Protocol Revisions ================== Conary's internal XMLRPC API uses numbered revisions to negotiate which protocol will be used for client-server communications. Both clients and servers are expected to maintain system update functionality with reasonable forward- and backwards-compatibility indefinitely, so that clients can always update to the latest version. Version 73: - Added 'resumeOffset' arg to getChangeSet - Added 'extra' dictionary to return value from getChangeset. extra may contain a 'resumeOffset' key indicating how many bytes were skipped in the response changeset. extra may contain a 'tag' key holding an opaque checksum of the changeset. Version 72: - added getRoleFilters, setRoleFilters Version 71: - corrected accidental use of X-Conary-UsedAnonymous as an error flag Version 70: - added getDepsForTroveList, getTimestamps Version 69: - added getCommitProgress - prepareChangeset() returns a tuple of url, supportsGetCommitProgress (because the call is not supported on standalone repositories) Version 68: - added getFileContentsCapsuleInfo Version 67: - added getFileContentsFromTrove Version 66: - added getLabelsForHost Version 65: - getTroveInfo and getNewTroveInfo calls filter extended metadata from results for older clients Version 64: - getTroveInfo call understands CLONEDFROMLIST troveInfo Version 63: - added calls addRoleMember and getRoleMembers Version 62: - added xmlrpc api call commitCheck() - getPackageBranchPathIds now passes on a list of dirnames instead of filePrefixes Version 61: - The following methods have been renamed for consistency: addAccessGroup -> addRole addEntitlementGroup -> addEntitlementClass addEntitlementOwnerAcl -> addEntitlementClassOwner addEntitlements -> addEntitlementKeys deleteAccessGroup -> deleteRole deleteEntitlementGroup -> deleteEntitlementClass deleteEntitlementOwnerAcl -> deleteEntitlementClassOwner deleteEntitlements -> deleteEntitlementKeys getEntitlementClassAccessGroup -> getEntitlementClassesRoles getUserGroups -> getRoles listAccessGroups -> listRoles listEntitlementGroups -> listEntitlementClasses listEntitlements -> listEntitlementKeys setEntitlementClassAccessGroup -> setEntitlementClassesRoles setUserGroupCanMirror -> setRoleCanMirror setUserGroupIsAdmin -> setRoleIsAdmin updateAccessGroupMembers -> updateRoleMembers Version 60: - server side support for setUserGroupIsAdmin - addAcl and editAcl cannot be used for setting the admin flag anymore - fixed keyword arguments to work through proxy - don't include useAnonymous in return values - return exception details as (exceptName, args, kwwargs) insteace of (exceptName,) + args Version 51: - getChangeSet supports infoOnly parameter - parameters are passed as (args, kwArgs) instead of individually Version 50: - getChangeSet keeps (troveNeeded, filesNeeded, troveRemoved) information separate for each element of the job list Version 49: - added mirrorMode to getChangeSet and getFingerprints which forces files to be included in changesets whenever the changeset is across hosts Version 48: Conary 1.1.25 - Added extra argument to getChangeSet to force the creation of a specific changeset version. Version 47: - Added getNewTroveInfo and setTroveInfo - added addMetadataItems call Version 46: - Added hidden flag to commitChangeSet and hasTroves call (only allowed for users with mirror or write permissions, respectively) and the presentHiddenTroves() call which requires write permissions Version 45: - addDigitalSignature takes a VersionedSignatureSet object. This call is incompatible between versions 43 and 44 of the protocol (though this could be addressed, to a limited extent). - indicates that the repository can store V1 signatures and unknown troveinfo Version 44: - added support for decoding "chunked" Transfer-encoding requests from clients - added support for obtaining sizes of changesets > 2 GiB via the getChangeSet() and getFileContents() calls. The sizes are now returned as strings instead of ints. Version 43: - added getTroveReferences call. - added getTroveDescendants call - switched to fileId,pathId indexed changesets (changeset 2007022001) - added getChangesetFingerprints call (not exposed in netclient) - getTroveInfo now advertises troves as missing instead of raising PermissionDenied Version 42: Conary 1.1.17 - Client uses negotiated protocol version - getFileContents has authOnly parameter Version 41: Conary 1.1.16 - Added getTroveInfo call [proxy requires at least this version]