matches = [ (i, p) for i, p in enumerate(profiles["profiles"]) if p["baseurl"] == base_url ] if matches: idx, match = matches[0] match["oauthtoken"] = token profiles["profiles"][idx] = match else: profiles["profiles"].append( {"baseurl": base_url, "name": None, "oauthtoken": token} ) Session._write_token_cache(profiles, path)
[docs] def read_cached_token(self, path): """Read any cached access tokens from disk Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file containing cached tokens. Returns ------- OAuth2Token or None """ # Map from field names in YAML to fields returned by SASLogon field_mappings = { "accesstoken": "access_token", "refreshtoken": "refresh_token", "expiry": "expiration", } profiles = Session._read_token_cache(path) url = self._build_url("") # Couldn't read any profiles if profiles is None: return # Check each profile for a hostname match and return token if found for profile in profiles.get("profiles", []): baseurl = profile.get("baseurl", "").lower() # Return the cached token if baseurl == url.lower(): data = profile.get("oauthtoken", {}) token = { field_mappings[k]: v for k, v in data.items() if k in field_mappings } token = OAuth2Token(**token) # Attempt to refresh if cached token has expired if token.is_expired: try: token = self._request_token_with_oauth( refresh_token=token.refresh_token ) except ( exceptions.AuthorizationError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, ): return # If refresh fails, dont return token, allow user to be prompted for login if not token.is_expired: return token
[docs] def version_info(self): """Get version information from the connected SAS Viya environment Returns ------- VersionInfo Notes ----- The resulting version information is cached and returned on any subsequent calls. This allows repeatedly checking version information without making redundant network calls to the SAS Viya server. """ # The Viya environment isn't changing, so there's no need to repeatedly make # service calls to check version information. If we've already cached the info # then just return it. if self._version_info: return self._version_info try: # Try to determine if we're talking to Viya 3 or 4 r = self.get("/licenses/grants") release = r.json().get("release") # If JSON response was not properly formatted then do not continue # NOTE: response can be logged & debugged with .add_logger() if release is None: return None # Convert 'V03' and 'V04' to just 3 or 4. major_version = int(release.upper().lstrip("V")) # No good way to get detailed version info from a Viya 3 environment. # At this point, we just assume it's Viya 3.5 and return if major_version == 3: self._version_info = VersionInfo(major_version) else: # Endpoint with detailed release info only available for Viya 4 cadence_info = self.get("/deploymentData/cadenceVersion").json() name = cadence_info["cadenceName"] release = cadence_info["cadenceVersion"] self._version_info = VersionInfo( major_version, cadence=name, release=release ) except HTTPError: # Ignore. We'll return None and (possibly) replace with correct info on subsequent call. pass return self._version_info
def _build_url(self, url): """Build a complete URL from a path by substituting in session parameters.""" components = urlsplit(url) domain = components.netloc or self._settings["domain"] # Add port if a non-standard port was specified if self._settings["port"] is not None and ":" not in domain: domain = f"{domain}:{self._settings['port']}" return urlunsplit( [ components.scheme or self._settings["protocol"], domain, components.path, components.query, components.fragment, ] ) def _get_authorization_token( self, token=None, username=None, password=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, ): """Authenticate with SAS Viya and obtain and access token. This method supports multiple authentication methods: - an existing OAuth2 token - password authentication - client credentials - Kerberos - cached tokens (from previous authorization codes) - authorization code If authentication using client credentials fails because the client_credentials grant type is not allowed the token cache will be searched for a valid token. If no valid token is found, the user will be prompted to generate and enter an authorization code. Parameters ---------- token : str, optional An existing access token to reuse. username : str, optional Name of the user account to use. Used for password authentication and Kerberos authentication. password : str, optional Password corresponding to `username`. Only used for password authentication. client_id : str, optional The id of the client to use during authentication. Overrides the SASCTL_CLIENT_ID environment variable. Used for password, client_credentials, and authorization_code access. client_secret : str, optional The client secret to use during authentication. Overrides the SASCTL_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable. Used for password, client_credentials, and authorization_code access. Returns ------- OAuth2Token Raises ------ AuthenticationError For invalid username/password combination or invalid client id and client secret combination. AuthorizationError If authorization code is invalid or if refresh token is expired. ValueError If a client id is specified (either through `client_id` or SASCTL_CLIENT ID) but no client secret is provided. """ if token: return OAuth2Token(token) if username and password: return self._request_token_with_oauth( username, password, client_id, client_secret ) client_id_provided = ( client_id is not None or os.getenv("SASCTL_CLIENT_ID") is not None ) client_secret_provided = ( client_secret is not None or os.getenv("SASCTL_CLIENT_SECRET") is not None ) # Attempt authentication with just client credentials if client_id_provided: if not client_secret_provided: # Authenticating with client credentials should require a client secret. raise ValueError( "A client secret must be provided whenever a client id is specified." ) try: return self._request_token_with_oauth( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret ) except RuntimeError: # If all we have is a client id & client password, there's no way to # know whether we're supposed to authenticate directly using the client # credentials, or prompt the user for an authorization code. Try # client credential authentication first since it doesn't require user # prompts, but if that fails do not raise an exception, we'll try # requesting an authorization code. logger.debug("Authentication using client credentials is disallowed.") # If the necessary Python package is installed try to get a token using Kerberos. # NOTE: username may be None since client may already have valid, cached # Kerberos tickets. If so, Session.username will be updated with the # username from Kerberos. if kerberos: try: return self._request_token_with_kerberos(username) except: logger.exception( "Encountered an error while attempting Kerberos authorization." ) else: logger.debug( "Skipping Kerberos authentication - kerberos and winkerberos " "packages not found." ) # Before we prompt the user for an authorization code, check if there's already # a valid token in the cache from a previous session. token = self.read_cached_token(self.PROFILE_PATH) if token is not None: return token # If we got this far, then no password and no kerberos. Try prompting the user # for an authorization code. auth_code = self._prompt_for_auth_code(client_id) token = self._request_token_with_oauth( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, auth_code=auth_code ) # Cache the token so we don't have to request user input again until the # token expires. self.cache_token(token, self.PROFILE_PATH) return token def _prompt_for_auth_code(self, client_id=None): """Prompt the user open a URL to generate an auth code. Note that this halts program execution until input is received and should only be used for interactive sessions. Parameters ---------- client_id : str, optional Returns ------- str Authorization code that can be used to acquire an OAuth2 access token. See Also -------- Session.get_oauth_token """ client_id = client_id or os.environ.get("SASCTL_CLIENT_ID", "") # User must open this URL in a browser and enter the auth code that's generated. url = ( self._build_url("/SASLogon/oauth/authorize") + "?response_type=code&client_id=" + client_id ) message = ( f"Please use a web browser to login at the following URL to get your " f"authorization code:\n{url}" ) print(message) auth_code = input("Authorization Code:") return auth_code @staticmethod def _read_token_cache(path): """Read cached OAuth2 access tokens from disk. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file containing cached tokens. Returns ------- dict or None Raises ------ RuntimeError If file permissions are too permissive. """ yaml_file = os.path.expanduser(path) # See if a token has been cached for the hostname if os.path.exists(yaml_file): # Get bit flags indicating access permissions mode = os.stat(yaml_file).st_mode flags = oct(mode)[-3:] if flags != "600": raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to read profile cache. The file permissions for " f"{yaml_file} must be configured so that only the file owner has " f"read/write permissions (equivalent to 600 on Linux systems)." ) with open(yaml_file) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) return None def _request_token_with_consul(self, consul_token, client_id=None): """Request an OAuth token from Consul. This functionality is reserved for system administrators as access to the Consul token is restricted. Parameters ---------- consul_token : str A Consul ACL token client_id : str, optional The name of the client being used to access the service. Returns ------- OAuth2Token Raises ------ AuthenticationError If unable to retrieve an access token for any reason. """ client_id = client_id or "" headers = {"X-Consul-Token": consul_token} params = {"callback": False, "serviceId": client_id} url = self._build_url("/SASLogon/oauth/clients/consul") response = super(Session, self).post( url, headers=headers, params=params, verify=self.verify, ) try: response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() return OAuth2Token(**data) except requests.HTTPError as e: raise exceptions.AuthenticationError( msg="Failed to authenticate using Consul token." ) from e def _request_token_with_kerberos(self, username=None): """Authenticate with a Kerberos ticket. Parameters ---------- username : str, optional Returns ------- OAuth2Token Raises ------ RuntimeError If required kerberos package is not installed. ValueError If there is any issue with the server's response to the authorization request. """ if kerberos is None: raise RuntimeError( "Kerberos package not found. Run 'pip " "install sasctl[kerberos]' to install." ) flags = kerberos.GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG | kerberos.GSS_C_SEQUENCE_FLAG service = "HTTP@%s" % self._settings["domain"]"Attempting Kerberos authentication to %s", service) url = self._build_url( "/SASLogon/oauth/authorize?client_id=sas.tkmtrb&response_type=token" ) # Get Kerberos challenge r = self.get(url, allow_redirects=False, verify=self.verify) if r.status_code != 401: raise ValueError( "Kerberos challenge response not received. " "Expected HTTP 401 but received %s" % r.status_code ) if "www-authenticate" not in r.headers: raise ValueError( "Kerberos challenge response not received. " "'WWW-Authenticate' header not received." ) if "Negotiate" not in r.headers["www-authenticate"]: raise ValueError( "Kerberos challenge response not received. " "'WWW-Authenticate' header contained '%s', " "expected 'Negotiate'." % r.headers["www-authenticate"] ) # Initialize a request to KDC for a ticket to access the service. _, context = kerberos.authGSSClientInit( service, principal=username, gssflags=flags ) # Send the request. # NOTE: empty-string parameter required for initial call. kerberos.authGSSClientStep(context, "") # Get the KDC response auth_header = "Negotiate %s" % kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(context) # Get the user that was used for authentication username = kerberos.authGSSClientUserName(context) # Drop @REALM from username and store if username is not None: self._settings["username"] = username.rsplit("@", maxsplit=1)[0] # Response to Kerberos challenge with ticket r = self.get( url, headers={"Authorization": auth_header}, allow_redirects=False, verify=self.verify, ) if "Location" not in r.headers: raise ValueError( "Invalid authentication response." "'Location' header not received." ) match ="(?<=access_token=)[^&]*", r.headers["Location"]) if match is None: raise ValueError( "Invalid authentication response. 'Location' " "header does not contain an access token." ) # Extract access token and return as an Oauth token return OAuth2Token( def _request_token_with_oauth( self, username=None, password=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, auth_code=None, refresh_token=None, ): """Request a token from the SAS SASLogon service. Supports four different flows: - authenticate with a username & password and receive a token - authenticate with a client id & secret and receive a token - provide an authorization code and receive a token - provide a refresh token and receive a new token Parameters ---------- username : str, optional Username of the user in SAS Viya. Required for password authentication flow. password : str, optional Password of the user in SAS Viya. Required for password authentication flow. client_id : str, optional Client ID of a client registered with SAS Viya. Required for client credentials flow, but will use a default client ID if not provided during password or authorization code flows. client_secret : str, optional Client secret of a client registered with SAS Viya. Required for client credentials flow, but will use a default if not provided during password or authorization code flows. auth_code : str, optional An authorization code obtained by the user after authenticating with SAS Viya. Required for authorization code flow. refresh_token : str, optional A refresh token obtained during a previous authorization request. Required if requesting a refreshed access token. Returns ------- OAuth2Token Raises ------ ValueError If no valid parameter combination is provided. RuntimeError If the requested grant type is not allowed for the given `client_id`. AuthenticationError For invalid username/password combination or invalid client id/secret combination. AuthorizationError If authorization code is invalid or if refresh token is expired. requests.HTTPError For any unexpected/unhandled HTTP error code (e.g. HTTP 404) requests.ConnectionError If there's an issue establishing a connection with the server. """ client_id = client_id or os.getenv("SASCTL_CLIENT_ID", "") client_secret = client_secret or os.getenv("SASCTL_CLIENT_SECRET", "") # Order in which parameters are checked is important. Passing client # credentials could indicate password, auth code, or client credential # authentication. Only use client credential flow if first two are # ruled out. if username: anchor = "#password" data = { "grant_type": "password", "username": username, "password": password, } logger.debug("Attempting password authentication as user '%s'.", username) elif auth_code: anchor = "#authorization_code" data = {"grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": auth_code} logging.debug("Attempting authorization using an auth code.") elif client_secret: anchor = "#client_credentials" data = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"} logger.debug( "Attempting client credential authentication as client '%s'.", client_id ) elif refresh_token: anchor = "" data = {"grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": refresh_token} else: raise ValueError("At least one set of parameters must be provided.") headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", } url = self._build_url(f"/SASLogon/oauth/token{anchor}") response = super(Session, self).post( url, headers=headers, data=data, auth=(client_id, client_secret), verify=self.verify, ) try: data = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: # A valid response (and some HTTP errors) should contain valid JSON. In # the extremely unlikely event that an HTTP error is returned that doesn't # include JSON (e.g. HTTP 404) just raise the HTTP error. response.raise_for_status() # If request failed for a known reason, raise a user-friendly error message. if ( response.status_code == 400 and auth_code is not None and "Invalid authorization code" in data.get("error_description", "") ): raise exceptions.AuthorizationError( f"Invalid authorization code: {auth_code}." ) if response.status_code == 401: # Response is the same if either username/password or client id/secret is # invalid ('{"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"Bad credentials"}') # We're assuming that if a username was provided, that's probably the problem. # NOTE: this does mean that valid credentials with incorrectly set client # id & secret results in an error message that blames the username # and password combination. if "bad credentials" in data.get("error_description", "").lower(): if username is not None: raise exceptions.AuthenticationError(username) raise exceptions.AuthenticationError(msg="Invalid client id or secret.") # If client used is not allowed to authenticate using the requested method # an error is returned. Example: # '{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Unauthorized grant type: password"}' if "unauthorized grant type" in data.get("error_description", "").lower(): raise RuntimeError(data["error_description"]) if refresh_token is not None and data.get("error", "") == "invalid_token": raise exceptions.AuthorizationError( "Refresh token is incorrect, expired, or revoked." ) # Raise a generic exception for any other issues response.raise_for_status() return OAuth2Token(**data) @staticmethod def _write_token_cache(profiles, path): """ Parameters ---------- profiles : dict path : str Returns ------- None """ yaml_file = os.path.expanduser(path) # Create parent .sas folder if needed sas_dir = os.path.dirname(yaml_file) if not os.path.exists(sas_dir): os.mkdir(sas_dir) with open(yaml_file, "w") as f: yaml.dump(profiles, f) # Get bit flags indicating access permissions mode = os.stat(yaml_file).st_mode flags = oct(mode)[-3:] # Ensure access to file is restricted if flags != "600": os.chmod(yaml_file, 0o600) def __enter__(self): super(Session, self).__enter__() # Make this the current session # self._old_session = current_session() # current_session(self) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # Restore previous current session current_session(self._old_session) super(Session, self).__exit__() def __str__(self): return ( "{class_}(hostname='{hostname}', username='{username}', " "protocol='{protocol}', verify_ssl={verify})".format( class_=type(self).__name__, hostname=self.hostname, username=self.username, protocol=self._settings.get("protocol"), verify=self.verify, ) )
[docs] class PageIterator: """Iterates through a collection that must be "paged" from the server. Pages contain a batch of items from the overall collection. Iterates the series of pages and returns a single batch of items each time `next()` is called. Parameters ---------- obj : RestObj An instance of `RestObj` containing any initial items and a link to retrieve additional items. session : Session The `Session` instance to use for requesting additional items. Defaults to current_session() threads : int Number of threads allocated to downloading additional pages. Yields ------ List[RestObj] Items contained in the current page """ def __init__(self, obj, session=None, threads=4): self._num_threads = threads # Session to use when requesting items self._session = session or current_session() self._pool = None self._requested = [] link = get_link(obj, "next") # Dissect the "next" link so it can be reformatted and used by # parallel threads if link is None: self._min_queue_len = 0 self._start = 0 self._limit = 0 else: link = link["href"] start ="(?<=start=)[\d]+", link) limit ="(?<=limit=)[\d]+", link) # Construct a new link with format params # Result is "/spam/spam?start={start}&limit={limit}" link = ( link[: start.start()] + "{start}" + link[start.end() : limit.start()] + "{limit}" + link[limit.end() :] ) self._start = int( self._limit = int( # Length at which to beging requesting new items from the server self._min_queue_len = self._limit self._next_link = link # Store the current items to iterate over self._obj = obj def __next__(self): if self._pool is None: self._pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self._num_threads ) # Send request for new pages if we don't have enough cached num_req_needed = self._num_threads - len(self._requested) for _ in range(num_req_needed): self._requested.append(self._pool.submit(self._request_async, self._start)) self._start += self._limit # If this is the first time next() has been called, return the items # contained in the initial page. if self._obj is not None: result = [RestObj(x) for x in self._obj["items"]] self._obj = None return result # Make sure the next page has been received if self._requested: items = self._requested.pop(0).result() if not items: raise StopIteration return items raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): # All Iterators are also Iterables return self def _request_async(self, start): """Used by worker threads to retrieve next batch of items.""" if self._next_link is None: return [] # Format the link to retrieve desired batch link = self._next_link.format(start=start, limit=self._limit) r = get(link, format="json", session=self._session) r = RestObj(r) return [RestObj(x) for x in r["items"]]
[docs] class PagedItemIterator: """Iterates through a collection that must be "paged" from the server. Uses `PageIterator` to transparently download pages of items from the server as needed. Parameters ---------- obj : RestObj An instance of `RestObj` containing any initial items and a link to retrieve additional items. session : Session The `Session` instance to use for requesting additional items. Defaults to current_session() threads : int Number of threads allocated to downloading additional items. Yields ------ RestObj Notes ----- Value returned by len() is an approximate count of the items available. The actual number of items returned may be greater than or less than this number. See Also -------- PageIterator """ def __init__(self, obj, session=None, threads=4): # Iterates over whole pages of items self._pager = PageIterator(obj, session, threads) # Store items from latest page that haven't been returned yet. self._cache = [] # Total number of items to iterate over if "count" in obj: # NOTE: "count" may be an (over) estimate of the number of items available # since some may be inaccessible due to user permissions & won't # actually be returned. self._count = int(obj.count) else: self._count = len(obj["items"]) def __len__(self): return self._count def __next__(self): # Get next page of items if we're currently out if not self._cache: self._cache = next(self._pager) # Return the next item if self._cache: self._count -= 1 return self._cache.pop(0) raise StopIteration() def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] class PagedListIterator: """Iterates over an instance of PagedList Parameters ---------- l : list-like """ def __init__(self, l): self.__list = l self.__index = 0 def __next__(self): if self.__index >= len(self.__list): raise StopIteration try: item = self.__list[self.__index] self.__index += 1 return item except IndexError: # Because PagedList length is approximate, iterating can result in # indexing outside the array. Just stop the iteration if that occurs. raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] class PagedList(list): """List that dynamically loads items from the server. Parameters ---------- obj : RestObj An instance of `RestObj` containing any initial items and a link to retrieve additional items. session : Session, optional The `Session` instance to use for requesting additional items. Defaults to current_session() threads : int, optional Number of threads allocated to loading additional items. Notes ----- Value returned by len() is an approximate count of the items available. The actual length is not known until all items have been pulled from the server. See Also -------- PagedItemIterator """ def __init__(self, obj, session=None, threads=4): super(PagedList, self).__init__() self._paged_items = PagedItemIterator(obj, session=session, threads=threads) # Go ahead and add the items that were initially returned. # Do this by "paging" so iterator remains at the correct spot. for _ in range(len(obj["items"])): self.append(next(self._paged_items)) # Assume that server has more items available self._has_more = True def __len__(self): if self._has_more: # Estimate the total length as items downloaded + items still on server return super(PagedList, self).__len__() + len(self._paged_items) else: # We've pulled everything from the server, so we have an exact length now. return super(PagedList, self).__len__() def __iter__(self): return PagedListIterator(self) def __getslice__(self, i, j): # Removed from Py3.x but still implemented in CPython built-in list # Override to ensure __getitem__ is used instead. return self.__getitem__(slice(i, j)) def __getitem__(self, item): if hasattr(item, "stop"): # `item` is a slice # if no stop was specified, assume full length idx = item.stop or len(self) else: idx = int(item) # Support negative indexing. Need to load items up to len() - idx. if idx < 0: idx = len(self) + idx try: # Iterate through server-side pages until we've loaded # the item at the requested index. while super(PagedList, self).__len__() <= idx: n = next(self._paged_items) self.append(n) except StopIteration: # We've hit the end of the paging so the server has no more items to retrieve. self._has_more = False # Get the item from the list return super(PagedList, self).__getitem__(item) def __repr__(self): string = super(PagedList, self).__repr__() # If the list has more "items" than are stored in the underlying list # then there are more downloads to make. if len(self) - super(PagedList, self).__len__() > 0: string = string.rstrip("]") + ", ...]" return string
[docs] class VersionInfo: """Stores the version information for a SAS Viya environment. Parameters ---------- major : int Major version number (e.g. 3 for Viya 3.5 or 4 for Viya 4.0) minor : int Minor version number (e.g. 5 for Viya 3.5 or 0 for Viya 4.0) cadence : str, optional Release cadence for Viya 4. Should be one of 'stable' or 'LTS'. release : str, optional Release number for Viya 4. Two formats are currently possible: - YYYY.R.U where R is the LTS release number in YYYY and U is the updates since R - YYYY.MM where MM is the month of the release. """ def __init__(self, major, minor=None, cadence=None, release=None): self._major = major self._minor = minor if minor else 5 if major == 3 else 0 self._cadence = str(cadence) if cadence else None self._release = str(release) if release else None def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other def __gt__(self, other): return self._compare(other) > 0 def __lt__(self, other): return self._compare(other) < 0 def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __eq__(self, other): return self._compare(other) == 0 def __float__(self): return float(self._major) + 0.1 * (self._minor or 0) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.major, self.minor, self.release)) def _compare(self, other): """Compare and return -1/0/1 indicating lt/eq/gt. Parameters ---------- other : any Returns ------- int -1 if < `other`, 0 if equal, and 1 if > `other`. """ # Compare Major/Minor versions (e.g. Viya 3.5 < Viya 4.0) if float(self) > float(other): return 1 if float(self) < float(other): return -1 # If comparing two Viya 4 versions, may need to check actual release number to determine order if self.release and getattr(other, "release", None): if self._release == other.release: return 0 parts = self.release.split(".") other_parts = other.release.split(".") # Release format was changed from YYYY.r.u to YYYY.MM so any release with 2 '.' is older than # a release with 1 '.' if len(parts) == 2 and len(other_parts) == 3: return 1 if len(parts) == 3 and len(other_parts) == 2: return -1 # If we got this far then both version numbers should have the same release format. # Earlier release is the one with at least one component part that is lower for a, b in zip(parts, other_parts): if int(a) < int(b): return -1 if int(a) > int(b): return 1 # Either other doesn't have a .release or we compared all components of .release and # they were all equal return 0 def __repr__(self): name = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(major={self._major}, minor={self._minor}" if self._cadence: name += ", cadence='%s'" % self._cadence if self._release: name += ", release='%s'" % self._release return name + ")" @property def cadence(self): return self._cadence @property def major(self): return self._major @property def minor(self): return self._minor @property def release(self): return self._release
[docs] def is_uuid(id_): try: UUID(str(id_)) return True except (ValueError, TypeError): return False
[docs] def get(path, **kwargs): """Send a GET request. Parameters ---------- path : str The path portion of the URL. kwargs : any Passed to `request`. Returns ------- RestObj or None The results or None if the resource was not found. """ try: return request("get", path, **kwargs) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: return None # Resource not found raise e
[docs] def post(path, **kwargs): """Send a POST request. Parameters ---------- path : str The path portion of the URL. kwargs : any Passed to `request`. Returns ------- RestObj """ return request("post", path, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(path, item=None, **kwargs): """Send a PUT request. Parameters ---------- path : str The path portion of the URL. item : RestObj, optional A existing object to PUT. If provided, ETag and Content-Type headers will automatically be specified. kwargs : any Passed to `request`. Returns ------- RestObj """ # If call is in the format put(url, RestObj), automatically fill in header # information if item is not None and isinstance(item, RestObj): get_headers = getattr(item, "_headers", None) if get_headers is not None: # Update the headers param if it was specified headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) headers.setdefault("If-Match", get_headers.get("etag")) headers.setdefault("Content-Type", get_headers.get("content-type")) return request("put", path, json=item, headers=headers) return request("put", path, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(path, **kwargs): """Send a DELETE request. Parameters ---------- path : str The path portion of the URL. kwargs : any Passed to `request`. Returns ------- RestObj """ return request("delete", path, **kwargs)
[docs] def request(verb, path, session=None, format="auto", **kwargs): """Send an HTTP request with a session. Parameters ---------- verb : str A valid HTTP request verb. path : str Path portion of URL to request. session : Session, optional Defaults to `current_session()`. format : {'auto', 'rest', 'response', 'content', 'json', 'text'} The format of the return response. Defaults to `auto`. rest: `RestObj` constructed from JSON. response: the raw `Response` object. content: Response.content json: Response.json() text: Response.text auto: `RestObj` constructed from JSON if possible, otherwise same as `text`. kwargs : any Additional arguments are passed to the session `request` method. Returns ------- """ session = session or current_session() if session is None: raise TypeError("No `Session` instance found.") format = "auto" if format is None else str(format).lower() if format not in ("auto", "response", "content", "text", "json", "rest"): raise ValueError response = session.request(verb, path, **kwargs) if 400 <= response.status_code <= 599: raise HTTPError( response.url, response.status_code, response.text, response.headers, None ) # Return the raw response if requested if format == "response": return response if format == "json": return response.json() if format == "text": return response.text if format == "content": return response.content try: obj = _unwrap(response.json()) # ETag is required to update any object # May not be returned on all responses (e.g. listing # multiple objects) if isinstance(obj, RestObj): obj._headers = response.headers return obj except ValueError: if format == "rest": return RestObj() return response.text
[docs] def uri_as_str(obj): """Get the URI of a resource in string format. Parameters ---------- obj : str or dict Strings are assumed to be URIs and are returned as is. Dictionary objects will be checked for a `self` URI and returned if found. Returns ------- str Resource URI or None if not found """ if isinstance(obj, dict): link = get_link(obj, "self") if isinstance(link, dict): return link.get("uri") return obj
def _unwrap(json): """Converts a JSON response to one or more `RestObj` instances. If the JSON contains a .items property, only those items are converted and returned. Parameters ---------- json Returns ------- """ if "items" in json: if len(json["items"]) == 1: return RestObj(json["items"][0]) if len(json["items"]) > 1: return PagedList(RestObj(json)) return [] return RestObj(json) def _build_crud_funcs(path, single_term=None, plural_term=None, service_name=None): """Utility method for defining simple functions to perform CRUD operations on a REST endpoint. Parameters ---------- path : str URL path to use for the requests single_term : str English name of the item being manipulated. Defaults to `plural_term`. plural_term : str English name of the items being manipulated. Defaults to the last segment of `path`. service_name : str Name of the service under which the command will be listed in the `sasctl` CLI. Defaults to `plural_term`. Returns ------- functions : tuple tuple of CRUD functions: list_items, get_item, update_item, delete_item Examples -------- >>> list_spam, get_spam, update_spam, delete_spam = _build_crud_funcs('/spam') """ @sasctl_command("list") def list_items(filter=None): """List all {items} available in the environment. Parameters ---------- filter : str, optional Returns ------- list A list of dictionaries containing the {items}. Notes ----- See the filtering_ reference for details on the `filter` parameter. .. _filtering: """ params = "filter={}".format(filter) if filter is not None else {} results = get(path, params=params) return results if isinstance(results, list) else [results] @sasctl_command("get") def get_item(item, refresh=False): """Returns a {item} instance. Parameters ---------- item : str or dict Name, ID, or dictionary representation of the {item}. refresh : bool, optional Obtain an updated copy of the {item}. Returns ------- RestObj or None A dictionary containing the {item} attributes or None. Notes ------- If `item` is a complete representation of the {item} it will be returned unless `refresh` is set. This prevents unnecessary REST calls when data is already available on the client. """ # If the input already appears to be the requested object just return it, unless # a refresh of the data was explicitly requested. if isinstance(item, dict) and all(k in item for k in ("id", "name")): if refresh: item = item["id"] else: return item if is_uuid(item): return get(path + "/{id}".format(id=item)) results = list_items(filter='eq(name, "{}")'.format(item)) # Not sure why, but as of 19w04 the filter doesn't seem to work. for result in results: if result["name"] == str(item): # Make a request for the specific object so that ETag is # included, allowing updates. if get_link(result, "self"): return request_link(result, "self") id_ = result.get("id", result["name"]) return get(path + "/{id}".format(id=id_)) return None @sasctl_command("update") def update_item(item): """Updates a {item} instance. Parameters ---------- item : dict Returns ------- None """ headers = getattr(item, "_headers", None) if headers is None or headers.get("etag") is None: raise ValueError("Could not find ETag for update of %s." % item) id_ = getattr(item, "id", None) if id_ is None: raise ValueError("Could not find property `id` for update of %s." % item) headers = { "If-Match": item._headers.get("etag"), "Content-Type": item._headers.get("content-type"), } return put(path + "/%s" % id_, json=item, headers=headers) @sasctl_command("delete") def delete_item(item): """Deletes a {item} instance. Parameters ---------- item Returns ------- None """ # Try to find the item if the id can't be found if not (isinstance(item, dict) and "id" in item): item = get_item(item) if isinstance(item, dict) and "id" in item: item = item["id"] if is_uuid(item): return delete(path + "/{id}".format(id=item)) raise ValueError("Unrecognized id '%s'" % item) # Pull object name from path if unspecified (many paths end in /folders or /repositories). plural_term = plural_term or str(path).split("/")[-1] single_term = single_term or plural_term service_name = service_name or plural_term service_name = service_name.replace(" ", "_") for func in [list_items, get_item, update_item, delete_item]: func.__doc__ = func.__doc__.format(item=single_term, items=plural_term) func._cli_service = service_name prefix = func.__name__.split("_")[0] + "_" suffix = plural_term if prefix == "list_" else single_term func.__name__ = prefix + suffix return list_items, get_item, update_item, delete_item def _build_is_available_func(service_root): def is_available(): """Checks if the service is currently available. Returns ------- bool """ response = current_session().head(service_root + "/") return response.status_code == 200 return is_available
[docs] @versionadded(version="1.5.6") def platform_version(): """Get the version of the SAS Viya platform to which sasctl is connected. Returns ------- string : {'3.5', '4.0'} SAS Viya version number """ warnings.warn( "platform_version() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " "Please use Session.version_info() instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) from .services import model_repository as mr response = buildVersion = response.get("build")["buildVersion"] try: if buildVersion[0:4] == "3.7.": return "3.5" elif float(buildVersion[0:4]) >= 3.10: return "4.0" except ValueError: pass # Version could not be found. Return None instead.