API Reference¶
Credentials([username, password, token, ...]) |
Construct an object that contains authentication information. |
CVAT Project¶
CVATProject([cas_connection, url, ...]) |
Defines a class to interact with a CVAT Project. |
CVATProject.get_annotations(image_table, ...) |
Fetch annotations from CVAT corresponding to the images in a CAS table. |
CVATProject.post_images(image_table) |
Create a CVAT task under the project and upload images from a CAS table to that task. |
CVATProject.save([caslib, relative_path, ...]) |
Saves a CVATProject in the specified caslib and relative path. |
CVATProject.resume(project_name, cas_connection) |
Resumes a CVATProject by reading it from the specified caslib and relative path. |
CVAT Authentication¶
Defines a class with methods for CVAT authentication. |
Authenticate a user against a CVAT server. |
Biomedical Image Table¶
BiomedImageTable([table, image, dimension, ...]) |
Implement biomedical image processing functions. |
Create a dictionary representation of this object. |
BiomedImageTable.fetch_image_array([n, qry, ...]) |
Fetch image array from this BiomedImageTable. |
BiomedImageTable.fetch_geometry_info([n, ...]) |
Fetch geometry information from this BiomedImageTable. |
Check if this table contains decoded images or encoded images. |
BiomedImageTable.sphericity(use_spacing, ...) |
Quantify the sphericity for the given component from this BiomedImageTable. |
Compute the morphological gradient for each 3D grayscale image in this BiomedImageTable. |
Image Table¶
ImageTable(table[, image, dimension, ...]) |
Base class for NaturalImageTable and BiomedImageTable classes. |
Create a dictionary representation of this object. |
Check if this table contains decoded images or encoded images. |
ImageTable.load(connection, path[, ...]) |
Loads images in an ImageTable. |
ImageTable.from_table(cas_table[, ...]) |
Creates an ImageTable from a CASTable. |
Natural Image Table¶
NaturalImageTable([table, image, dimension, ...]) |
Implement natural image processing functions. |
Create a dictionary representation of this object. |
Check if this table contains decoded images or encoded images. |
NaturalImageTable.mask_image(mask[, decode, ...]) |
Applies masking to an ImageTable. |
CAS Thread Tuner¶
CASThreadTuner.tune_thread_count(...[, ...]) |
Compute the optimal thread count for a given image action. |
CAS Thread Tuner Results¶
CASThreadTunerResults([cas_server_mode, ...]) |
Store and present results for the CAS thread optimization tool. |
Plot performance for given CAS thread tuner results. |
Image Utilities¶
ImageUtils.convert_numpy_to_wide(numpy_array) |
Convert a numpy image array to a wide image. |
Convert a string to CAS column name. |
ImageUtils.convert_wide_to_numpy(wide_image) |
Convert a wide image to a numpy image array. |
ImageUtils.get_image_array(image_binaries, ...) |
Get an image from a fetched array. |
Get an image array with a constant channel type from a CAS table. |
ImageUtils.get_image_array_from_row(...[, ...]) |
Get a 3D image from a row. |
display_image_slice(images, dims, ress, ...) |
Display an image slice in 3D. |
display_3D_image_slices_from_array(array[, ...]) |
Display 3D image slices in 3D. |
display_3D_image_slices(self, image[, hold, ...]) |
Display 3D image slices in 3D. |
display_3D_surface(surfaces, vdata, fdata[, ...]) |
Display the surfaces of an image. |