Source code for sasctl._services.microanalytic_score

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""A stateless, memory-resident, high-performance program execution service."""

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import isnan

from .service import Service

[docs] class MicroAnalyticScore(Service): """Micro Analytic Service (MAS) client.""" _SERVICE_ROOT = "/microanalyticScore"
[docs] @classmethod def is_uuid(cls, id_): """Check if the ID appears to be a valid MAS id. Indicates whether `id` appears to be a correctly formatted ID. Does **not** check whether a module with `id` actually exists. Parameters ---------- id_ : str Returns ------- bool Notes ----- Overrides the `Service.is_uuid` method since MAS modules do not currently use IDs that are actually UUIDs. """ # Anything that consists of only numbers, lowercase letters, # and underscores, and does not start with a number, looks like a # MAS id. return re.match("^[_a-z][_a-z0-9]+$", id_) is not None
list_modules, get_module, update_module, delete_module = Service._crud_funcs( "/modules", "module" )
[docs] @classmethod def get_module_step(cls, module, step): """Details of a single step in a given module. Parameters ---------- module : str or dict Name, id, or dictionary representation of a module step : str Name of the step Returns ------- RestObj """ module = cls.get_module(module) r = cls.get("/modules/{}/steps/{}".format(, step)) return r
[docs] @classmethod def list_module_steps(cls, module): """List all steps defined for a module. Parameters ---------- module : str or dict Name, id, or dictionary representation of a module Returns ------- list List of :class:`.RestObj` instances representing each step. """ module = cls.get_module(module) steps = cls.get("/modules/{}/steps".format( return steps if isinstance(steps, list) else [steps]
[docs] @classmethod def execute_module_step(cls, module, step, return_dict=True, **kwargs): """Call a module step with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- module : str or dict Name, id, or dictionary representation of a module step : str Name of the step return_dict : bool, optional Whether the results should be returned as a dictionary instead of a tuple kwargs : any Passed as arguments to the module step Returns ------- any Results of the step execution. Returned as a dictionary if `return_dict` is True, otherwise returned as a tuple if more than one value is returned, otherwise the single value. """ module_name = if hasattr(module, "name") else str(module) module = cls.get_module(module) if module is None: raise ValueError("Module '{}' was not found.".format(module_name)) module = step = if hasattr(step, "id") else step # Make sure all inputs are JSON serializable # Common types such as numpy.int64 and numpy.float64 are NOT # serializable for k in kwargs: type_name = type(kwargs[k]).__name__ if type_name == "float64": kwargs[k] = float(kwargs[k]) elif type_name == "int64": kwargs[k] = int(kwargs[k]) body = {"inputs": [{"name": k, "value": v} for k, v in kwargs.items()]} # Convert NaN to None (null) before calling MAS for i in body["inputs"]: try: if isnan(i["value"]): i["value"] = None except TypeError: pass r ="/modules/{}/steps/{}".format(module, step), json=body) # Convert list of name/value pair dictionaries to single dict outputs = OrderedDict() for output in r.get("outputs", []): k, v = output["name"], output.get("value") # Remove padding from CHAR columns if isinstance(v, str): v = v.strip() outputs[k] = v if return_dict: # Return results as k=v pairs return outputs # Return only the values, as if calling another Python function. outputs = tuple(outputs.values()) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] return outputs
[docs] @classmethod def create_module( cls, name=None, description=None, source=None, language="python", scope="public", ): """Create a new module in MAS. Parameters ---------- name : str description : str source : str language : str { 'python', 'ds2' } scope : str { 'public', 'private' } Returns ------- RestObj """ if source is None: raise ValueError("The `source` parameter is required.") source = str(source) if language == "python": t = "text/x-python" elif language == "ds2": t = "text/" else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized source code language `%s`." % language) data = { "id": name, "type": t, "description": description, "source": source, "scope": scope, } r ="/modules", json=data) return r
[docs] @classmethod def define_steps(cls, module): """Map MAS steps to Python methods. Defines python methods on a module that automatically call the corresponding MAS steps. Parameters ---------- module : str or dict Name, id, or dictionary representation of a module Returns ------- RestObj The module with additional methods defined. """ import types module = cls.get_module(module) # Define a method for each step of the module for id_ in module.get("stepIds", []): step = cls.get_module_step(module, id_) # Method should have an argument for each parameter of the step arguments = [k["name"] for k in step.get("inputs", [])] arg_types = [k["type"] for k in step.get("inputs", [])] # Format call to execute_module_step() call_params = ["{arg}={arg}".format(arg=a) for a in arguments] # Set type hints for the function type_string = " # type: ({})".format(", ".join(arg_types)) # Method signature # Default all params to None to allow method(DataFrame) execution input_params = arguments + ["**kwargs"] method_name = "_%s_%s" % (, signature = "def %s(%s):" % (method_name, ", ".join(input_params)) # If the module step takes arguments, then we perform a number # of additional checks to make the allowed input as wide as possible if arguments: # Perform some initial checks to see if the input is a Numpy array # or a Pandas DataFrame. Each will be handled separately. arg_checks = [ "first_input = %s" % arguments[0], "first_input_type = str(type(first_input))", "try:", " import pandas as pd", " if isinstance(first_input, pd.DataFrame):", " assert first_input.shape[0] == 1", " first_input = first_input.iloc[0]", " is_pandas = isinstance(first_input, pd.Series)", "except ImportError:", " is_pandas = False", "try:", " import numpy as np", " is_numpy = isinstance(first_input, np.ndarray)", "except ImportError:", " is_numpy = False", "if is_pandas:", " assert len(first_input.shape) == 1", " for k in first_input.keys():", ] for arg in arguments: arg_checks.append(" if k.lower() == '%s':" % arg.lower()) arg_checks.append(" %s = first_input[k]" % arg) arg_checks.append(" continue") arg_checks.extend( [ "elif is_numpy:", " if len(first_input.shape) > 1:", " assert first_input.shape[0] == 1", " first_input = first_input.ravel()", ] ) for i, arg in enumerate(arguments): arg_checks.append(" %s = first_input[%d]" % (arg, i)) # MAS always lower-cases variable names # Since the original Python variables may have a different case, # allow kwargs to be used to input alternative caps arg_checks.append("else:") arg_checks.append(" for k in kwargs.keys():") for arg in arguments: arg_checks.append(" if k.lower() == '%s':" % arg.lower()) arg_checks.append(" %s = kwargs[k]" % arg) arg_checks.append(" continue") # MAS does not attempt any type conversions, so int, decimal, etc # needs to be exactly typed or the call will fail. Cast everything # just to be sure. for arg, arg_type in zip(arguments, arg_types): if arg_type == "decimal": arg_checks.append("%s = float(%s)" % (arg, arg)) elif arg_type == "integer": arg_checks.append("%s = int(%s)" % (arg, arg)) else: arg_checks = [] # Full method source code # Drops 'rc' and 'msg' from return values code = ( signature, type_string, ' """Execute step \'%s\' of module \'%s\'."""' % (step, module), "\n".join(" %s" % a for a in arg_checks), " r = execute_module_step(%s)" % ", ".join(["module", "step"] + call_params), ' r.pop("rc", None)', ' r.pop("msg", None)', " if len(r) == 1:", " return r.popitem()[1]", " return tuple(v for v in r.values())", ) code = "\n".join(code) cls.log.debug( "Generated code for step '%s' of module '%s':\n%s", id_, module, code ) compiled = compile(code, "<string>", "exec") env = globals().copy() env.update( { "execute_module_step": cls.execute_module_step, "module": module, "step": step, } ) func = types.FunctionType( compiled.co_consts[0], env, argdefs=tuple(None for x in arguments) ) setattr(module,, func) return module